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535 Cards in this Set

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akathisia treatment?
beta blockers
Vit B3 deficiency
3 D's:
SSRI + exposure
Child with high fever and bloody diarrhea
MC cause of atypical pneumonia and Tx.
tx: macrolide (ie - azithromycin)
EEG shows 3 per second spike and wave discharges
absence seizure
urine pH in calcium oxalate v. calcium phosphate stones
calcium oxalate: acidic
calcium phosphate: alkalotic
radiolucent stones
uric acid
gout crystals
needle shaped
strong neg. birefringence
yellow /
anti-tissue transglutaminase
Celiac Disease (gluten allergy)
primary biliary cirrhosis
systemic sclerosis
anti-centromere ab's
History of gardening and presentation with a painful, ulcerated nodule


Tx.: itraconazole
double bubble on xray
intestinal atresia
DEXA scan - what age?
most common cause of epididymitis in patients under 35
involuntary eyelid contractions caused by pressure on facial nerve
______ bone somatic dysfunction results in pressure exerted on the facial nerve
Gastric ulcers are more common in what blood type?
duodenal ulcers are more commonly found in what blood type?
epidural hematomas are caused by rupture of _____
middle meningeal artery
head injury common in MVAs and blows to the head
epidural hematoma
head injury common in alcoholics and the elderly
subdural hematoma (rupture of bridging veins)
subdural hematoma caused by rupture of _______
bridging veins
Tx. epidural hematomas
emergent surgery evacuation
small cell lung carcinoma + proximal muscle weakness and hyporeflexia
Lambert-Eaton Myasthenic Syndrome
Classic triad:
1. vertigo
2. tinnitus
3. hearing loss
Meniere's Disease
Classic triad:
1. neutropenia
2. rheumatoid arthritis
3. splenomegaly
Felty's Syndrome, often, thrombocytopenia and anemia too
prolonged bleeding time and PTT
von Willebrand's disease
allergic rhinitis +
p-ANCA +
astham +
blood eosinophilia =
infant born with clenched fists
Trisomy 18 (Edward's)
infant born with polydactyly
Trisomy 13 (Patau's)
most common cause of fever during the postpartum period
when to start fertility workup?
after trying for one year
social phobia treatment: short term and long term
short term: beta blockers
long term: ssri's
Classic triad:
1. nystagmus
2. ataxia
3. confusion
Wernicke's encephalopathy
BMI considered overweight
Tx. for OCD
CBT + clomipramine or SSRI
tx. for benzo OD
malignant hyperthermia
rxn to anesthetic agents
congenital hearing and visual loss, petechiae, seizures, cerebral calcifications
congenital intracranial calcifications (basal ganglia), chorioretinitis, and hydrocephalus
toxoplasma gondii
Hutchinson's teeth, interstitial keratitis, and rash
birth: cataracts, hearing loss and cardiac defects
linear reticular opacities and pleural plaques
nodular opacities in the upper lobes
how to monitor heparin
PTT (intrinsic)
how to monitor warfarin
PT (extrinsic)
advantage of heparin over LMWH?
heparin can be monitored with PTT; LMWH does not affect coags
translucent, pearly papule with telangiectasias
basal cell carcinoma
most common lung cancer in the world
pulmonary adenocarcinoma
patients over 30, bone marrow biopsy reacts with myeloperoxidase and sudan black, associated with auer rods
prophy for meningitis contacts
rifampin or cipro - eradicate nasopharyngeal foci
seborrheic dermatitis in newborns
cradle's cap
osteophytes seen at DIP
Heberdeen's nodes
osteophytes seen at PIP
Bouchard's nodes
ascitic fluid is found to have a polymorphonuclear (PMN) leukocyte count greater than 250/mm^3

SBP - cefotaxime or another 3rd gen cephalosporin
Cullen's sign
ecchymoses of periumbilically
Fox's sign
inguinal ecchymoses (hemorrhagic pancreatitis)
Grey Turner's sign
flank ecchymoses (hemorrhagic pancreatitis)
Auspitz's sign
psoriasis - pinpoint bleeding after removal of scale
obturator sign
Courvoisier's sign
non tender palpable GB - pancreatic CA
Trousseau's syndrome
migratory thrombophlebitis - pancreatic CA / lung CA
What toxicity is associated with tremulousness, confusion, dysarthia, dystonia, hyperreflexia, and ataxia.
When does scoliosis cause resp. compromise?
> 50 degree angle
When does scoliosis cause CV compromise
> 75 degree angle
dermatitis herpetiformis tx.
gluten-free diet
First line treatment for fibromyalgia
desipramine and amitriptyline (TCA's)
c-ANCA (Wegeners) are autoantibodies against _____.
proteinase 3
p-ANCA are autoantibodies against _____.
hyper lipoproteinemia Type IIa
increased LDL
hyperlipoproteinemia Type IIb
increased LDL + VLDL
hyperlipoproteinemia Type IV
increase VLDL
Response to osteomyelitis is monitored with ________.
pathophys of myasthenia gravis
auto-Ab's against nicotinic post-synaptic acetylcholine receptors
white patches on the retina
cotton wool spots - DM or HTN
arteriovenous nicking
pallor of optic disc
optic disc margin blurring
intracranial mass
Tx. for uncomplicated PUD assoc. H. pylori
CXR "egg-on-a-string"
transposition of the great vessels
Gottron's papules
erythematous, scaly papules found over the dorsum of the PIP and MCP joints

