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52 Cards in this Set

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a complex, ongoing dynamic process in which meaning is generated and transmitted?
Name 10 factors that influence communication?
1.developmental stage
5.sociocultural background
Name communication techniques?
1.attentive listening
2.physical attending
7.offering self
8.giving information
10.clarifying sequence
11.presenting reality
Name 2 communication barriers?
2.agreeing or disagreeing
Why is communication important?
1. assess and meet client needs
2. builds relationships
the use of both the spoken an written word?
verbal communication
body language is the exchange of information without using words(e.g.,touch,facial expression,posture, gait, gestures, sounds voice tone, silence)?
Non verbal communication
goal directed and client centered. the nurse need to respond not only to the content of the client's communication but also to the feelings?
Therapeutic communication
the originator or source of the idea?
the idea
a means of transmitting the idea, which can be verbal or nonverbal
Medium or channel
the person who receives and interprets the message?
the receivers response to the message through feedback?
Means listening actively, using all the senses paying attention to both the verbal and nonverbal message and noting whether the two are congruent. being sensitive to the feeling the person in conveying and not slectively listening only to what the nurse wants to hear?
Attentive listening
a way of being present while listening. Name the 5 actions which indicate involvement?
1.facing the other person
2.open posture(do not cross arms or legs)
3. leaning toward the person
4. eye contact
5. relaxed(use natural gestures)
accepting silences of several minutes without making any verbal response?
Provide an example of providing general leads?
perhaps you would like to talk about...
encourages pt to verbalize and choose the topic of conversation
Being specific and tentative:
give an example of specific statement?tentative statement?
-you spilled the water, not youre clumsy
-You seem upset about...not youre upset today!
using open-ended questions:give an example?
-tell me about? , How are you feeling?,leads client to elaborate
using touch:
give an example:
-placing hand over the client hand
restating or paraphrasing: give an example
client"i didnt sleep a wink all night"
nurse "you had trouble sleeping"
seeking clarification:
this a way to make the clients broad overall menaing more understandable, give an example?
"im not sure I understand"
"would you say that again"
offering self: conveys caring , give an example:
"I'll stay with you until you feel better"
Giving information: provides info client may need or requested, give example:
"your surgery is schedule for 9 am"
acknowledging:give recognition, non judgemental
give and example?
"you walked twice as far today"
clarifying time sequence: give an example
client:"I took my pills already"
Nurse: "was that before or after lunch?"
Presenting reality: clients need help differentiating from real and unreal, give and example?
"that is not an elephant, its your television"
Focusing: Helping the client expand on a topic of importance
"lets look more closely at">>>>
reflecting:directs ideas, feeling,or questions back to clients to enable them to explore their own ideas and feelings, give an example?
client: what should i do?
nurse: what do you think might help?
summarizing: stating main points of conversation helps clarigy any necessary points and introduce future planning, give an example?
We've talked about...."
Name 10 non-therapeutic communication?
1.asking personal questions
2.giving personal opinions
3.changing the subject
4.automatic responses
5.false reassurance
6.asking for explanations
7.approval or disapproval
8.defensive response
9.passive or aggressive response
self-talk , self verbalization?
Intrapersonal communication
one to one interaction
interpersonal communication
interaction that occurs within a persons spiritual domain
transpersonal communication
interaction that occurs when a small number of persons meet together
small group communication
2 main principles to ensure effective communication in a group?
1. respect people as partners
2. listen actively to other people in the group
interaction with the audience
public communication
motivates one person to communicate with another
Nurse should focus on what areas during the nurse-client relationship?
1.clients needs
5.consistent and competent
6.respect confidentiality
7.consider family/culture
Name client health states that contribute to impaired communication
1.hearing or visual impairments
2.facial trauma
3.laryngeal CA
6.Aphasia after stroke or late stage Alzheimer's disease
10.unresponsive,heavily sedated
Nursing care measures for clients with special communication needs
Aphasia, mute, dysarthria
yes or no answers
sign language
visual cues, objects,pics
communication board
use blinks or finger movements
Nursing care measures for cognitive impaired pts?
-decrease distractions
-get clients attention prior to speaking
-allow client time to respond
-use simple sentences
-ask one question at a time
-include fam/friends
Nursing measures for clients who are unresponsive?
-call by name and speak to client
-explain all procedures and sensations
-avoid saying things pt should not hear
-provide orientation
Nursing measures for clients who are non english speaking?
-speak in normal tone of voice
-use an interpreter
-provide aids for communication
communicate with infants?
-use firm touch and gentle physical contact(cuddling,patting,rocking)
-hold infant so he or she can see the parents-
-talk softly
communicating with toddlers and preschoolers?
-interact with parents before approaching the child
-use simple words or short sentences
-assume a position at the child eye level
-allow child to touch and manipulate objects
communication with children of school age?
-talk to parent if child is shy
-allow to express concerns and fears, allow time for questions
-use comm.tech(drawing,playing)
communication with adolescents?
-give undivided attention
-praise good points and tolerate differences
-encourage expressions of ideas and feelings
-make expectations clear
-be courteous kind open minded
Before meeting the client the nurse
1.reviews data, med/nurs history
2.anticipates health concerns
3.id comfort for private interaction
4.plans enough time for intial interaction
Preinteraction phase
When the nurse and client meet and get to know one another, the nurse:
1.has warm empathetic manner
2.expects client to test for compentence and commitment
3.closely observes client and vise-versa
4.begins to make inference on clients behavior and messages
5.assess client health status
6.prioritize problems, id goals
Orientation phase
When the nurse and client work together to solve problems and accomplish goals, the nurse:
1.encourages client to express feelings about health
2.provides education
3.helps client set goals
4.takes action to meet goals
5.use therapeutic comm skills
6.appropriate confrontation
working phase
During the end of relationship the nurse:
1.remind termination is near
2.evaluate goal achievement
termination phase