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25 Cards in this Set

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Chicken Pox
Vericella-zoster virus
same virus that in its latent stage causes herpes zoster (shingles)
SS:pruritic eruptions (rash), slight fever, anorexia, vesicles filled with coudy fluid
Common Cold
acute, usually afebrile viral infection
most common infections disease
SS:pharyngitis, nasal congestion, headache, watery eyes, mills, malaise
Tx: acetaminophen, fluids, rest, support immune system
sever inflammation and onstruction of upper airway, childhood disease
SS: Upper resp. tract infection, hoarness, laryngeal obstruction, bark-like cough
Tx: bring into cold air, rest, antipyretics
highly contagious toxin-mediated bacterial infection
infects respiratory tract
SS: green psuedo-membrane over oral mucous membrane, cough, sore throat, cough
complication may include HT, LU, KD
Viral disease marked by liver cell destruction
type A: contaminated food and water
type : body fluids, mainly blood
SS:Initial looks like common flu, later has dark urine, clay colored stools, and jaundice
Prevention: immune globulin vaccine
Herpes Zoster
Shingles Virus
from reactivation of vericella zoster virus since a previous episode of chicken pox
SS: fever, maiaise, sever deep pain, pruritis, herpetic eruptions - unilateral
Tx: calamine lotion, antipruritic, analgesic, antiviral drugs,
Infection Mononucleosis
Epsein-Barr virus (member of herpes group)
transmission: oral pharyngeal route (kissing) contagious before symptoms develop
SS: headache, fatigue, sore throat, swollen tender lymphs, splenomegaly
Tx: bed rest, symptomatic relief primarily
acute, highly contagious virus, capable of antigenic variation
prevention: immunizations in late fall, not good for ppl w/ egg feather or chicken intolerance (made from chicken embryo)
vaccine based on year before so not 100% effective
highly contagious virus, most serious of all communicable childhood diseases
Trans: direct contact or airborn droplets
SS: migraine like symptoms with throat stuff
blue grey specks with red halo appear on oral mucosa then rash behind ears neck and cheeks
Tx: bed rest, vaporizers, antipyretics, analgesics, symptomatic
acute viral disease affecting the parotid glands
trans:saliva or respiratory droplets
SS: myalgia, anorexia, malaise, fever, headache
parotid gland swelling, pain when chewing or sour liquids
25% of men may experience testicular involvement
Prevention: one attack almost always confers lifelong immunity
Necrotizing Fasciitis
streptococcal gangrene
streptococcal infection cause by bacteria
needs to be surgically removed
feed on human blood and lay eggs in body hairs or clothing fiber
bites produce irritation and a pururic eruption
lindane cream for therapy
whooping cough
cause by bacteria
SS: tracheobronchial mucosa, tenacious mucous => cough
need antibiotics or cough syrup
acute infection of lung parenchyma
caused by viral, bacterial or fungal
fever, cough with sputum, pleuritic pain, anorexia, vomitting, weakness.
polio virus
may be inapparent to fatal
transmission: direct contact with oropharyngeal secretions of feces
possibility of paralysis increases with pregnancy and old age
skin infection cause by ectoparasites (mites) which provokes allergy
female lays eggs in the skin
SS: itching which is worse at night
Strep Throat
caused by streptococcal infection - bacteria
SS: temp 38-40, sore throat (worse at swallow), red pharynx, swollen glands
use antibiotics
exotoxin-mediated bacterial infection, spores
can be fatal
transmits through deep puncture wound contaminated by soild dust or animal excretion
SS: local infection and tissue necrosis
toxins that enter blood stream and lymphatics can spread to CNS
muscle hypertonicity, tachycardia
toxic shock syndrome
aute bacterial infection cause by penicillin-resistant staph. aureus.
associated with continuous use of tampons during menses
SS: intense myalgia, high fever, vomiting, skoots, vaginal discharge, red rash on palms and soles
Mycobacterium Tuberculosis bacteria
can be inhaled
SS: non-specific like fatigue, weakness, anorexia, weight loss, night sweats, low fever, cough with sputum or flood, chest pains
antitubercular therapy
Chlamydial Infections
Urethritis in men, cervicitis in women, lymphogranuloma on both
treated by antibiotics
may be asymptomatic
Herpes Simplex
Recurrent viral infection
Type 1: oral, cold sores, fever blisters
Type 2: genital area
cross-infection can happen
provoked by fever, menses, stress, heat and cold, immune suppression
bacterial infection spread by direct contact
can spread transplacental
Primary phase: chancres, totally painless
Secondary: 2 months later, rash on palms and soles, war like lesions
transmission: direct, gential, anal, conjunctival, pharyngeal
females often asymptomatic carriers
males have purulent discharge, dysuria
may spread to uterus, tubes, peritoneum
Genital Warts
trans by sexual contact