Apt test
non-invasive test to differentiate fetal or neonatal blood from maternal blood by checking hemoglobin
antidote for heparin
antidote for benzodiazepines
PAS-positive macrophages
duodenum of pts. with Whipples disease
quantitative test used to assess the severity of fetal-maternal hemorrhage so that the correct dosage of Rho(D) immune globulin may be administered
What deficiency is associated with alopecia, dermatitis, nausea/vomiting, and depression?
2cm hepatic tumor with central scar
focal nodular hyperplasia - no worries!
spoon nails

iron deficiency
Deficiency of what essential trace element causes hyperglycemia?
Chromium - insulin requires it
________ deficiency is assoc esophageal webs.
iron deficiency
________ is mandatory after Strep bovis endocarditis.
Colonoscopy, assoc colorectal cancer
The combination of hyponatremia, low serum osmolality, and low urine volume is the hallmark of ______.
SIADH - Tx. fluid restriction
tear drop RBC's

seen in myelofibrosis and thalassemias
target RBC's

autosplenectomy 2 to SCD

iron deficiency
subarachnoid hemorrhage
most common causes of drug induced lupus
most sensitive test for drug induced lupus
anti-histone antibodies
EMG showing high frequency action potentials along with fibrillations
necrotizing migratory erythemas
necrotizing gastritis
gangrenous infection of the stomach often caused by B. cereus
treatment of unstable angina and NSTEMI
Beta blockers
dx. lactose intolerance
hydrogen breath test
night time perianal pruritus
enterobius vermicularis (pinworm)
dx.: scotch tape test
tx. mebendazole
female puberty
growth spurt -OR- adrenarche
male puberty
testicular enlargement
growth spurt
FHT sinusoidal pattern
fetal anemia
anticholinergic: dry mouth, drowsy, constipation, urine retention

first line treatment for ascites
spironolactone and furosemide
treatment for hepatic encephalopathy
inability to recognize faces - PCA infarct
MC cause of meningitis from
1. new born - 3 mos.
2. 3 mos - 9 years
3. teenagers
1. GBS
2. S. pneumo
3. N. meningitis
test of choice for myasthenia gravis
acetylcholine receptor antibody test
initial test for ALL patients presenting with syncope
tx. for perforated peptic ulcers for people <70y/o and people >70y/o
tx. for aspiration pneumonia/abscess
anti-insulin antibodies, decreased C-peptide, and decreased proinsulin levels
factitious hypoglycemia
low risk mothers - amt of folic acid per day?
0.4 mg
high risk mothers - amt of folic acid per day?
4 mg
Hemodynamically unstable patients with V tach
DC cardioversion
common causes of dilated cardiomyopathy
what vitamin can decrease m&m of measles?
when is measles contagious?
5 days before and four days after the rash
The most common cause of prosthetic valve endocarditis after 12 months of surgery
strep viridans
gallstones, diabetes and steatorrhea
4 clinical features of VIPoma
1. water diarrhea (hypokalemia, acidosis)
2. achlorhydria (VIP inhibits gastric acid secretion)
3. hyperglycemia
4. hypercalcemia
"blue-dot" sign is present on the scrotum
torsion of the appendix testis

tx. bed rest, scrotal support
most specific test for rheumatoid arthritis
x ray - joint space narrowing and erosions.
What electrolyte abnormality causes prolonged QT interval?
What electrolyte abnormality causes shortened QT interval?
most common cause of renal stenosis in 1. younger adults and 2. older adults
1. fibromuscular dysplasia
2. atherosclerosis
gold standard in the diagnosis of endometriosis
Glucagonomas arise in the _____ cells of the pancreas.

(necrotizing migratory erythema!)
pancreatic alpha cells
pancreatic beta cells
pancreatic delta cells
alpha: glucagonomas
beta: insulinomas
delta: somatostatinomas
Treatment of Generalized Anxiety Disorder (6 mos)
CBT with venlafaxine, buspirone, or SSRI's
MC fibroids
type of fibroids that leads to infertility
submucosal fibroids
Tx. of fibroids
1. GnRH agonists to reduce size
2. hysterectomy/myomectomy
RhoGAM is administered to all Rh-negative women at ___ weeks' gestation

unless father is also Rh negative
Diagnosis of small bowel obstruction
lymph node that is painless but alcohol may precipitate pain
Hodgkins lymphoma
Reed Sternberg cells
Hodgkins lymphoma
hyponatremia, low serum osmolality, and low urine volume
Treat acute exacerbations of MS
high dose IV corticosteroids
neurological deficiencies separated by time
most specific tests for systemic lupus erythematosus
anti-Sm Ab and anti-ds DNA
When is bed wetting not okay?
Once a patient is ____ years of age or older, the minor may consent to his/her treatment of sexually transmitted disease or for abuse of alcohol or narcotic drugs.
painless, bright red bleed per rectum and anal pruritis
external hemorrhoids
eczema, immunodeficiency, and thrombocytopenia
Wiskott-Aldrich - autoimmune defect in platelets
SBP ascitic fluid has a PMN count _____.

MC organism?

