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150 Cards in this Set

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=белокурый: he's dark but his sister is ...; =удовлетворительный: her work was only ...; = справедливый: the teacher was very ...when she marked our tests; = bright (weather): the weatherman says it will be ... tomorrow
depend on
=...; = полагаться на: he ....s..his wife to take care of the house
do up
=to fasten: can you ...the zipper at the back of my dress
even though
=although, если бы даже, хотя, несмотря на то что: he didn't wear a coat, ....it was snowing
=to get away: he ..ed from jail by climbing over a wall; =getting away from jail/from a dangerous situation: we had a narrow .. when the train hit our car
=выдвижной ящик: my desk has three ...s
to delight in
=to enjoy: he ...s..being rude to his friends
to set an example
=подавать пример: he ...s everyone a good ... by getting up early
=...; =выражение лица: his ...showed that he was angry
drop off
=to begin to sleep: she ..ed .. in front of the TV; =подбросить в смысле подвезти: I'll ...you .. at the library =I'll take to the library by car
dessert [di'zэrt]
=десерт: what's for ...?
conscience [konшэns]
=совесть; he has a quilty .... = he knows he has done smth wrong
=канализац. труба: there is a smell - the ...s must be blocked; = осушать, дренировать: the water will slowly ... away; the land needs ...ing
deaf [def]
= глухой: you have to shout when u speak to Mr. Jones because he's ...
=very serious illness: he caught a ... while in Africa
=капля: ...s of rain splashed into a the river; would u like a ... of wine; =distance which u might fall: there is a .. of twenty feet from the window to the ground; =to fall, to let smth fall: he ...ed the cup and broke it; prices are ...ing
to dust, dusted
=to wipe ...of something: have u ...ed the dining room table?
to drive, drove, driven
=...;=to make: the noise is ...ing her crazy
=осмеливаться: i would never ... to jump from that wall; = to say that someone is not brave enough to do smthng: i ...ed him to steal candy from the store
cashion ['kлjэn ]
=подушка под жопу: the sofa has three ...s; the chair with a red ...
in the end
=finally, at last: ...the police let him go home
=...;=sense of music: he has a good ... for music; she can play the piano by ...
=надежный: it is a very …car; syn reliable
draw up
=to prepare and write down: he ..past.. a plan to build three new schools
a good deal of/a great deal of
= a lot: we wasted .......of time
=свалка: take that old TV to the ...; = наваливать: he ..ed the bag of apples in the middle of the floor
=quite: i'm ...certain i have met him before; he has been working here a ... short time
drop in
= to visit: he ...ed .. to have a cup of tea; ....for coffee if you're nearby
drive way
=small private road which leads to a house or a garage
deal in
=to do business: he ....old cars
=палуба: the restaurant is on the third ...; =колода (карт): he took out a .. of cards
curtain ['kэrtan]
=занавеска, занавес: can u open the ...s? draw the ...s=close the ...s
=барабан: he plays the ..s in a band
even so
=все таки: it rained all day, but ...we had our picnic
=сверло, сверлить: he ...ed a hole in the wall; he made a hole in the wall with his electric ...
=зрение: he has very good ...
drown [draun]
=утонуть, быть утопленным: he fell into the sea and (was) ...ed;six people ...ed when the boat sank
=action of going across water: how long is the ... from engl to france; =перекресток: you must cross the street at the ...
=пасха: we have two days off at ...; we went to Canada last ...
defeat [di'fi:t]
=поражение: the... of the german army at stalingrad; =наносить поражение: suvorov ...ed the turkish army in 18th century
=завод, фабрика: he works in a car...; he runs a ... which makes furniture
=нырять: she ..ed off the rocks into the sea
faint adjective
=not very clear/difficult to see or hear: we could hear a ... noise behind the door; there's a ... smell of paint
drink up
=to ...all of something: ....your milk
dumb [dлm]
=немой: she's deaf and ...; =stupid: that's a ... way to open a bottle
on end
=with no breaks: he worked for hours ...
