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30 Cards in this Set

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Which one of the following pharmacological agents is indicated for the treatment of hyperthyroidism?

A. Aspirin
B. Synthroid
C. Demeclocycline
D. Prophylthiouracil
D. Prophylthiouracil

Propylthiouracil is the only med that is appropriate for a pt with hyperthyroidism. Aspirin is contraindicated because it can exacerbate circulating triiodothronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) levels. Synthroid is exogenous T4 and should not be given. Demeclocycline is given to block antiduretic hormone (ADH) effects on kidney in pts with syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion (SIADH).
Which lab value is most consistent with diabetes insipidus?
A. blood glucose greater than 200 mg/dL
B. hematocrit greater than 30%
C. serum osmolality greater than 295 mOsm/L
D. Urine osmolality greater than 150 mOsm/L
C. Serum osmolality greater than 295 mOsm/L.

Pts with diabetes insipidus become quite dehydrated and will display unusually high serum osmolality. Hematocrit and blood sugar levels may become slightly elevated as a result of hemoconcentration, but, they will not be this abnormal. Urine osmolality will be quite low, reflective of the copious, dilute urine that accompanies diabetes insipidus.
Myexedema coma is characterized by all but which one of the following?

A. Hypotension, bradycardia, hypothermia
B. Tachycardia, hypotension, hypothermia
C. Hypothermia, tachycardia, hypertension
D. Hypoventilation, bradycardia, hypothermia
A. Hypotension, bradycardia, hypothermia

Pts with extreme hypothyroidism disorder will be bradycardic, hypotension, and hypothermic, and will hypoventilate. All the symptoms result from inadequate thyroid hormone.
The most serious underlying probelm for the pt with adrenal insufficiency is:
A. hyperkalemia
B. dehydration
C. hyperglycemia
D. hypothyroidism
B. Dehydration

The pt with adrenal insufficiency will quickly dehydrate in the absence of cortisol and aldosterone.
Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is often precipitated by which one of the following conditions?

A. Overinsulinization
B. Growth spurt
C. Compliance with oral meds.
D. Taking insulin when acutely ill
B. Growth spurt

Diabetes Ketoacidosis (DKA) is often precipitated by couter-regulatory hormone activation: growth hormone, cortisol, and epinephrine. Using insulin when ill will protect the pt from DKA.
Traditional therapy for diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) consists of all but which one of the following?

A. Fluid replacement with isotonic saline, insulin, possible potassium replacement
B. Fluid replacement with normal saline, insulin, bolus of sodium bicarbonate
C. Fluid replacement with dextrose in 5% lactated Ringer's solution (D5LR) initially, insulin, clhoride bolus
D. Hemodialysis to correct underlying fluid and electrolyte disturbances, insulin, and oxygen
A. Fluid replacement with isotonic saline, insulin, possible potassium replacement.

Intial treatment for diabetic ketoacidosis includes rapid fluid replacement with isotonic or hypotonic saline, insulin, and supportive care. Typically the pt will not require sodium bicarbonate, chloride, or other electrolytes since fluid will usually correct the problem.
During hyperglycemic hyperosmolar state (HHS),

A. the anion gap is usually 15 mEq/L or greater.
B. ketonemia is present.
C. serum glucose levels may be 600-2400 mg/dL.
D. serum bicarbonate level is less than 10 mEq/L.
C. serum glucose levels may be 600-2400 mg/dL.

In hyperglycemic hyperosmolar state (HHS), the pt will produce sufficient insulin to avoid ketosis and will not display ketoacidosis or abnormally low bicarbonate. The pt will develop extremely high glucose levels and may also display lactic acidosis.
One initial goal of hyperglycemic hyperosmolar state (HHS) is to:

A. bring the blood glucose level to a normal range quickly.
B. alleviate ketosis.
C. diurese the pt aggressively.
D. rehydrate the pt slowly.
D. rehydrate the pt slowly.

