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95 Cards in this Set

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The gatekeepers who determine what news will be published or broadcast are known as?

1. Presidents and other high officeholders

2. Interest aggregations

3. Public Relations Specialists

_______ percent of what major newspapers like the New York Times and the Washington Post print is news taken straight from press releases and press conferences.


According to agenda-setting theory, the media make some attributes more salient through


McCombs and Shaw have changed the scope of their initial argument of agenda-setting theory to say that the media

Tells us what to think, what to think about, and perhaps even what to do.

If a person regards herself or himself representative of a group of people, his or her communication will likely become


A person who has had a hostile interaction with a person from another group in the past, will tend to

Ascribe that outcome to the other person's social identity.

There is a societal constraint that suggests that those with less power should _______ the communication practices of those with higher status.

converge toward

Critics of the communication accommodation theory state that

1. it is extremely complex.

2. it cannot be tested as a whole.

3. it is not falsifiable.

The strategy people use to adapt communication behavior to become more similar to another person is called


Ting-Toomey bases her ideas on the difference between

individualist and collectivist cultures.

The face-giving strategy is used to defend another person's need for what?


Ting-Toomey uses the term __________ to describe facework strategy concerned with self?


According to Ting-Toomey and Oetzel, the statement "I sacrificed my self-interest for the benefits of our relationship" would show this?

Interdependent self image

Based on Tannen's ideas, men and women handle conflict differently in that

men are more comfortable with conflict.

Kunkel and Burleson's critique of Tannen's theory focuses on their findings that men and women place an equally high value on?

Comforting communication

Tannen argues that her theory of genderlect is based on the idea that male and female conversation is best understood as?

Cross-cultural communication

When considering men and women's speaking, women speak more in this way than men?

Private conversations

According to Tannen, men and women differ in terms of listening because

women interrupt in conversation to show support.

The theory that mass media has the ability to transfer the salience of issues in their news agenda to the public agenda is known as?

Agenda Setting Hypothesis

This claimed that people would attend only to news and views that didn't threaten their established belief?

Selective Exposure Hypothesis

The pattern of news coverage across major print and broadcast media as measured by the prominence and length of stories is known as?

Media Agenda

The first task of developing agenda setting theory involved measuring this?

Media Agenda

The most important public issues as measured by public opinion surveys is known as?

Public Agenda

McCombs and Shaw believe this is responsible for the almost perfect correlation found b/w the media and public ordering of priorities?

Hypothesized agenda setting function of the media

The true test of agenda setting hypothesis is that it must be able to show that public priorities lag behind this?

media agenda

Agenda setting hypothesis says this is the cause and this is the delayed effect?

1. media agenda

2. public agenda

Agenda setting theory concludes that people who have a willingness to let the media shape their thinking have a high need for this?


This is the measure of the extent to which individuals need for orientation motivates them to let the media shape their views?

Index of curiosity

This is the selection of a restricted number of thematically related attributes for inclusion on the media agenda when a particular object or issue is discussed?


There is a high correlation between this and the depth of public concern over an issue?

Amount of media coverage

These are clusters of people who demand center stage for their one overriding concern, pressure groups?

Interest aggregations

Most people 18-34 rely on this for news? 35-54? 55+?

1. Internet

2. TV

3. Papers

Christian's theory that a moral responsibility to promote community, mutuality, and persons in relation who live simultaneously for others and themselves?

Communitarian Ethics

This is an unconditional love for others because they are created in the image of God?

Agape love

In 1994, McCombs suggested that agenda setting is a theory of this?

Limited media effects

More than how many empirical studies have supported agenda-setting theory?


According to communication accommodation theory this is a strategy by which you adapt your communication behavior in such a way as to become more similar to the other person. It is a from of audience adaption to reduce non-verbal differences?


This is the sensitive selection of topic to discuss?

Discourse management

According to communication accommodation theory, this is a communication strategy of accentuating the differences b/w yourself and another. It is counter-accommodation, direct ways of maximizing the differences b/w speakers?


Speakers may persist in their original communication style regardless of the other person or over accommodate, creating a feeling of this?


Communication Accommodation theory specifically focuses on the non-verbal adjustments of these?

1. Speech rate

2. Accent

3. Pauses

This is a major focus of communication accommodation theory?

Inter generational communication

The constant movement toward or away from other by changing your communicative behavior is known as?


Persisting in your original communication style regardless of the communication behavior of the other is known as?

Maintenance (underaccommodation)

This is demeaning or patronizing talk; excessive concern paid to vocal clarity and amplification, message simplification or repetition. AKA: baby-talk


The group memberships and social categories that we use to define who we are is known as our?