eye - verb (eyeing, eyed)
=to watch closely, смотреть внимательно, пристально: the cat is ...ing the fish
=...;=with equal scores: at the end of the game the two teams were ...; = regular: blood flows around the body at an ... rate
even up
=to make equal: i paid $10 and u paid $12 so i will give u a dollar to .. things ..
to deal with (delt with, has delt with)
= заниматься ч-л, организовывать ч-л: don't worry about the passports - i will ....them
=драпировка, портьера
draw, drew, drawn
=ничья: the game ended in a ..., 2-2; =to pull: can u ... the curtains-it is getting dark; =not to have a winner in a game: the teams ...past.. 1-1
curl [kэrl]
=локон, кудряшка, завиток; клубиться, кучерявиться: her hair ...s; the smoke ...ed up from the fire
damp [dэemp]
=a little wet: the ...climate makes me cough
=expected: the train is ..to arrive at 10:00; =which ought to be paid: the rent is ... next week; ...to = caused by: the cracks in the wall are ... the cld; the plane is late ...fog; = straight {in a direction}: the boat sailed ...west
dirt / dirty
= грязь грязный: don't sit in the ... - you'll get your clothes ....ty
подъемный кран
doubt [daut]
=сомневаться: i ...if he will come
faint verb
=потерять сознание: she ...ed when she saw the blood; it was so hot standing in the sun that he ..ed
to fall (fell, has fallen) through
=not to take place as planned: the trip to London ...past..
by far
=very much, намного: it is ..the cheapest way to travel; this car uses the least amount of gasoline ...
=chest of drawers with a mirror attached
=nice-looking: what a ... dog! a ... picture of the baby
=головокружительный, чувств. головокружение: he felt ... and had to sit down
dull [dлll]
=not exciting: he went to sleep watching a ... film on TV; life here is very ...; =not bright: ...weather; the car is painted .. gray
=lots : i've been there ....of times
desert ['dezэrt]
=пустыня, пустынный: he lived for three years on a ... island
=angry; mother is ...with you for drawing on the kitchen wall; =крест: Red ...; = пересекать
delight {noun}
=enjoyment, pleasure; he takes ... in being rude to people
dishcloth, dishrag
=cloth for washing dishes
duck (verb)
=to lower your head quickly to avoid hitting or being hit by smth: he ..ed as the stone went past his head; tall people have to ... as they go through that door
curl up
= сворачивать в клубок, скручивать: the little girl was ...ed... in the armchair
cruel [kruэl]
=жестокий мучительный:: it is ... to hit your dog with a stick
to keep a straight face
=not to laugh: he tried to....
face up to
=to agree that a problem exists and try to deal with it: you must try to ...the problem
conscious [konшэs]
=сознающий в сознании; it was two days after the accident before she became ...
glove [glлv]
=перчатка: put your ...s on if you are going to play in the snow
feel bad (about)
= to be sorry: i ....about you losing your job
=густая смазка: have u put any ... on your back wheel; =смазывать: he was ...ing the engine
a good deal of/ a good many
= a lot of: ....people know him
forgive (forgave, has forgiven)
=прощать: she ..past.. him when he said he was sorry
to fill a tooth
=ставить пломбу
gang [gээn]
бригада; банда
grain, no plural
=зерно, крупа: the fsrmer plants ...
=внезапно схватить,хватать, схватывать: the police chief ...ed his gun
=раньше: this house was ... a railroad station; she was ... the principal of the local school
that figures
= that makes sense
finish up
= to eat smthng completely: you must ...your potatoes
=жар, лихорадка: u must stay in bed untill the ... has gone
fasten ['fэesэn ]
=to fix tightly: the dress is ....ed with a zipper down the back
=вилка: each person had a knife, ... and spoon
give up
=stop doing smthng: i .... - i will never guess the answer, please tell me
fast asleep
=sleeping so that it is difficult to wake up
to flash
=...;=...to go very quickly: the car ...ed past the traffic lights; several motocycles ...ed by
=...; = странный: he was behaving in a ... way; there's a ... smell in the kitchen
on foot
=пешком: he went to the stores ....