In HHS, the pt is usually frail and elderly with a multitude of other medical complications. Fluid resuscitation must proceed slowly in order to avoid cerebral edema and pulmonary edema.
Severe hypoglycemia is usually caused by which one of the following?

A. missed meals or too much exercise
B. counter-regulatory hormones such as cortisol or epinephrine
C. skipping oral hypoglycemic medications
D. severe, critical illness in a pt with diabetes
A. missed meals or too much exercise.

Missed meals and excessive exercise will lower glucose levels. Counter-regulatory hormones (such as cortisol and epinephrine), skipping oral hypoglycemic meds, and severe illness in a person with diabetes elevate the glucose level.
Hypoglycemia can be treated by all the following excpet:

A. glucagon injection
B. glipizide orally
C. dextrose intravenous push
D. orange juice orally
B. Glipizide orally

Glipizide is a potent oral sulfonylurea drud that will aggravate hypoglycemia. Glucagon injection, dextrose IV push, and orange juice will all correct hypoglycemia.
A 14-year-old boy is admitted with DKA. He is exhibiting Kussmaul's breathing. This is most likely:

A. a sign of respiratory acidosis
B. an attempt to compensate for metabolic acidosis
C. caused by central nervous system failure.
D. a sign of underlying pneumonia.
B. an attempt to compensate for metabolic acidosis.

If bicarbonate anion is lost because of its displacement by ketoacid anions, excess carbon dioxide gas must be driven off at the level of the lung by hyperventilation.
A 40-year-old insulin-dependent diabetic is becoming increasingly stuporous. He is pale, diaphoretic, and tachycardic. The initial treatment of choice in this case is:

A. a low-dose insulin infusion.
B. a bolus of high-dose insulin
C. a bolus of 50% dextrose.
D. fluid replacement.
C. a bolus of 50% dextrose

Treatment of insulin reactions is always glucose. If the patient is too groggy, stuporous, or uncooperative to drink, a bolus of 25 g of 50% dextrose is given intravenously over several minutes.
A critically ill patient is admitted for "thyrotoxicosis." An appropriate nursing assessment would be:

A. checking the patient's temperature
B. monitoring intake and output.
C. performing daily weights.
D. assessing for signs of infection.
A. checking the patient's temperature

Extremes of manifestations, specifically temperature greater than 104 degrees F (40 degrees C) in the absence of infection, tachycardia, and CNS dysfunction, may be present.
A patient being admitted through the emergency room with a diagnosis of hyperosmolar hyperglycemia, nonketotic coma (HHS) will most likely have which of the following signs and symptoms upon arrival?

A. Dehydration
B. Hyperventilation
C. Cyanosis
D. Fluid overload
A. Dehydration

Marked dehydration develops if the patient is unable to maintain an adequate fluid intake.
Complications of hypothyroidism include:

A. paralytic ileus.
B. malignant hypertension.
C. pulmonary edema.
D. All of the above are correct
A. paralytic ileus.

Signs and symptoms of hypothyroidism include fatigue, weakness, decreased bowel sounds, decreased appetite, weight gain, and ECG changes.
Hypoglycemia or an insulin reaction is best treated with:

A. fluids.
B. glucose.
C. vitamins.
D. all of the above.
B. glucose.

Treatment of insulin reactions is always glucose.
If left untreated, a critically ill patient with diabetes insipidus can quickly develop:
A. fluid overload.
B. seizures.
C. hypovolemia.
D. pulmonary embolus.
C. hypovolemia

Diabetes insipidus can lead to water diuresis and dehydration.
In diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), glomerular filtration is decreased leading to a/an:
A. increased blood glucose.
B. decreased serum potassium
C. decreased serum creatinine.
D. both b and c.
A. increased blood glucose

As vascular volume falls, glomerular filtration also falls. This decreasing renal function leads to increasing blood levels of glucose, potassium, urea nitrogen, and creatinine.
In managing a patient with Addison's disease, the immediate goal of therapy is to:
A. control the dysrhythmias.
B. promote renal perfusion.
C. stabilize the body temperature.
D. restore hormones.
D. restore hormones.

