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26 Cards in this Set

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Special-occasion speeches
Evocative speeches intended to entertain, inspire, celebrate, commemorate, or build community
General purpose
Whichever of three goals-to inform, persuade, or entertain- dominates a speech
Specific purpose
What a speaker wants to inform or persuade an audience about, or what type of feelings the speaker wants to evoke
Audience analysis
The process of determining what an audience already knows or wants to know about a topic, who they are, what they know or need to know about the speaker, and what their expectations might be for the presentation
Open-ended questions
Questions that give the person being questioned free rein in answering
Closed questions
Questions that are answerable in a few words
Secondary questions
Questions that follow up on previous questions
Neutral questions
Questions that give the person being questioned a change to respond without any influence from the interviewer
Demographic analysis
The portion of an audience analysis that considers the ages, races, sexes, sexual orientations, religions, and social class of the audience
Thesis statement
A statement of the topic of a speech and the speaker’s position on it
Supporting materials
Information that supports the speaker’s ideas
Chronological pattern
One that follows a timeline
Spatial pattern
One that arranges points by locations and can be used to describe something small
Topical pattern
One that has no innate organization except the imposed by the speaker
Problem-solution pattern
One in which the speaker describes various aspects of a problem and then proposes solutions
Cause-effect pattern
One used to create understanding and agreement, and sometimes to argue for a specific action
Opening material of a speech from which the audience members gain a first impression of the speech’s content and of the speaker
Transitions in a speech that help an audience understand the speaker’s organization, making it easier for them to follow
Closing material of a speech where the speaker reviews the main points, may challenge the audience to act, and leaves the audience with a positive view of speaker and topic
The type of language and phrasing a speaker uses and the effect the language and phrasing create
Visual aids
Audiovisual materials that help a speaker reach intended speech goals
Impromptu speech
A speech that is delivered with little or no preparation
Manuscript speech
Speech that is written out word-for-word and read to the audience
Extemporaneous speech
Speech that is written ahead of time but only in outline form
The image a speaker conveys
Eye Contact
Looking directly into the eyes of another