MC organism : e. coli
MC cause of acute pancreatitis:
MC cause of chronic pancreatitis:
diabetes, steatorrhea, and pancreatic calicifications on CT scan
chronic pancreatitis
are associated with rash development in patients with infectious mononucleosis
amoxicillin and ampicillin
First line treatment for allergic rhinitis
intranasal glucocorticoids
The most common causes of prosthetic valve endocarditis within 1 year of surgery are
Staph aureus
Staph epidermis
the most common cause of native valve endocarditis
Strep viridans
slurred upstroke in the QRS complex
delta wave - WPW
Accidental ingestion may cause CNS depression bradycardia and heart block; usually include disturbances in color vision with a tendency towards yellow-green coloring
causes Torsade de pointes and tinnitus, flushed skin, CNS disturbance,


Tx. IV mag
CNS depression and respiratory/cardiac arrest, "an almond-like odor in the breath"


Reverse with amyl nitrite.
Methanol and ethylene glycol poisoning are treated with
normal vaginal pH
3.8 - 4.5
elevated vaginal pH (alkalotic)
BV and trich
BPH + symptoms of urinary tract infection.
consider bladder diverticula

gold: voiding cystourethrography (VCUG)
ankylosing spondylitis
IBD (Crohn's and UC)
prevents airway inflammation by inhibiting mast cell degranulation
Thiazide diuretics:
1. Ca
2. Na
3. K
1. hypercalcemia
2. hyponatremia
3. hypokalemia
mainstay treatments for variant (Prinzmetal's) angina
nitrates and CCB's (nifedipine, amlodipine, verapamil, and diltiazem)
IV medications that can be used to hypertensive emergencies include:
nitroprusside, nicardipine, clevidipine, labetalol, fenoldopam
tx. for sleep maintenance insomnia
estazolam, flurazepam (benzo)
tx. for sleep onset insomnia
zolpidem (hypnotic)
Elevated calcitonin is associated with
medullary carcinoma of the thyroid. Calcitonin lowers serum calcium levels
porcelain GB
GB cancer
postoperative patient who presents with hypotension, shock and hyperkalemia
secondary (iatrogenic) hypoadrenalism
positive birefringence
pseudo gout
negative birefringence
the most important diagnostic tests in the emergency department setting for patients suspected of having tuberculosis.
sputum staining for acid-fast bacilli

pulmonary lesions located:
- posterior seg of the right upper lobe
- apicoposterior seg of the left upper lobe
-apical segs of the lower lobes
classic reactivation TB
CXR: lobar pneumonia with ipsilateral hilar adenopathy
primary active TB
presence of autoantibodies directed against adhesion molecules (specifically desmoglein 3) in the epidermis
pemphigus vulgaris
autoantibodies to the epidermal basement membrane
bullous pemphigoid
Hyperarrythmia EEG pattern
infantile spasms assoc. tuberous sclerosis
useful in the treatment of deep and aching pain associated with post-herpetic neuralgia.
Vitamin B1
thiamine - Wernicke's
always give _____ prior to glucose as this condition can be elicited by high-dose glucose administration
thiamine - Wernicke's
prolonged PR intervals, depressed (scooped) ST segments, and alterations in T wave morphology
digitalis toxicity
Electrolyte abnormality useful as a predictor of morbidity and mortality in patients suffering from acute digitalis toxicity.
Perform _______ in children who aspirate foreign objects such as nuts and coins.
rigid bronchoscopy
anti-Saccharomyces cerevisiae antibodies
Crohn's disease
Crohn's v. UC: p-ANCA
Salicylate toxicity initially manifests with
dizziness and tinnitus
salicylate toxicity: ABG would show?
mixed metabolic and respiratory acidosis
usually follows a viral illness and presents as a “stocking/glove” peripheral neuropathy which progresses from distal to proximal.
cause of hypercalcemia in sarcoidosis
high vit D
decreasing vagal tone in the bronchioles through antagonism of muscarinic receptors
ipratropium (atrovent)
works by potentiating exogenous catecholamines and stimulates release of endogenous catecholamines, causing diaphragmatic relaxation and bronchodilation
“leukotriene receptor antagonists”; useful for the prophylaxis of exercise-induced asthma, as well as for the long-term treatment of asthma (as an alternative treatment to lose-dose corticosteroids)
corticosteroid that produces direct smooth muscle relaxation and alters inflammatory cell activity, resulting in decreased airway hyperresponsiveness.
budesonide (pulmcort)
AIDS patients exposed to turtles and chickens are at high risk for
gold standard diagnosis of urethral injury
retrograde urethrogram
________ toxicity can present as community-acquired pneumonia that is unresponsive to antibiotic therapy.
Eustachian tube dysfunction in patients with acute otitis media is frequently associated with ____ rotation of the involved _____ bone.
First line prophylaxis for Traveler’s diarrhea is ?
Quinolones such as Ciprofloxacin or Norfloxacin.
Infections that would require reassignment of a pregnant worker include the following:
parvovirus B19,
most commonly elevated enzymes in patients with dermatomyositis.
creatinine kinase
The most common cause of sudden death in the first 24-hours following an acute MI is ?
____ is the first step in patients suspected of testicular torsion.
erythema infectiosum
parvovirus B19
generalized lymphadenopathy, an erythematous and tender maculopapular rash, and polyarthritis
treatment of choice for a non-ruptured ectopic pregnancy.
Surfactant ________ surface tension, preventing alveolar collapse
lowers surface tension
What secretes surfactant in the lungs?
Type II pneumocytes
MC cause of Addison's disease worldwide:

