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60 Cards in this Set

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anything literal or psychological that interferes with accurate reception of the communication of the message
response to a message
physical and psychological envrionment for communication
sequence of interaction between individuals, during which the message of one person influences the message of another
mediated interpersonal communication
communication with others established or maintained through media (email, phones) rather than face-to-face
social information-processing theory
theory that explains how people use information they receive from others via email and other electronic media to develop relationships with others
word, sound, or visual image that represents a thought, concept, or object
a followable perscription that indicates what behavior is obligated, preferred, or prohibited in certain communication situations or contexts
new information, ideas, or suggested actions that a speaker wishes to share
relationship dimension
the implied aspect of a communication message, which conveys information about emotions, attitudes, power, and control
communibiological approach
theoretical perspective suggests people's communication behavior can be predicted based on personal traits and characteristics that result from their genetic or biological background
social learning theory
theory of human behavior that suggests we can learn how to adapt and adjust our behavior toward others; how we behave is not solely dependent on our genetic or biological makeup
the beliefs, values, and moral principles by which people determin what is right or wrong
other-oriented communicator
one who considers the thoughts, feelings, and perspectives of communication partners while maintaing his or her own integrity
egocentric communicator
a person who creates messages without giving much thought to the person who is listening; a person who is self-focused and self-absorbed
sum total of who a person is; a person's central inner force
a person's subjective description of who he or she is
learned predisposition to respond to a person, object, or idea in a favorable or unfavorable way
way in which you structure your understanding of reality- what is true and what is false
enduring concept of good and bad, right and wrong
material self
your concept of self as reflected in a total of all the tangible things you own. Also: body image, keeping up with the Joneses
social self
your concept of self as reflectedin your social interactions with others
spiritual self
your concept of self based on your thoughts and introspections about your values, moral standards, and beliefs
looking-glass self
concept that suggests you learn who you are based on your interactions with others, who reflect your self back to you
symbolic interaction theory
the theory that people make sense of the world on the basis of their interactions with other people
androgynous role
gender that includes both masculine and feminie qualties
human ability to think about what you are doing while you are doing it
study of how thinking influences behavior
set of enduring internal predispositions and behavioral characteristics that describe how people react to their envrionment
communication apprehension
fear or anxiety associated with either real or anticipated communication with other people
self-worth (self-esteem)
your evaluation of your worth or value based on your perception of such things as your skills, abilities, talents,and appearance
social comparison
process of comparing yourself to others who are similar to you to measure your worth and value
life position
your feelings of regard for yourself and others, as reflected in your sense of worth and self-esteem
a person's positive perception of himself or herself in interactions with others
using communication to maintain your own positive self-perception (self-face) or to support, reinforce, or challange someone else's self-perception (other-face)
technique of imagining that you are preforming a particular task in a certain way. Positive visualization can enhanse your self-esteem
process of redefining events and experiences from a different point of view
social decentering
cognitive process in which you take into account another person's thoughts, feelings, values, background, and perspective
specific-other perspective
a perspective that uses information that one can observe or imagine about another person to predict that person's behavior
generalized-other perspective
a perspective that uses observed or imagined information about many people, or people in general, to predict a person's behavior
self-fulfilling prophecy
a prediction about your future actions that is likely to come true because you believe it will come true
principle that suggest people tend to place themselves in situations that are consistent with their self-concept and self-esteem
need for inclusion
interpersonal need to be included and to include others in social activities
need for control
interpersonal need for some degree of domination in our relationships, as well as the need to be controlled
need for affection
interpersonal need to give love, personal support, warmth, and intimacy
communication style
identifiable or habitual way in which you communicate to other people
tendency to make requests, ask for information, and generally pursue your own rights and best interests
tendency to be sensitive to the needs of others, including being sympathetic to others' feelings and placing the feelings of others above your own feelings
purposefully providing information to others that they would not learn if you did not tell them
social penetration model
model of self-disclosure and relational development that reflects both depth and breadth of shared information
a person's conscious understanding of who he or she is
Johari window model
model of self-disclosure that reflects the movement of information about yourself from blind and unknown quadrants to hidden and open ones
dyadic effect
the reciprocal nature of self-disclosure
experiencing your world and making sense out of what you experience
interpersonal perception
selecting, organizing, and interpreting your observations of other people
selective percpetion
directing your attention to specific stimuli and consequently ignoring other stimuli
making sense out of stimuli by grouping, dividing, organizing, seperating, and categorizing information
to place a familiar structure on information you select
the filling in of missing information
passive perception
preception that occurs because your senses are in operation