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18 Cards in this Set

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Por favor, repita lo que me dijo.
Please repeat what you told me.
Todavia no le entiendo.
I still don't understand you
Mi espanol es limitado, y por eso, hableme con palabras comunes.
My Spanish is limited, and for that reason, speak to me in common words.
Por favor hable mas despacio.
Please speak more slowly.
No conozco esa palabra.
I'm not familiar with that word.
Necesito un interprete- espere un minuto.
I need an interpreter- wait a minute.
Entendio todo lo que le dije?
Did you understand everything that I told you?
Tiene preguntas?
Do you have questions?
con permiso
excuse me- in the way
excuse me- interrupting
Lo siento.
I'm sorry
Siento que haya tenido que esperar. Estamos muy ocupados hoy.
I'm sorry you had to wait. We are very busy today.
Tome su tiempo. Tenga cuidado!
Take your time. Be careful!
Espere un minuto, por favor.
Please wait a minute.
Me da mucho gusto haberle atendido.
I'm very happy to have served you.
Usted es muy amable.
You are very kind.
Mucho gusto en conocerlo/a.
Very nice knowing you (m/f).
Same to you.
Hasta pronto.
See you soon.