(in the West, autoimmune)
hyperkalemia, hyponatremia, hypoglycemia and hypotension
adrenal failure / Addison's
euvolemic hyponatremia that most commonly presents without edema or changes in blood pressure.
pleural effusion is assoc.
classical criteria for dx'ing ARDS
1. hypoxemia refractory to O2 therapy; PaO2/FiO2 < 200
2. b/l diffuse pulm infiltrates on CXR
3. no evidence of CHF: PCWP < 18 mmHg
pretibial myxedema
Graves disease
Germinal centers in the thyroid gland
Hasimoto's thyroiditis
Chapman’s point for the urethra
superior margin of pubic ramus
Child with a palpable sausage-like mass on physical examination.
bitter almonds
most common ophthalmic complication in patients undergoing surgery under both general and MAC anesthesia
corneal abrasion
Treat impetigo empirically with _______, which will cover for both Staph and Strep.
a penicillin such as Dicloxacillin
All patients diagnosed with polyarteritis nodosa should also be worked up for _________.
chronic HTN
"onion skinning" of bone
Ewing Sarcoma
t(11;22) translocation
Ewing Sarcoma
Codman's Triangle
childhood retinoblastoma is related to what bone problem?
"soap bubble" multiple lytic lesions in the bone
Giant cell tumor of the Bone
Heyde’s syndrome
characterized based on the combination of calcific aortic stenosis and GI bleeding due to colonic angiodysplasia
colonic angiodysplasia
calcified aortic stenosis
Medial tibial stress syndrome
shin splints
Whenever tympanic membrane perforation is suspected, ________ becomes the treatment of choice.
ofloxacin otic
Pneumonia in a 74-year-old male with metastatic lung cancer being treated with chemotherapy in the intensive care unit and on a ventilator for 10 days. Tx.?
Classic nosocomial pneumonia

Pseudomonas: imipenem + gent
G+: vanc
Pneumonia in a 52-year-old female with a history of chronic aspiration, producing foul smelling sputum. Tx.?
aspiration pneumonia

oral anaerobes: Clinda
Pneumonia in an 88-year-old female who is a resident of a nursing home and has been hospitalized several times in the past year. Tx.?
Nosocomial infx.: imipenem, gent, vanc (G+)

Community acquired (mycoplasma): azithro
Pneumonia in a 37 year old male with a history of IVDA, and foul smelling sputum.
Aspiration pneumo: clinda

IVDA: vanc
recurrent painless second-trimester spontaneous abortions due to Mullerian duct abnormalities
in utero exposure to DES
________ renal stones are caused by a genetic defect in amino acid transport and are associated with acidic urine.
basic urine pre-disposes to what kind of stones?
calcium oxalate
acidic urine pre-disposes to what kind of stones?
calcium phosphate
uric acid stones
cystine stones
___ and ___ are preferred in the treatment of isolated systolic hypertension (common in older ppl 2 to rigidity of arterial walls).
Thiazide diuretics and calcium-channel blockers
Wheezing after the ingestion of ASA is due to inhibition of _______, which increases _____ synth and results in _____.
Wheezing after the ingestion of aspirin is due to inhibition of COX enzyme, which increases leukotriene synthesis and results in bronchoconstriction.
a form of strabismus in which one, or both, eyes turn inward giving rise to a “cross-eyed” appearance.
a condition where the eyes do not properly align, most commonly occurs due to imbalance of the EOMs, which prevents normal binocular vision and impedes proper depth of perception.
bleeding into the anterior chamber most commonly due to blunt trauma of the eye.
vaginal bleeding in between menstrual cycles.

heavy bleeding during menses

Symptomatic abnormal uterine bleeding: Tx.?
should be treated with IV estrogen followed by admission to the hospital with subsequent D&C.
Tibialis anterior
Peroneus Longus
Tibialis Anterior: L4
Peroneus Longus: L5
Gastrocnemius: S1
most likely cause of esophagitis in AIDS patients & how to diagnose
Candida - pseudohyphae "branching filaments"
abnormal ristocetin assay
assay for platelet agglutination
von Willebrands
pretibial myxedema

erythema nodosum
pretibial myxedema - hyperthyroid

erythema nodosum - sarcoidosis
2nd leading cause of Lung Cancer in US
radon gas
Ebstein’s anomaly is a cardiac abnormality of ____ and ____ and is commonly associated with maternal _____ therapy
Ebstein’s anomaly is a cardiac abnormality of the tricuspid valve and right ventricle and is commonly associated with maternal lithium therapy
the most commonly transmitted infectious disease acquired during the transfusion of blood products
hep B
treatment of Mycobacterium avium complex
oral clarithromycin
Tx. of CMV retinitis
oral ganciclovir
the treatment of Cryptococcal meningitis
IV fluconazole
When is chorionic villus sampling typically done?

What risk if done earlier?
9-11 weeks

limb abnormalities
The most common cause of postmenopausal vaginal bleeding is _____.
atrophic vaginitis
Alpha feto protein is a marker for ____
hepatocellular carcinoma (primary liver cancer)
germ cell tumors of the testes and ovary
LDH is elevated in ______.
hemolysis and lymphoma
CA 19-9 is a marker for _____.
pancreatic cancer
CA-125 is a marker for _____.
ovarian cancer
CEA is a marker for ______.
colon cancer
The two most common causes of acute pancreatitis are
gallstones and alcoholism.
nephrotic syndrome
hypercoagulable state
sarcoidosis - lung manifestation
increased ACE
increased TG's
acute pancreatitis
cirrhosis, diabetes mellitus, and skin pigmentation
classic triad of hemachromatosis
cirrhosis, diabetes mellitus, and skin pigmentation
prokinetic agent that is 1st line in the treatment of diabetic gastroparesis
Elevated levels of ______ result in prolonged REM and total sleep times.
tender diffusely enlarged thyroid gland for several weeks

