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52 Cards in this Set

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Why do we form relationships?

Appearance, similarity, complementarity, reciprocal attraction, competence, disclosure, proximity, and rewards.

Appearance is...

...The primary basis of attraction


...Create longer lasting relationships


...Differences strengthen a relationship

Reciprocal attraction is...

...The attraction to a person who likes you


...Is something that we like to be around but not too much


...Helps to build liking

With proximity...

...we are likely to develop relationships with people we interact with frequently

We get rewards...

...by seeking out the people who can give them to us

A [BLANK] statement must be intentional, significant, & not otherwise known.


Small talk typically occurs during the [BLANK] stage of an interpersonal relationship?

Initiating stage

We are more attracted to people who are good at what they do but admit their mistakes?


The 2 ingredients in a successful self-disclosure are?

Reciprocity & Timing

When trying to decide whether a relationship with another person is no longer "worth the effort" we are using what?

The Social Exchange Formula

The best predictor of whether a couple will be friends after reaching the terminating stage is what?

Whether or not there was positive communication during the break-up

"I was feeling trapped" is communication that characterizes what dialectical tension?


The stage where parties act in old, familiar ways & no growth occurs is?


What is:

Constantly changing

Needs ongoing maintenance to keep them satisfying

Are affected by culture

Typically progress from one stage to another


Physical intimacy is the best type of relational intimacy?


Lies help us avoid embarrassment?


What represents both the breadth & the depth of your self-disclosure with another person?

The Social Penetration Model

What is a useful goal for those trying to improve a relationship?

Constant self-disclosure

What are "the single most important source of life satisfaction & emotional well-being, across different ages & cultures"?

Close relationships

What model:

Shows ways in which a relationship can be more or less intimate

Suggests how relationships can operate on superficial or more personal levels

Defines a relationship in terms of its breadth & depth

Helps identify why relationships are strong or weak

The Social Penetration Model by Altman & Taylor

The stage where a couple might come up with "our song"?


Different types of intimacy:

Physical, intellectual, emotional, & shared activities

Confirming communication:

Recognition, acknowledgment, endorsment

Disconfirming responses:

Impervious, interrupting, irrelevant, tangential, impersonal, ambiguous, & incongrous

Impervious responses:

Not acknowledging the other person's message

Interrupting responses:

Can show a lack of concern about what the other person has to say

Irrelevant responses:

a comment unrelated to what the other person has just said

Tangential responses:

Instead of ignoring the speaker's remarks completely, the other party uses them as a starting point for a shift to a different topic

Impersonal responses:

Are loaded with cliches & other statements that never truely respond to the speaker

Ambiguous responses:

Message with one or more meanings, leaving the other party unsure of the responder's position.

Incongruous responses:

Contains 2 messages that seem to deny or contradict each other.

Endorsement is the strongest type of confirming message?


Acknowledging others means that you are interested in their ideas?


Endorsement means that you agree with their ideas?


Neutrality can also be described as?


Evaluative language is also described as?

"You" language

The term to describe the emotional tone of a personal relationship is?


Defensiveness is the process of protecting your?

Presenting Self

Gibb's categories provide a useful way for us to examine our?

Defensive & supportive behaviors

Definition of "Conflict":

An expressed struggle between at least 2 interdependent parties who perceive incompatible goals, scarce resources, & interference from the other party in achieving their goals

--William Wilmot & Joyce Hocker

What is a perceived scarce resource?


What is interdependence?

When the parties are dependent on each other

What are Constructive Conflict Skills?

Identifying the problem & unmet needs, making a date, describing your problems & your needs, considering your partners POV, negotiating a solution, and having a follow up solution.

What are the Conflict Styles?

Avoiding, accommodating, competing, collaborating, & compromising

Avoiding (Lose-Lose)

When people non-assertively ignore or stay away from conflict

Accommodating (Lose-Win)

When you allow others to have their way rather than asserting your own POV

Collaborating (Win-Win)

Collaborators show a high degree of concern for both themselves & others; focus on "our way"; everyone gets what they want.

Compromising (partial Lose-Lose)

Gives both people at least some of what they want; although both sacrifice part of their goals