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99 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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Get down, get off!
Buy it for me!
Help me!
Put it down! Turn it down!
Kiss me!
¡Cierra la puerta!
Close the door!
¡Ayúdale estudiar!
Help him study!
Answer me!
Hang up!
¡Dame el libro!
Give me the book!
¡Déjame sola!
Leave me alone!
Wake me up!
Teach me!
Listen to me!
Tell me! Talk to me!
Call me!
Wash it!
Get up!
¡Llega temprano!
Arrive early!
Move it!
Come in!
¡Pasame el pan!
Pass me the bread!
Ask him!
Prepare it!
¡Préstame el lápiz, por favor.
Loan me a pencil, please!
¡Quédate aquí!
Stay here!
¡Quitate la ropa!
take off your clothes!
Sit down!
Take it!
¡Trabaja ahora!
You work now!
Préstame el lápiz, por favor.
Loan me the pencil, please
¡Quédate aquí!
Stay here!
¡Quitate la ropa!
Take off your clothes!
Take it!
!Trabaja ahora!
Work now!
!Abre la puerta!
Open the door!
Eat it!
Write to me!
!Ponlo aquí!
Put it here!
Tell me!
Wait for him!
Wait for me?
Show me!
Ask him!
Eat it!
Get out of here. Leave.
Go up!
Get out of here!
¡Vuelve rápido!
Come back soon!
¡No le ayudes estudiar!
Don't help him study!
¡No me ayudes!
Don't help me!
¡No lo bajes!
Don't turn it down!
¡No te bajes!
Don't get down! Don't get off!
¡No me beses!
Don't kiss me!
¡No la cierres!
Don't close it!
¡No me lo compres!
Don't buy it for me!
¡No me contestes!
Don't answer me!
¡No cuelgues!
Don't hang up!
¡No me des el libro!
Don't give me the book!
¡No me des el libro!
Don't give me the book!
¡No me dejes sola!
Don't leave me alone!
¡No me despiertes!
Don't wake me up!
¡No me enseñes!
Don't show me!
¡No entres!
Don't enter!
¡No me escuches!
Don't listen to me!
¡No lo esperes!
Don't wait for him!
¡No me esperes!
Don't wait for me!
¡No lo laves!
Don't wash it!
¡No te levantes!
Don't get up!
¡No me llames!
Don't call me!
¡No llegues tarde!
Don't arrive late!
¡No me muestres!
Don't show me!
¡No te muevas!
Don't you move!
¡No pases por mi casa!
Don't pass by my house!
¡No lo pases a Juan!
Don't pass it to John!
¡No le preguntes!
Don't ask him!
¡No lo prepares!
Don't prepare it!
¡No le prestes dinero!
Don't loan him money!
¡No te quedes aquí!
Don't stay here!
¡No te quites los zapatos!
Dont take off your shoes!
¡No te sientes allí!
Don't sit there!
¡No lo tomes!
Don't take it!
¡No trabajes ahora!
Don't work now!
¡No la abras!
Don't open it!
¡No lo comas!
Don't eat it!
¡No te lo comas!
Don't eat it all!
¡No corras!
Don't run!
¡No te duermas!
Don't go to sleep!
¡No me escribas!
Don't write me!
¡No lo pongas!
Don't put it here!
¡No salgas!
Don't leave!
¡No subas!
Don't go up!
Don't go! Don't get out of here!
¡No vuelvas!
Don't come back!
¡No me digas!
Don't tell me!