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16 Cards in this Set

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The legitimate use of power in a society
Ideal Types of Authority
According to Weber, these include:
- Charismatic
- Traditional
- Legal-rational
A concept Marx borrowed from Hegel to describe the historical outcome of the increased division of labor in capitalist societies and processes by which people are separated from their work and each other
Organized Expertise
Knowledge about how to organize large-scale projects and instutitions; according to Galbraith, the principal course of power in contemporary society
Bases of Social Power
According to French and Raven, includes
- Reward
- Legitimaate
- Expert
- Referent
- Coercive
their framework embraces the idea that power resides in the relationship between two people with the key to power being one person perceiving that the other has one or more of these bases
Artistic Proofs
According to Aristotle, the uses of persuasion as available and legitimate means of influence
Inartistic Proofs
According to Aristotle, the use of means other than persuasion as a means of influence, including force, contracts, and specified systems of rewards and punishments, all of which limit human choice
Sovereign Uses of Power
According to Clegg, a view of power that emphasizes the power associated with an individual, a group, or an instutition - that is, power that proceeds from a distinct and visible source; from this view, who has power is what important even if that "who" is an institution
Strategic Uses of Power
Aaccording to Clegg, a view of power that emphasizes that strategic aspects of power, or power-in-use, as a basic dimension of human relations; from this standpoint, how power is exercised is what's most important
Luke's Three-Dimensional Model of Power
Model that recognizes that power-in-use has more and less obvious aspects that may operate simulataneously

Level 1 - includes overt uses of power such as directives
Level 2 - includes less observable aspects, such as people not expressing alternative viewpoints when they hold them
Level 3 - Includes least observable aspects of power, such as someone not considering alternative viewpoint, even though dominant view is not in best interst
Discursive Closure
A process in which certain discussions or discourses feature one viewpoint and close out others, resulting in systematic biases in discussions of particular issues
A process whereby a particular way of seeing and doing things becomes dominant, especially through the participation of diverse groups in society and including those for whom the trend is not in their best interests; in this way, arrangements of power become "commonsensical" and naturalized, even while they are harmful or limiting to certain segments of society or even to society as a whole
Systems of Organizational Control
The basic ways that work and workers are organized and controlled in the interests of the larger organization; major systems of control include
- simple
- technical
- bureaucratic
- concertive
Hirshman's Typology of Organizational Responses
The primary means by which unhappy individuals or groups oppose practices of an organization; include
- Exit
- Voice
- Loyalty
- Neglect (added later)
Symbolic Resistance
A means of Resistance that involves trying to use key symbols to move ideas and people in a direction different from the predominant viewpoint; using this strategy, symbols become the "turf" on which a rhetorical battle is waged
Primary sources of power over the centuries
- Land
- Capital
- Organized Expertise (including info)