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61 Cards in this Set

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Speech Aerodynamics studies what?
Measurements of pressure, flow and resistance as they relate to speech production.
Aerodynamics in the speech mechanism is?
Air pressure and airflow that changes in the larynx in a dynamic fashion during speech production.
Our lungs produce _____ ________ which is the driving force of speech.
air pressure.
When you reduce the size of the lungs you _____ the pressure with in them.
The _______ pressure is the Atmospheric pressure.
_______ pressure is generated in the Lungs. While the _______pressure is in the atmosphere.
higher pressure.
Articulation that is accurate relies on controlling pressures and flows in the vocal tract. T/F
An example of an aerodynamic problem with articulation is in _______ _________ where you have _____ ______that are partially atrophied because of neurological damage.
flaccid dysarthria
weak muscles.
If the vocal folds don't meet at midline very well, this is another case of ______________ issues.
Aerodynamic issues.
A result of the vocal folds not meeting well at midline can result in a ________ and _______ voice.
breathy and weak
When a person sounds _______ they loose air too fast and so they are unable to speak for very long.
A larynx that is tightly constricted can also cause and has very high resistance called?
muscle tension dysphonia
In ___________ ____________ ______ the vocal folds are closed to tightly and caused the flow to be very low.
muscle tension dysphonia
disordered velopharyngeal function is also an _________ problem.
The velum is _____ when it should be _______ in velopharyngeal function disorders.
In velopharyngeal function disorders, the air pressure will leak out through the ______ _______ when it should be impounded in the ______ _______.
nasal cavity
oral cavity
Pressure is defined as?
force per unit area
Metric units that also measure pressure used in research is ?
pascals or kilopascals.
In speech research we use ______ ____ to calibrate our devices.
centimeters H20
A U tube Manometer uses _________ _____ to measure pressure that is applied in the tube.
centimeters H20
U tube Manometer can calibrate electronic equipment that we use to measure air pressure. T/F
The U tube Manometer isn't a very good measurement of pressures in speech production because?
in speech pressures go up and down extremely rapidly and sometimes by subtle amounts.
The U tube Manometer can measure ______ ________ where you apply a constant pressure to it.
static pressure
For actual recording of pressure during speech production we need to use _______ devices not a U-tube manometer.
A pressure transducer is a?
small cylindrical unit that has a tube protruding from it.
The_______ ________ has a clear polythene tube that extends from the end of the white adapter. And this tube goes into the persons mouth as they speak.
pressure transducer
The _______ _________will show air pressure inside the mouth as it rises and falls depending on the consonants the person is articulating.
pressure transducer
The pressure transducer can measure _______ _____ __________ during speech production.
intraoral air pressure
This pressure transducer is made by a company called.?
Glottal Enterprises.
The posterior wall of the trachea is common with the _________ wall of the esophagus.
the pressure transducer is used to measure ______ and ______ air pressure.
intraoral and nasal
Pio is what we call _______ _______ which is when you place the tubeing just inside the mouth.
intraoral pressure
When producing a vowel the intraoral pressure would be the _____ as the atmospheric pressure around the outside of the head.
When you produce a stop consonant, like /t/ or /d/ the pressure would be _____ in the mouth.
When you have reduced oral air pressures due to velopharyngeal insufficiency, this causes issues with producing ________ correctly.
Phonation that is not strong and consonants that are not sounding nearly as crisp is due to ?
pressure insufficiency in the vocal tract
When producing a vowel the pressure reading on the graph is equivalent to?
zero, and it this case atmospheric pressure.
When producing pressure consonants like ________. The pressure _____.
When producing voiced stops the ______ is in involved in sound production and so the pressure is being used to drive the ____ ____ oscillation.
vocal fold
To make a voiceless stop the larynx has to be fully _______.
Laryngeal devoicing gesture is when?
the arytenoid cartlages abduct or open far apart from each other,and teh pressure coming from the lungs is fully available to build up behind the consonant constriction and thus raise the air pressure in the mouth.
What disorders reduce pressure peaks?
velopharyngeal insufficiency
flaccid dysarthria
respiratory weakness
Pressure is _______ for stop consonants.
Pressure is elevated for ________?
Sub Glottal pressure is abbreviated as?
Ps or Psub.
Pressure that the lungs provide that goes up the trachea to the larynx is called?
Sub Glottal Pressure
Sub glottal pressure is the driving pressure for _____________.
Sub glottal pressure is difficult to measure directly. T/F
When a hole is made in a person's trachea to measure pressure that procedure is called?
tracheal puncture
An ___________ ____________ can be swallowed part way down the esophagus to measure pressure.
esophageal balloon
The posterior trachea and the anterior esophagus share a wall? T/F
Use of the esophageal pressure transducer is used alot today? T/F
False It is not used alot today.
When does oral pressure equal Psub?
This will occure just for a brief instant during production of a /p/ when the person is also producing vowels, so a series of consonant vowel syllables.(papapapa)
Laryngeal devoicing gesture is when ?
the lip closure for the /p/ production connects the mouth cavity directly to the trachea and the pressure equalized very quickly.
Laryngeal devoicing is also called
abduction of the vocal folds or the vocal folds are apart.
During laryngeal devoicing there is no pressure drop at the larynx because it's _____________.
The estimated subglottic pressure from the oral pressure measurement cooresponded very closely to the pressure that was directly measured from the trachea. t/F
When you look at a waveform, you see airflow when a _____ is being produced and you don't see airflow when a _________ __________ occurs.
Consonant Constriction
Wide band airflow is very sensitive to rapid changes in airflow as the focal folds open and close. T/F
The wide band signal is like a _______ signal because where it is thicker the amplitude is greater and where it is thinner the amplitude is less.
Air pressure is higher or lower when a vowel is being produced?
lower. The air pressure is at a minimum during the vowel because the mouth is open and the air pressure is equalized between the oral cavity and the atmosphere around the speaker.