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73 Cards in this Set

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the process by which we make sense out of experience
selective perception
the means of interpreting experience in a way that conforms to one’s beliefs, expectations, and convictions
the tendency to fill in missing perceptual pieces to perceive a complete world
perceptual sets
expectations that produce a readiness to process experience in a predetermined way
selective retention
the tendency to remember those things that reinforce one’s way
of thinking and forget those that oppose one’s way of thinking
selective attention
the tendency to focus on certain cues and ignore others
selective exposure
the tendency to expose oneself to information that reaffirms existing attitudes, beliefs, and values
horn effect
the perceiving of qualities that are primarily negative
halo effect
the perceiving of qualities that are primarily positive
first impressions
initial judgments about people
primacy effect
the ability of one’s first impression to color subsequent impressions
a generalization about people, places, or events held by many members of a society
a biased, negative attitude toward a particular group of people; a negative prejudgment based on membership in a social category
the erroneous belief that any one person can know all there is to know about anything
the process by which one unconsciously adds restrictions that limit one’s perceptual capabilities
that which is known to be true based on observation
an assumption with varying degrees of accuracy
perceptual constancy
the desire to perceive experience exactly as we have perceived it in the past
cultural nearsightedness
the failure to understand that we do not all attribute the same meanings to similar behavioral clues
cultivation theory
a theory propounded by George Gerbner and colleagues focusing on the mass media’s ability to influence users’ attitudes and perceptions of reality
virtual reality
an environment that exists as data in a computer system
the informal communication
style that marks electronic communication
tag questions
questions that are midway between outright statements
and yes-no questions
remarks that diminish a statement’s importance
tentative phrases
Sapir-Whorf hypothesis
the belief that the labels we use help shape the way we think, our worldview, and our behavior
linguistic determinism
the belief that language influences how we interpret the world
linguistic relativity
the belief that persons who speak different languages perceive the world differently
dominant culture
the culture in power; the mainstream culture
a pleasant word that is substituted for a less pleasant one
miscommunication that occurs when individuals think they understand each other but actually miss each other’s meaning
denotative meaning
dictionary meaning; the objective or descriptive meaning of a word
connotative meaning
subjective meaning; one’s personal meaning for a word
nonverbal communication
the kinds of human messages and responses not expressed in words
mixed message
message that occurs when words and actions contradict each other
the study of the relationship between human body motion, or body language, and communication
facial management techniques
the means we use to control the expressions we reveal to others
speaking speed
the degree of loudness of the voice
the study of the use of space
intimate distance
a distance ranging from the point of touch to 18 inches from a person
personal distance
a distance ranging from 18 inches to 4 feet from a person
social distance
a distance ranging from 4 feet to 12 feet from a person
public distance
a distance of 12 feet and farther from a person
fixed-feature space
space that contains relatively permanent objects
semi-fixed-feature space
space in which objects are used to create distance
informal space
space that is highly mobile and can be quickly changed
items that reserve one’s space
the need to demonstrate a possessive or ownership relationship to space
the study of the use of touch
visual dominance
a measure calculated by comparing the percentage of looking while speaking with the percentage of looking while listening
low-contact cultures
cultures that maintain more distance when interacting
contact cultures
cultures that promote interaction and encourage displays of warmth, closeness, and availability
symbols that replace nonverbal cues during machine-assisted communication
critical thinking
the careful and deliberate process of message evaluation
"you" messages
responses that place blame on another person
"I" messages
nonevaluative responses that convey our feelings about the nature of a situation
supportive feedback
a nonevaluative response indicating that the receiver perceives a problem as important
a nonevaluative response that uses restatement to check comprehension
a nonevaluative technique in which we ask for additional information
nonevaluative feedback
nondirective feedback
formative feedback
timed negative feedback
evaluative feedback
a positive or negative judgment
speech-thought differential
the difference between speaking and thinking rates
red-flag words
words that trigger emotional deafness, dropping listening efficiency to zero
restating in your own words what another person has said
critical listening
listening to evaluate the worth of a message
empathic listening
listening to help others
comprehensive listening
listening to gain knowledge
appreciative listening
listening for enjoyment or relaxation
serial communication
a chain-of-command transmission
emptying one’s mind of personal concerns and interfering emotions, and
choosing to focus on the person and the here and now
dialogic listening
listening that focuses on what happens to people as they respond to each other