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30 Cards in this Set

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The source of a compliance-gaining message.
Antisocial strategies
Compliance-gaining strategies based on coercive and legitimate power.
Appeal to exclusivity
A propaganda tactic that communicates that the recommended product or idea is only for the most selective or choosy audiences, rather than being the choice of the most people or common folks.
Bait and switch
A propaganda tactic frequently used in sales settings. It involves using a great claim in an advertisement to lure customers to the store, and once they are there, the seller tries to convince them to move up to a higher cost (and higher profit) item.
A propaganda tactic that communicates that everyone is doing it, so the receiver should too.
Big lie
A propaganda tactic that involves telling an untruth in the hopes that when people hear it enough, they will believe it to be true without any proof needed.
Card stacking or Case making
A propaganda tactic that involves arranging facts and pieces of information (which may be true or false by themselves) to attempt to prove something that isn’t really the case.
The most basic level of influence, it involves a target being influenced to do something to gain a reward or to avoid a punishment.
Communicative behavior in which an agent engages to elicit from a target some agent-selected behavior.
Deductive approach
Conclusions are made through a process of reasoning from theory.
Glittering generality
A propaganda tactic where someone or some concept is given a positive label with no proof or justification for it being an accurate label.
Hot potato
A propaganda tactic that involves a counterattack to an accusation rather than a defense against the original charge.
Occurs when a target accepts influence from an agent because he or she wants to be associated with the agent.
Inductive approach
A method of reasoning that begins with observation and then moves from observation of particular events to general principles or hypotheses.
Long-term attitude change. A target accepts the behavior as being best or most appropriate and will perform the behavior regardless of who approves or provides rewards.
Levels of influence
Kelman’s model of three types of influence that build on one another. Compliance is the basic level, then identification, then internalization.
A propaganda tactic where someone or some concept is given a negative label with no proof or justification for it being an accurate label.
Plain folks
A propaganda tactic that involves the persuader trying to convince the targeted audience that he or she should be supported simply because the persuader is “plain folks” or an ordinary person.
The ability to get others to do what you want.
Power bases
Includes five types of power: reward, coercive, legitimate, referent, and expert.
A type of persuasion that involves mass audiences with a purpose of achieving the goals of the persuader, and it often involves emotional appeals, concealment of purpose, and a lack of sound support.
Prosocial strategies
Compliance-gaining strategies based on reward, referent, and expert power.
A propaganda tactic that involves the persuader giving something to the targeted receiver and expecting the receiver to feel compelled to accommodate the persuader.
Secondary goals
Things the agent is trying to accomplish with the target other than gaining compliance.
Select the issue
A propaganda tactic that involves arguing that something is what really matters, regardless of any proof or compelling rationale that makes it the most important concept.
A propaganda tactic that is used in negotiation and sales settings and involves suggesting that certain things cannot be discussed until others have been discussed.
The receiver of a compliance-gaining message (the person the compliance is targeted at).
A propaganda tactic where a valued person expresses support, or offers testimony, about the value (or lack thereof) of the targeted person or concept.
This or nothing
A propaganda tactic that calls for urgent action now before it is too late, even though nothing may actually require urgent action.
A propaganda tactic that involves persuaders surrounding themselves or their concepts with positive symbols in the hopes that the association will rub off.