Dx? Tx?
subacute thyroiditis

During a hysterectomy the most common location for ureter injury is the _____.
cardinal ligament (attaches the cervix to the pelvic wall). the ureter just lies below the uterine artery (water under the bridge).
_______ may present with abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, a painful eye, and a fixed mid-dilated pupil that is nonreactive to light.
Acute angle glaucoma
_____ is a common sign of ovarian malignancy.
best treatment for allergic rhinitis is _____
intranasal steroids
tall, thin male with hypogonadism and underdeveloped sexual characteristics.
Klinefelter's syndrome, XXY
vomiting - hyper/hypokalemia?

throwing "everything" up - including K+ ions
kidneys reabsorbing Na+
toilet training?
18-24 months
the two most common etiologies of subarachnoid hemorrhage.
Rupture of berry aneurysms and A-V malformations
epidural hematoma is due to the rupture of what structure?
middle meningeal artery
subdural hematoma is due to rupture of what structure?
subcortical veins
MC cause of dysphagia in HIV pts.
dysphagia v. odynophagia
dysphagia - DIFFICULTY swallowing

odynophagia - PAINFUL swallowing
odynophagia is a specific symptom of?
main diagnostic tool used for esophagitis?
Tx. of sphenopalatine ganglion
enhances parasympathetic activity = decreased activity of goblet cells = thinned secretions of URI
Tx. of celiac ganglion
reduce sympathetic tone @ T5-T9 (upper GI)
Tx. of superior mesenteric ganglion
reduce sympathetic tone @ T10-T11 (jejunum to mid-transverse colon AND GU tract!)
Rigler sign
presence of both inner and outer walls of the bowel on abd xray
Tearing chest pain c mid-scapular radiation in an elderly patient with atherosclerosis and HTN carries a high index of suspicion for Type ___ aortic dissection.
What electrolyte abnormality can cause an ileus?
MC cause of ACUTE endocarditis
S. aureus
2 MC causes of SUBACUTE endocarditis
Strep viridans
Staph epidermis
More than 50% of cases of acute bacterial endocarditis in IV drug users lead to damage of the _____ valve.
Bilateral transudative pleural effusions are associated with _______.
Wermer’s syndrome
Sipple’s syndrome
normal anion gap metabolic acidosis
normal urine pH
Diarrhea leads to a ____ anion gap ____ with a _____ urine anion gap.
Diarrhea leads to a normal anion gap acidosis with a negative urine anion gap (kidneys compensate for the loss of bicarbonate with excess NH4+ and CL- excretion)
A creatinine level above ___ is a contraindication for metformin
________ (cholesterol meds) are known to have a very bad taste and are not tolerated well by patients.
Bile acid resins such as cholestyramine and colestipol
Emphysema can lead to _____ and eventually _____.
Emphysema can lead to pulmonary hypertension and eventually right-sided heart failure (cor pulmonale)
______ has been shown to be helpful in patients suffering form dysmenorrhea.
sacral inhibition
first line therapy for dysmenorrhea
What Abx has been assoc. pyloric stenosis?
rhinocerebral mucormycosis

Tx.? SE?
amphotericin B - nephrotoxic
Paronychia: infections of the nail fold can occur secondary to bacterial, fungal or viral infection and are not seen in patients suffering from psoriasis.
painless separation of the nail from the nail-bed; assoc. psoriasis;white area of the nail plate due to a functional separation of the nail plate from its underlying attachment to the nail bed; the defect begins distally and progresses proximally, causing a traumatic uplifting of the distal nail plate.
spoon nails
spoon nails, iron deficiency
refers to brittle nails that are split vertically, which generates vertical ridges and gives the nail a "peeled" appearance. usually not pathologic
Pterygium refers to the inward advance of skin over the nail plate, usually resulting from trauma to the nail matrix due to surgery or by a deep cut to the nail plate.
An omphalocele is a hernia through the umbilicus that is covered by peritoneum and commonly assoc.
Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome: macroglossia, macrosomia, midline abd wall defects, ear creases and ear pits, neonatal hypoglycemia
Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome
macroglossia, macrosomia, midline abd wall defects, ear creases and ear pits, neonatal hypoglycemia
MC cause of traveler's diarrhea
enterotoxigenic e. coli
Most sensitive (thus, first to be ordered) test for Giardiasis?
Afib in WPW syndrome tx.:
1. hemodynamically unstable patients
2. hemodynamically stable patients.
1. cardioversion
2. IV procainamide (SE: SLE)
____ is indicated for a patient evolving from stable to unstable angina.
Intravenous heparin
Adults suffering from severe salicylate toxicity will most likely present with ____. (acid-base disturbance)
metabolic acidosis with respiratory alkalosis.
_____ is given in patients suffering from hemorrhage secondary to von Willebrand’s disease.
Patients who are actively bleeding or who require emergency surgery should receive _____ to achieve immediate hemostasis.
fresh frozen plasma
The most common cause of death in pancreatitis is _____.
hypovolemic shock caused by excess fluid sequestration (third spacing)
Prinzmetal unstable angina Tx.?
What does Corynebacterium diphtheriae look like?
non-motile, G+ bacilli
What does Staph look like?
G+ cocci in clusters
What does Group A Strep look like?
G+ diplococci
What does H. influenza look like?
small, pleomorphic, gram neg coccobacillus
Legionella pneumophila appears as ?
an aerobic, motile, and nutritionally fastidious pleomorphic gram-negative rod
Subcutaneous air is a classic radiographic finding assoc.:
necrotizing fasciitis
tx. for malignant hyperthermia
_____ reduces the risk of UTI in elderly patients suffering from neurogenic bladder.
Intermittent catheterization
marker to assess the likelihood of preterm labor between 22-34 weeks of pregnancy
series of indicators most specific for identifying the rupture of membranes includes:
Vaginal pooling
All patients who have suffered a penetrating cat bite should be treated with ___.
oral course of prophylactic amoxicillin/clavulanate
GN and decreased C3/C4 levels.
ECG is not a reliable method to diagnose MI's in patients with a ____. ______ can be used instead.
ECG is not a reliable method to diagnose MI's in patients with a left bundle branch block. Echocardiogram can be used instead.
Preggers + Lyme Disease
oral amoxicillin
______ of the cervix and vagina is one of the earliest signs of pregnancy and is referred to as "______"
Bluish discoloration of the cervix and vagina is one of the earliest signs of pregnancy and is referred to as "Chadwick's sign."
Softening and cyanosis of the cervix at or after 4 weeks gestation.
Goodwell's sign
Softening of the uterus after 6 weeks gestation.
Ladin's sign
air/fluid levels, dilated loops of small bowel and no gas in the colon.
X-ray findings for SBO
____ commonly cause SBO when they rupture.
Mucinous ovarian tumors
Gastritis in patients with Hashimoto thyroiditis should make you think about ____.
pernicious anemia
Suspect ___ in pts c impaired lymphatic drainage who develop a localized rash with an "orange peel" appearance 1-2 days following initial symptoms of fever, chills and myalgias.
MC cause of erysipelas
Group A Strep/S. pyogenes
MC cause of cellulitis
S. aureus
hypotension, wheezing, diaphoresis and a rash from blood transfusion
anaphylaxis rxn from a blood transfusion - IgA deficiency should be considered
associated with “weird” behavior characterized by unconventional beliefs such as being convinced of having extra sensory abilities.
Schizotypal personality disorder
elevated FSH v. elevated LH/FSH ratio
elevated FSH: Turner Syndrome