to fire (fired)
=стрелять из огнестрельного оружия: we could hear the guns ...ing in the distance
firm (adj)
=крепкий; устойчивый: make sure that chair is ... before u sit on it
to fix
=...., =...., = to arrange:the meeting has been ...for the next week; =to get food ready: she's ...ing some drinks, can u ... me some breakfast
get by
=to pass: the truck is so wide no one can ...; = to manage to live: i can't ... on $100 a week
give out
=to come to an end: the battery ....past... so i can't use my radio
....; =to understand: she ...ed that u would come to the party
feed (fed, has fed)
=кормить, кормиться, питаться: it's time to .. the cows; cows... on grass; how can u .. the family when you don't have any money?.
feel like
i ..past...going for a swim = i suddenly wanted to go for a swim; do u .... a cup of coffee = would u like a cup of coffee
=..., =спущенная шина: his bicycle had a ... and so he had to walk home
finish off
=to do smth completely: have u ...ed .. your work
give in
=to agree with smthg even if you did not want to before: we asked him every day if we could go to the movies and in the end he ..past..
feather [fezar]
=перо: a duck with green ....s on its head
=во-первых: ...i dont want to go to school and .... i'm too sick to go to school
to fold
=складывать, сворачивать: he ...ed the letter and put it in an envelope; he ...ed up the newspaper; to ... your arms = скрещивать руки на груди
=пломба: i had to have 2 ...s when i went to the dentist's; =...(o еде)
to fit (fitted)
=....., = устанавливать, монтировать: i want to ... a new bathtub in the bathroom
get across
=пересекать: they ..past.. the river by boat; =to make someone understand: i'm trying to ...to him that he has to work harder
=жирный, засаленный: don't wipe your ...hands on your shirt; ... foods are not good for your skin
get around
=to move about; =to find time to do smthg: hopefully i will ..to painting the kitchen next month
=пламя: the .. of a candle, the car burst into ...s = suddenly started to burn
=решительно: she told them ... to keep quiet
=main part of building/ship/bicycle etc.: the bicycle has a very light ...; i've broken the .. of my glasses; picture ... = wooden edge around a picture
=кончик пальца: she touched the leaf with her ...
get through (with)
...; =to finish: when you...the the gardening, perhaps u could paint the fence
=ручной фонарь: the policeman shone his .... into the room
glow - n., v.
=bright warm light; to shine with a warm light: the .. of the fire; the fire...ed in the dark
=глазировка, глазирование
=невозгораемы: a ... dish
frown [fraun]
n = выражение неодобрения с нахмуренными бровями; v = хмурить брови, выражая недовольство: the teacher ...ed when he saw my work
fond of (adj)
=having a liking for: i'm ...food; she's ....dancing=she likes dancing
=мука:mix ... and butter together in a bowl
=крыло (автомобиля): the back ... was damaged in the accident
to set fire to
=зажигать, служить причиной возгорания: his sigarette ..past...the chair
=..., = bottom part, end: he sat at the ... of the stairs; the house is at the ... of the hill
=соус для мяса, подливка жаркого: would u like some more ...
=лягушка: a little green ... jumped into the river
firewood (нет мн. числа)
=дрова: the chopped the table up for ...
fine = noun, verb
=штраф: i had to pay a $100 ... for driving too fast; = штрафовать: he was ...ed $100 for driving too fast
for keeps.
=навсегда: he left the house ....; he gave her the ring ....
fine = adj
=...; = very thin/very small:sharpen your pencil to a very ... point; i can't read this book - the print is too ...;
flash bulb
galon ['gээlan]
fed up (with)
=сытый по горло: i'm ... with listening to all this talk; she's ... with school
to catch fire
=загореться, возгораться: take that carpet away - it might .....
get along
=to manage/to work: we seem to ....fine without any electricity; =to be friendly with: my neighbor and i don't ...very well
=жарить в масле или жире: do u want your eggs ..ed or boiled? he was ...ing onions in the kitchen