The immediate goal of therapy is to administer the needed hormones and restore fluid and electrolyte balance.
In managing the patient with DKA, the immediate treatment modality would be to:

A. restore potassium levels
B. replace fluids.
C. administer dextrose.
D. control arrhythmias.
B. replace fluids.

Treatment goals for the patient with DKA include improving circulatory volume and tissue perfusion; correcting electrolyte imbalances; decreasing serum glucose; correcting ketoacidosis; and determining the precipitating cause.
In thyroid toxicosis, severe cardiac decompensation can most likely result from:
A. an altered, ineffective airway.
B. a reduced cardiac output.
C. poor renal perfusion.
D. ineffective breathing patterns.
B. a reduced cardiac output.

Cardiovascular decompensation, secondary to decreased stroke volume and reduced cardiac output, may be life-threatening.
Mineralocorticoid deficiency can result in:
A. hypoglycemia.
B. hypercalcemia.
C. hyperkalemia.
D. hypernatremia.
C. hyperkalemia

Laboratory values in acute conditions of glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid deficiency show hyponatremia, hyperkalemia, decreased serum bicarbonate levels, and elevated blood urea nitrogen.
Mr. Klein has oat cell carcinoma of the lung. He is currently admitted with acute mental status changes and a sodium level of 118 mEq/L. His diagnosis most likely is:

A. hypothyroidism.
B. Graves' disease.
D. diabetes insipidus.

Hyponatremia is the clinical focus and probable cause of hospital admission in patients with SIADH.
Myxedema is brought on by:

A. severe hyponatremia.
B. profound increased metabolism.
C. extreme hypothyroidism
D. adrenal crisis.
C. extreme hypothyroidism.

Myxedema coma is a rare, life-threatening emergency brought on by extreme hypothyroidism.
Propylthiouracil is administered to:

A. increase levels of triiodothyronine
B. block conversion of thyroxine to triiodothyronine.
C. manage symptoms of hypothyroidism.
D. take the place of thyroxine.
B. block conversion of thyroxine to triiodothyronine.

Propylthiouracil blocks the conversion of T4 to T3 in peripheral tissues.
The most common cause of primary adrenal insufficiency in the industrialized West is:

A. asbestos exposure.
B. malnutrition.
C. Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection.
D. autoimmune adrenalitis.
D. autoimmune adrenalitis.

The most common cause of primary adrenal insufficiency in the industrialized West is autoimmune adrenalitis.
The patient with diabetic ketoacidosis will most likely have:

A. hypo-osmolarity.
B. uncontrolled ketogenesis.
C. hypoventilation.
D. hypoglycemia.
B. uncontrolled ketogenesis.

The second major consequence of severe insulin deficiency is uncontrolled ketogenesis.
Undiagnosed Graves' disease can lead to:

A. thyroid crisis.
B. myxedema coma.
C. adrenal crisis.
D. syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion (SIADH).
A. thyroid crisis.

Specific diseases that cause hyperthyroidism include Graves' disease, exogenous hyperthyroidism, thyroiditis, toxic nodular goiter, and thyroid cancer.
Volume depletion in the patient with DKA is a direct result of:

A. glycosuria.
B. acidosis.
C. decreased glomerular filtration.
D. the brain's response to glucose deprivation.
A. glycosuria.

Glycosuria is largely responsible for volume depletion.
When assessing for lab abnormalities in the critically ill patient with the syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SIADH), the nurse will find:

A. plasma hyponatremia.
B. serum hyperkalemia.
C. serum hypercalcemia.
D. low urine specific gravity.
A. plasma hyponatremia.

Hypotonic hyponatremia is the hallmark of SIADH.