elevated LH/FSH ratio: PCOS
(A) result in permanent restriction of motion.

(B) involve temporary restrictions of movement that limit range of motion.
(A) Pathologic

(B) Restrictive
pt. with neurological impairment and pneumonia. cause?
anaerobes secondary to aspiration
sequence of ligamentous injury that occurs during inversion ankle injuries
1) Anterior talofibular
2) Calcaneofibular
3) Posterior talofibular
The most common bacterial infection for a hydrocephalus shunt is ____.
Staphylococcus epidermidis which is coagulase-negative.
Staph epidermis - coag +/-?
coag negative
The ____ nerve runs posteriorly in close proximity to the proximal fibular head and is subject to injury with fracture of the fibula or with posterior dysfunction of the fibula.
common peroneal
most effective means of post-coital contraception
copper IUD
Most cases are diagnosed shortly after delivery of the infant by the presence of a bulging, yellow-gray mass at, or just beyond, the level of the vaginal introitus.
imperforate hymen
Best treatment for bacteriuria in pregnant patients?
Single 3 gram dose of amoxicillin
disease in which the optic nerve is damaged
A high optic cup/disc ratio is the fundoscopic finding
chronic, open angle glaucoma
unilateral headache, blurry vision and a non-reactive pupil
closed angle glaucoma
What meds can exacerbate closed angle glaucoma?
anti-cholinergic meds
ie - urinary incontinence meds
triad of substernal burning with odynophagia, oral ulcerations and the presence of intracellular inclusions.
CMV esophagitis
history of chronic inflammation presenting with nephrotic syndrome
renal amyloidosis
young males with chronic back stiffness, photosensitivity, oral ulcerations, and fatigue
ankylosing spondylitis
Commonly the first sign of Reiter's syndrome (Reactive Arthritis)
newborns who develop jaundice, dark urine, and light colored stools several weeks following birth
biliary atresia
Ranitidine inhibits reduces gastric acid through
inhibition of parietal cell histamine receptor
first medication that should be used to treat status epilepticus

If a patient in status epilepticus does not respond to lorazepam, then phenytoin should be administered.
The mainstay therapy for gonococcal infections
IM ceftriaxone
PO doxycycline or azithromycin
Empiric treatment of meningitis
Ceftriaxone and vanco - covers N. meningitidis, S. pneumo
Pleural fluid with elevated amylase (3)
esophageal rupture
pleural fluid that is milky, opalescent fluid
chylothorax (lymph in the pleural space)
pleural fluid that is frankly purulent
empyema (pus in the pleural space)
pleural fluid that is bloody
exudative pleural effusions that are primarily lymphocytic
pleural fluid with pH <7.2 (2 possibilities)
parapneumonic effusion
Treatment of empyema
complete drainage
intrapleural fibrinolytic treatment
diabetes mellitis
weight loss
gall stones

Pulm dz.: Tx.?

Systemic dz.: Tx.?
Pulm dz: no treatment

Systemic dz.: amphotericin B and itraconazole
Lithium side effects include ____ and ___. Check ____ and ____.
nephrogenic DI and hypothyroidism

BUN/Cr and thyroid fx. (and beta hcg)
What blood tests when taking Valproic Acid for bipolar?

What blood tests when taking carbamazepine?

