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50 Cards in this Set

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What is a chain of three small bones that briddge the gap of the middle ear space from teh tympanic membrane to the oval window?
the ossicles
Name the three ossicles.
What is the largest of the ossicles?
The malleus
The malleus has a _____, _____, and 3 ________.
head, neck, processes
What are the 3 processes of the malleus?
The head of the _______ occupies 1/2 of the _________ ________.
head, epitympanic recess
The manubrium is attached to the ________ connective tissue of the _______ _______. This accounts for the _______ nature of the TM.
middle, tympanic membrane, concave
The posterior surface of the head of the malleus contains an _______ ________ for attachement to the ________.
articular facet, incus
Where the manubrium joins the neck of the malleus, there is a small _______ projection for attachement of the _______ ________ tendon.
boney, tensor tympani
The incus has a ______ and __ processes.
body, 2
The _____ of the _____ occupies 1/2 of the epitympanic recess.
body incus
The two processes of the _____ arise from the body at nearly _____ ______.
incus, right angles
The short process of the incus is ___ mm and runs ______ _______ and occupies the _______ ________.
5, horizontally backward, fossa incudis
The long process of the incus is ___ mm and runs _______ _______ to the manubrium.
7, vertically, parallel
Inferiorly, the end of the long process of the incus bends sharply ________ and terminates at the ______ _______.
medialward, lenticular procses
The stapes has a ______, _____, 2 ______, and a _______.
head, neck, crura, footplate
The head of the stapes has a concave ________ _______ for the reception of the _______ ________.
articular facet, lenticular process
What is the smallest bone in the body?
the stapes
The stapes has a small _____ ______ on the head-neck for attachement of the _______ _______.
boney spine, stapedial tendon
What are the 2 crura of the stapes?
posterior and anterior
The crura of the stapes originate near the ______ margin of the _______.
inferior, footplate
Which crura is slenderer, shorter, and less curved?
anterior crus
The footplate of the stapes is part _____ and part _______.
osseous, cartilaginous
The footplate of the stapes occupies the _____ _______.
oval window
How is the stapes held in place?
By an annular ring
What is the opening of the stapes called?
obturator foramen
When the stapes reaches a certain intensity, what happens?
it changes rotation
What is another name for the auditory tube?
The Eustachian tube
The Eustachian tube was named after __________ who was a ____ century _______.
Eustachius, 16th, anatomist
Thyroid hormone
How long is the average auditory tube in adults?
35-38 mm
The auditory tube is directed ________ - forward and _______.
downward, medially
The saggital plane of the auditory tube goes down at a ___ degree angle and forward at a ___ degree angle.
45, 35
What are the four sections of the auditory tube?
The osseous portion of the auditory tube is __-__ mm in length.
12, 14
The auditory tube begins at the _____ wall just beneath the _____ ______ _________.
carotid, septum canalis musculotubarii
The _____ of the auditory tube is usually ope and is about __ - __ mm in diameter. It is __ mm above the floor of the middle ear.
lumen, 3,6, 3
The auditory tube is opened by a combination of contractions of the _______ _______ and the ______ _______ muscles. This action pulls the ______ cartilage away from the ______ cartilage.
tensor palatini, levator palatini, lateral, medial
The cartilaginous portion of the auditory tube varies in length - about ___ - ____ mm and has the appearance of a _____.
18, 24, hook
The cartilaginous portion of the auditory tube becomes more ________ as we reach the termination of the tube at the ________.
prominent, nasopharynx
The auditory tube is usually closed at the __________ end.
The cartilaginous end of the auditory tube is completed by a _____ connected _______.
soft, tissue
The junction of the cartilaginous and osseous portion of the auditory tube is called what?
The auditory tube opens how many times a day?
At the pharyngeal ostium (entrance into a hollow organ or cavity), the cartilage and coverings form a prominent elevation called the _____ ______.
torus tubaris
The function of the auditory tube is to ________ middle ear pressure with _______ air pressure.
equalize, outside
A secondary function of the auditory tube is to ______ normal and diseased _______ from the middle ear.
drain, secretions
When the muscles are relaxed, the lumen is ______, when they are contracted, the lumen is ______.
closed, open
The anterior elevation of the torus tubaris is the __________ muscle.
The posterior fold of the torus tubaris is the ____________.