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33 Cards in this Set

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Words as instructions
Think of words as a highly compressed set of instruction about how we are supposed to act towards an object
Used to identify and recognize the power of language to structure entire countries, civilizations, or eras
4 understanding of ideologies.
1. A system of shared meaning that represents the world for us; it gives us a common picture of reality.
2. The social relations of signification (knowledge and consciousness) in class society's.
3. Ideology is the means by which ruling economic classes generalize and extend their supremacy across the whole range of social activity, and naturalize it in the process, so their rule is accepted as natural and inevitable; and therefore legitimate and binding.
4. Ideology cannot be deduced from economic considerations alone. It also derives from man's nature as a symbol using animal
A term from literal to figurative language
4 Master Tropes
1. Metaphor
2. Metonymy
3. Synecodhe
4. Irony
Literal Meaning
Relevant Vehicular Characteristics
What about vehicle makes it appropriate to describe tenor
Orientational Metaphor
Uses bodily experiences to express abstract ideas
Systemic Metaphors
Use ideological terms
A way to analyze the story looking at story as a whole
4 Plot Types
Romantic- Driven by heroes confrontation with circumstances, resolved when hero triumphs. Hero is changed.
Comic- Driven by error or misunderstanding, resolved when characters learn the truth.
Tragic- Driven by a tragic flaw or condition, story is resolved in a horrific event.
Satirical- absurdity drives plot, resolves with realizing we are stuck in absurdity.
Major Function
Event in story that affects later events in the story. Made up of the initial event and the outcome.
Turning Point
A very important major function
Some should be taken literally while others should be taken metaphorical. Some are even supposed to ironic.
Can compare narrative with other narratives
Does story fit together
Novel Metaphors
Easy to recognize metaphors
Systemic Metaphors
Work together within a system of human thought rather than as singular language
Dead Metaphors
We Don't recognize them as metaphors
Archetypal Metaphors
Transcend culture, time, and geography in political and cultural communication
Six Characteristics of Archetypal Metaphors
1. Selected and used more often than novel metaphors.
2. Stay the same across time, condition, and cultures.
3. Grounded in direct, common human experience
4. Often based on basic human motivations.
5.Used in a message that can often reach most audience members.
6. Often show up in the important parts of the most important messages within any society.
Negated Meaphier
Happens anytime a non-literal comparison suggests that someone or something has certain attributes by saying the person or thing is not something or someone
Item or Person described
elements of comparison
Aspects of comparison which is likely to carry over and attach to the metaphrand in the mind of an audience member due to the comparison linkage.
Presenting, or more typically, re-presenting to an audience words, images, or sounds and audience processing of those message elements.
Six Functions of Narrative
1. Narrative Helps us organize information, places, people, and events into understandable messages
2. Narrative Helps us evaluate (or size up) information, places, people, and events.
3. Narrative helps us form indirect knowledge about things, places, people, and events we have no direct experience in.
4. Narrative helps us reduce uncertainty about information, places, people, and events.
5. Narrative helps us to work out conflict.
6. narrative helps us make decisions.
The ability of a visual message to evoke that recognition and identification
Something that looks like the thing it resembles
1st type of sign. Direct Resemblance. Answers what or who is it.
Indirect Indication. Answers to what does it point or what does it indicate.
Learned Resemblance. Answers to what does it refer