Turner's syndrome is treated with
HGH and estrogen replacement therapy
Chronic pancreatitis has a classic triad of diabetes, steatorrhea, and ____.
pancreatic calicifications on CT scan
Which RTA presents with alkalotic urine?
Type I
Which RTA presents with hypokalemia?
Type II
Which RTA presents with hyperkalemia?
Type IV
Treatment order for NMS (Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome)
1.) Stop medication
2.) IV fluids
3.) dantrolene/ bromocriptine/ amantadine (optional)
pathophys of Myasthenia Gravis
autoAb's against post-synaptic nicotinic Ach receptors
EMG showing high frequency action potentials along with fibrillations
hip, shoulder and neck pain - often associated with temporal arteritis.
polymyalgia rheumatica
Screening test for Sjogren's
Tx. of C. Diff (2)
1. metronidazole
2. oral vanc
the following must be met for medical malpractice:
Dereliction of a Duty Directly causing Damages
PCWP in:
2. cardiogenic pulmonary edema
1. <18 mmHg
2. >18mm Hg
autoimmune condition causing progressive destruction of the small bile ducts in the liver leading to fibrosis and scarring
primary biliary cirrhosis
First line treatment for panic disorder
anxiolytic agent used for general anxiety disorder and OCD.
stricturing and dilatation of intrahepatic and extrahepatic bile ducts in a bead like fashion
primary sclerosing cholangitis
projectile vomiting, papilledema, and morning headaches
intracranial mass
white patches on the retina
cotton wool spots
damage to nerve fibers
diabetes and HTN
arteriovenous nicking
HTN retinopathy
pallor of the optic disc
optic disc margin blurring
erythroblasts with stainable deposits of iron in cytoplasm

sideroblastic anemia

Tx.: pyridoxine
Leukemoid reaction is ?

What is a classic lab finding?
Leukemoid reaction is leukocytosis secondary to infection.
Increased leukocyte alkaline phosphatase is the classic lab finding.
CML v. Leukemoid rxn
CML - decreased leukocyte alkaline phosphatase (LAP)

Leukemoid - increased LAP
CLL - classic finding on lab
increased lymphocytes
Nikolsky's sign - positive in pemphigus vulgaris or bullous pemphigoid
pemphigus vulgaris
abd pain
elevated urine aminolevulinic acid
acute intermittent porphyria:
porphobilinogen deaminase deficiency
postprandial pain
weight loss
atherosclerotic disease
abd bruit
chronic intestinal ischemia
hepatic tumor with central scar
focal nodular hyperplasia

don't worry about it
intestinal biopsy - PAS positive macrophage inclusions
Whipple's Disease
malabsorption + joint pain
possibly Whipple's
The pheochromocytoma 10% rules are as follows:
10% recurrence rate after surgery
10% are familial
10% are bilateral
10% are extra-adrenal
10% are malignant
10% occur in children
How to distinguish betw. ASD and VSD
ASD - asymptomatic until adult

VSD - symptomatic in childhood
What is the ABI in PVD
Calf pain is exacerbated by standing, walking, and extension at the waist and relieved with sitting, flexing, and lying flat
spinal stenosis
Cut off for AAA
6 cm
four or more episodes of major depression, mania, hypomania, or mixed symptoms within 12 months.
rapid cycling bipolar
episodes of hypomania that shift back and forth with mild depression for at least two years.
cylothymic discorder
pattern of major depressive episodes shifting back and forth with hypomanic episodes
bipolar II
occurrence of at least one manic or mixed episode. Although not required for diagnosis, depression is usually present. Therefore, mania alone is sufficient for this diagnosis.
bipolar I
milder, but chronic form of depression that lasts at least 2 years. Symptoms occur most of the day, more days than not. Patients may have a symptom-free period that lasts 2 months or less.
used to augment therapy when MDD is resistant to monotherapy with antidepressants.
The hip-drop test is a commonly used test to evaluate
sidebending of the lumbar spine.
Post-exposure prophylaxis for rabies in patients previously vaccinated consists of ____.
irrigation and repeat vaccinations
Patients over 50 and/or with alarming symptoms such as weight loss, dysphagia, new-onset anemia, hemorrhage, and early satiety should _____.
received upper endoscopy with biopsy.
Symptomatic HCM should be treated with______.
a beta-blocker or verapamil.
CK-MB v. Troponin
CK-MB appears 4-6 hours after symptom onset, peaks at 24 hrs., returns to normal in 3 days.
Troponin appears 4-6 hrs. too but stays elevated for 14 days
SOB + myasthenia gravis
thymoma - surgical resection
Drugs that exacerbate myasthenia gravis are
beta blockers
methylmalonic acid level and homocysteine levels in VitB12 deficiency and folic acid deficiency
Vit B12 - increased in both

Folic Acid - increased in homocysteine
darkening plaque with wart-like, velvety texture; stuck on appearance
seborrheic keratosis
crusty lesion in sun-exposed areas
actinic keratosis - squamous cell carcinoma
MC Type of gastric ulcer
Type I - lesser curvature of the stomach
Type of PUD where there are 2 ulcers present: one gastric and one duodenal
Type II
PUD type III
prepyloric ulcer
PUD type IV
proximal gastroesophageal ulcer
diagnostic test of choice for thyroid nodules
fine needle aspiration
Treatment of choice for idiopathic bilateral hyperplasia causing hyperaldosteronism is ____.
congenital intracranial calcifications of the basal ganglia
Tx. of toxoplasmosis
pyrimethamine and sulfadiazine
causes a shiny skin on the nipple with peeling at the areola

