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17 Cards in this Set

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Hepatitis B
affects liver
transmitted through blood exchange, hemodialysis, sexual contact and high risk behaviors
TX: hep B immunoglbulin to all NB's
Hepatitis A
affects liver
acquired via fecal oral route, can be sexual transmitted
initilally resembles a cold, smooth adherent white membrane over tonsils and throat. leads to myocarditis, toxemia, septic shock, and death within 6-10 days,
Tx: antitoxin and pnc
enters via a wound and affects the CNS
progressive stiffness and tenderness in muscles and jaw followed by all volunatry muscle movement
TX; tetanus immuneglobulin & antitioxin
dry cough, prog to persistent night time cough, follwed by sudden inspiration assoc with the sound of whoop, mucous plugs, respiratory distress,
Tx; supportive, O2 intubate fluids and rest
can cause infecions such as OM, acute epiglottiis, and meningitis
Tx; antibiotic
streptococcus pneumoniae
can cause pneumonia, meningitis, OM, pharyngitis, bacteremia, acute poststrep
tx; pcn and supportive
scalet fever
nasopharyngeal secretions of infected persons and carriers
SS; high fever, H\A, vomiting, white tonsils, tongue white then turns red, rash that blanches excpet in creases and skin folds
tx; supportive and antibiotics
can be mild and last a few days or can have pain and some stiffness in neck, back or legs or can be severe with SS of CSN paralysis\resp paralysis
rubeola\ measles
found in resp tract, blood and urine
ss; fever, malaise, 3 c's,koplik spots in mouth, red brown rash that blanches
tx; supportive
ss; low grade fever, malaise, rash
tx; supportive, isolate preg mothers
ss; fever, anorexia, H\A, malaise, earache with swallowing and paroitd swelling
tx; supportive, resp support, rest tx orchitis with warmth and support
roseola infantum
herpes virus 6
ss; fever 3-5 d, rose macules that blanch, irritable
tx; supportive
erthythma infectiosum
hpv b19
ss; mild fever, malaise, lethargy, HA, NV, rash, slapped cheek,
tx; suppotive
varicella zoster
ss; fever, malaise, anorexia, intense itching, rash
tx; supportive, isolation
neuro disabilites, hearing and limb loss
tx; anitmicrobial agents, tx symptoms, prevent comps
leading cause of sever gastro in infants and young children\ vomiting and diarrhea
tx; rehydration