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19 Cards in this Set

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What are the five key features that define emotion?

1. Triggered by our perception of outside events

2. Signified by physiological arousal (sweating of palms, adrenal release)

3. Determined by awareness/labeling

4. Governed by pre-existing norms

5. Reflected in verbal and nonverbal displays

What is emotion-sharing? What is emotional contagion?
• We tend to talk about our emotional experiences with others (emotion sharing)

• Emotion-sharing sometimes leads to emotional contagion

• Emotional Contagion: when the experience of the same emotion rapidly spreads from one person to others (can be positive or negative)

What are feelings and how are they different from emotions? What are moods and how are they different from emotions?
• Emotions are NOT the same as feelings or moods

• Feelings are short-term emotional reactions to events

• They created limited arousal

• They do not trigger a need to manage experience/expression

• Moods are low-intensity state that are longer-term

• Not caused by a specific event

• Last longer than feelings/emotions

What are the six primary emotions?
surprise, joy, disgust, anger, fear and sadness
What are blended emotions? What are the examplesof blended emotions provided in the textbook?
• Experiencing two or more primary emotions simultaneously results in blended emotions

• Jealous = anger + fear + sadness

How does personality impact the experience/expression of emotion? Which of the big 5 personality traits are important impacts on emotion? How?
Extraversion - high extraversion people experience positive emotions more frequently

• Agreeableness - high-agreeable people experience more happiness and handle stress better

• Neuroticism - high-neurotic people focus primarily on negative events and report more negative emotions

Think O.C.E.A.N






How is gender related to emotion?
• Across cultures, women experience more sadness, fear, shame and guilt

• Across cultures, men experience more anger and hostile emotions

• Both men and women experience emotions with the same intensity

What is emotional intelligence? What skills doemotionally intelligent people have?
• Emotional intelligence: the ability to interpret emotions accurately and to use this information to manage emotions, communicate them competently, and solve relationship problems

• Emotionally intelligent people:

• 1. Understand and recognize our emotions

• 2. Possess empathy

• 3. Constructively manage their own emotions

• 4. Harness emotional states in a positive way

What is emotion management?
Emotion Management: attempting to influence which emotions you have, when you have them and how you experience/express them
In what ways do people attempt to manage emotionsafter they occur? Which strategy is the most commonly used? Is it especiallyeffective?

• Suppression: inhibiting thoughts, arousal, and outward behavioral displays of emotion

• Most common strategy

• Effectiveness is marginal

• Venting: allowing emotions to dominate our thoughts and explosively expressing them

• Can be positive or negative

What 4 strategies do people use to preventemotions from occurring in the first place?
• Encounter avoidance (avoid party altogether)

• Encounter structuring (still going to the encounter, avoid topics)

• Attention focus (not pay attention to the thing that would piss you off)

• Deactivation (shutting yourself off to emotion, oftentimes unhealthy)

What is reappraisal? How does one employ reappraisal?
• Reappraisal: actively changing how you think about a situation so that its emotional impact is changed

• You employ reappraisal before a full-blown emotional reaction

• Involves 2 steps:

• 1. Before/during an encounter you think will trigger undesired emotions, call to mind the positive aspects of the encounter

• 2. Consider the short-term and long-term consequences of your actions

What arethe 4 emotional challenges outline in your textbook? Why is each of these achallenge?
• Anger is a negative emotion that occurs when we don’t achieve a goal or a goal is interrupted. And the challenge with that is that we can’t control what makes us angry.

• Online communication



What is chronic hostility? How does it occur? What is catharsis? Does venting tend to lead to catharsis?
• Catharsis: the idea that openly expressing emotions allow you to purge them. Venting leads to catharsis.
What is the Jefferson Strategy?
· Count to 10
Why do humans lack empathy when communicatingonline?
• Lacking feedback, less likely to perspective- take, and are less likely to feel empathic concern• “Asynchronous”

• “Invisibility”

What is the online disinhibition effect? What is the difference between benign and toxic online disinhibition?
• Online disinhibition effect: people do or say things online that they would not do or say face-to-face

• Can be positive (benign) or negative (toxic)

What six factors contribute to the online disinhibition effect?
• dissociative anonymity

• invisibility (lurker, people don’t know you are there)

• asynchronicity: time in between replies (online communication)

• solipsistic introjection (how you and your partner tend to merge)

• dissociative imagination (we do things that we aren’t comfortable doing if we were in the same room with a person)

• minimized authority/ status

What popular media examples did we watch in class (that were also featured in your book)? Why did the authors highlight this film& TV show?
• Game of thrones: Can’t manage his emotions (vents his rage to his father and everyone else who ridicules him)
• Bridesmaids: OCEAN