breastfeeding mom
gold standard in the diagnosis of endometriosis
The most common presentation is pain and paresthesias in the ulnar nerve distribution due to C8 and T1 involvement.
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
Questions that mention cough usually indicate that it is NOT ____.
Cluster HA prophy
valproic acid
most common form of brachial plexus injury caused by difficult labor
Erb-Duchenne palsy - C5/C6 nerve roots
disease of hemangiomas in the brain, spinal cord and retina. It is associated with renal cell carcinoma, pheochromocytoma and renal angiomas. (children)
von Hippel - Lindau
causes absent deep tendon reflexes, atrophied muscles, and muscle weakness (children)
Acute tubular necrosis:
BUN/Cr ?
urine sodium ?
FENa ?
urine osmolality ?
BUN:Cr ratio will be <20:1
urine sodium >40 mEq/L
FENa >2%
urine osmolality <350 mosm/kg.
Pre-renal acute renal failure:
BUN/Cr ?
FENa ?
Urine Na ?
Urine Osmolality ?
BUN:Cr ratio over 20
Urine Na <20mEq/L
urine osmolality >500mosm/kg.
Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome (HUS) v. Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (TTP)
microangiopathic anemia
acute renal failure
TTP: HUS + fever + neurologic signs
Tx. of polycythemia vera
chronic phlebotomy
Right sided v. Left sided colon cancer
Right side bleeds, Left side obstructs
Right: melena, occult blood
Left: hematochezia BRBPR, pencil stools
Tx. of perforated peptic ulcer?
if <70 y/o, conservative, IV fluids, suction, etc.

if >70 y/o, open laparotomy
Pt. with high cortisol level and low ACTH level - What next?
Cushing's syndrome: order CT scan of adrenals
VIPomas cause:
watery diarrhea (hypokalemia)
parasternal lift
RV dilatation
diffuse upsloping ST elevations with PR depressions.
acute pericarditis
child with hyperphagia and obesity after difficulty eating as infant
Meckel's Diverticulum Rule of 2's:
(A) Occurs in 2% of the population (B) Only 2% are symptomatic
(C) Located 2 ft proximal to the ileocecal valve
(D) The diverticulum is 2 in. long
(E) Sx. manifest at 2 years of age.
Meckel's Diverticulum: Dx. and Tx.?
Dx: tech 99 scan

Tx: surgical excision
cherry red macular spot
Neimann-Pick OR Tay Sachs (no HSM)
deficiency in sphingomyelinase
deficiency in hexosaminidase A
deficient in glucocerebrosidase
deficient in galactosidase A
Fabry's Disease
neuro and renal disease
skin lesions in groin area
Gaucher's Disease
Neurological symptoms
hypersplenism (thrombocytopenia/anemia)
levels of MSAFP are _____ with trisomy.
Neural tube defects have increase/decreased _____ (3) activity
increased MSAFP, AFAFP, and AchE
painless anal bleeding and anal pruritis
hemorrhoids - internal and external

become painful when thrombosed
confusion, ataxia, and nystagmus.
Wernicke's encephalopathy - vit B1 (thiamine) deficiency
Glucose and thiamine?
NEVER give glucose before thiamine - causes thiamine deficiency
positive Trendelenberg test
When the patient lifts one leg, the pelvis will fall on the opposite side of the weak gluteus medius muscle
First line treatment for ascites is ____ and/or _____.
Most specific test for RA
xray - joint space narrowing and erosions
non-anion gap, hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis.
What kind of electrolyte abnormality is found in multiple myeloma?
Hypercalcemia - decreased anion gap
CNS malignancy associated with familial adenomatous polyposis
Turcot's Syndrome
adenomatous polyps - plus osteomas, lipomas, fibromas,cysts, and dental abnormalities
Gardners Syndrome
3rd generation cephalosporin: cefotaxime
Treatment of choice for H. pylori is triple therapy:
amoxicillin, clarithromycin, and a proton pump inhibitor
end organ resistance to PTH: hypocalcemia, hyperphosphatemia but high PTH
Indications for long term oxygen therapy for patients with COPD are:
1.) SaO2 < 89%
2.) PaO2 < 55%,
3.) PaO2 55-59 right-sided heart failure or erythrocytosis is present
What bug is assoc. reactive arthritis/Reiter's?
Campylobacter may cause what two autoimmune disease?
reactive arthritis

Guillain Barre
RF for endometrial carcinoma (4)
1. Age
2. excess estrogen
3. FamHx
4. Diabetes
weakness of finger adductors and abductors?
T1 nerve impingement
Treatment of Choice for dermatitis herpetiformis
gluten-free diet
Chest x-ray of silicosis will show
nodular opacities in the upper lobe
CXR of berylliosis will show
unilateral hilar lymphadenopathy
CXR of asbestosis will show
b/l opacities with pleural plaques
Tx. of focal segmental glomerulosclerosis
prednisone and cyclophosphamide
most common cause of nephrotic syndrome in adults
membranous glomerulonephritis
granular deposits of IgG and C3 at the basement membrane, sometimes referred to as "spike-and-dome" appearance
membranous glomerulonephritis
fusion of epithelial foot processes
minimal change disease
most common cause of nephrotic syndrome in children
minimal change disease
nephrotic syndrome caused by immune complexes depositing in the kidney
membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis
C3 levels are low in pts with this condition: a characteristic "tram-track" appearance on microscopy due to capillary basement membranes thickening by interposition of mesangial cells and matrix into the capillary wall
membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis
___ or ___ may be used concurrently with NSAIDs to reduce the incidence of ulcers
Misoprostol or PPI's
type of thyroid cancer that causes an increase in calcitonin
MC type of thyroid cancer
hyponatremia, low serum osmolality, and low urine volume is the hallmark of ____? Tx.?
Tx.: fluid restriction
continuous machine like murmur
Patent ductus arteriosus
mood reactivity + weight gain, hypersomnia, leaden paralysis, or sensitivity to rejection
atypical depression
patient with dysthymia experiences an episode of major depression
double depression
melancholic depression
lack of mood reactivity, early morning awakening / insomnia, and weight loss / anorexia
defect in the pars interarticularis
degenerative change of the vertebrae