Social Identity

Personal identity is one one end of the spectrum and this is on the other end?

Social Identity

This is a communicators predisposition to focus on either their individual identity or group identity during a conversation?

Initial orientation

This is the perceptual process by which we observe what people do and then try to figure out their intent or disposition?


This is a metaphor for our public self-image?


This refers to the specific verbal and nonverbal messages that help to maintain and restore face loss, and to uphold and honor face gain?


This is where there's an equal concern for both parties' image, as well as the public image or their relationship?

Mutual face

This is the facework strategy used to defend and support another's need for inclusion?


This theory helps to explain cultural differences in responses to conflict?

Face-negotiation theory

This postulates that the framework of people from individualistic cultures will be strikingly different from facework of people from collectivistic cultures like Japan or China?

Face-negotiation theory

According to Henry Triandis in relation to face negotiation theory the 3 most important distinctions are the different ways that members perceive the following?

1. Self

2. Goals

3. Duty

Wherein people identify with a large group that is responsible for providing care in exchange for group loyalty; we-identity; a high context culture. This is known as?

Collectivistic culture

Wherein people look out for themselves and their immediate families, I-identity; a low context culture. This is known as?

Individualistic culture

More than 2/3 of people are born into this culture? Less that 1/3 into this one?

1. Collectivistic

2. Individual

This is self-image; the degree to which people conceive themselves as relatively autonomous from, or connect to, others?


This is regard for self-face, other-face, or mutual face?

Face concern

This is the self-concerned facework strategy used to preserve autonomy and defend against loss of personal freedom?


The face type where a person has a self image that embraces both interdependence and independence?


The way a culture deals with status differences and social hierarchies, the degree to which low-power members accept unequal power as natural is known as?


According to Ting-Tooney these are the 3 requirements for effectively communicating across cultures?

1. Cultural knowledge

2. Mindfulness

3. Facework interaction skills

The ability to recognize that things are not always what they seem and therefore seeking multiple perspectives in conflict situations is known as?


This is ones ability to communicate appropriately, effectively, and adaptively in a given situation?

Interaction Skill

Critics question the validity of face-negotiation theory because it is based solely on this?

Self-reported data.

According to Deborah Tannen, male-female communciation is this?

Cross cultural

According to Genderlect theory women have a desire for this and men are concerned mainly with this?

1. Connection

2. Status

This is is not what people say but how they say it?

Conversation style

This is a term suggesting that masculine and feminine styles of discourse are best viewed as two distinct cultural dialects?


This is the typical conversation style of women, which seeks to establish connection with others?

Rapport talk

This is the typical monologic style of men, which seeks to command attention, convey information, and win arguments?

Report talk

This is a supportive interruption often meant to show agreement and solidarity with speaker. Men regarding this as a power play to take over a conversation?

Cooperative overlap

This is a short question at the end of a declarative statement often used by women to soften the sting of potential disagreement or invite open friendly dialogue?

Tag Question

This is the subjective standard ascribing validity to an idea when it resonates with ones personal experience?

Aha factor

What are the two critical theories?

1. Standpoint theory

2. Muted group theory

According to standpoint theory this group have more complete views that their counterpoints?

Those in subordinate roles

This is a place from which to critically view the world around us?


Synonyms for standpoint include?

1. Viewpoint

2. Perspective

3. Outlook

4. Position

According to Standpoint theory men want this and women want this?

1. Autonomy

2. Connection

This is knowledge situated in time, place, experience, and relative powers as opposed to knowledge from nowhere that's supposedly value free?

Local Knowledge

This refers to the strategy of starting research from the lives of women and other marginalized groups whose concerns and experiences are usually ignored?

Strong objectivity

This is Behhabib's theory that maintains that a universal ethical standar is a viable possibility?

Interactive Universalism

This theory maintains that language is literally a man-made construction?

Muted Group Therapy

These are people belonging to low power groups who must change their language when communicating publicly, thus, their ideas are often overlooked?

Muted Group

Who first proposed the muted group theory?

Edwin Ardener

There are how many words to describe loose men? loose women?

1. 22

2. Over 200

This states that language shapes our perception of reality?

Sapir-Whorf hypothesis

These are editors and other arbiters or culture who determine which books, essays, poetry, plays, film scripts will appear in the mass media?


Kramarae believes these forms of online communication help give voice to muted women?

1. Online education

2. Blogs

3. Wikis

Kramarae believes that men have more trouble understanding what members of the other gender mean because they?

Do not make an effort to do so.

This is the ultimate goal of muted group therapy?

To change the man-made linguistic system.

Tannen criticizes muted group theory stating that it is problematic to say this?

That men are trying to control women.