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238 Cards in this Set

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3 parts of inner ear in order from posterior to anterior
Semi Circular Canals (SCC)
Which part(s) are repsonsible for hearing?
Which part(s) are responsible for balance?
SCC and vestibule
2 types of labyrinths for each divisionn (SCC, Vestibule and Cochlea)?
Osseous and Membraneous
The ______ is a system of canals and cavities within the dense ______ portion of the temporal _______ .
osseous labyrinth, petrous, bone
The _____ is a series of communicating _______ sacs and ducts within the ______ labyrinth.
membraneous, membranous, osseous
When do these structures become full size?
middle of fetal life
Name, in order from outer to inner the tubes and spaces of the labyrinths
Bone, perilymphatic space, membraneous, endolymphatic space
The ______ is filled with perilymph and is between the bone and membraneous labryinth
perilymphatic space
The _______ is filled with endolymph and is located inside the membraneous tube.
endolymphatic space
What is the surface of the boney canal *covered* with?
fibrous membrane
Attached to the fibrous membrane located on the boney canal, is the _______ ________ ________. This secretes _______.
perilymphatic epithelium membrane, perilymph
Name in order the labyrinth structures and fluids...from outer to inner
bone, perilyphatic space, perilymph fluid, membraneous, endolyphatic space, filled with endolyphatic fluid
Coiled up on itself is the _______ and behind that is the ____ nerve that carries infor up to the higher auditory pathways.
cochlea, 8th
How many semicircular canals and what are their names?
3, Superior, Posterior and Lateral
Which SCC opens into the the vestibule on both ends?
The superior and posterior SCC share an opening into the vestibule called the ______ ________. The other ends open into the ______ as well.
Common Cruz, vestibule.
There are __ SCCs with __ openings into the vestibule
3, 5 (since one opening is shared by the common cruz)
What is in the tympanic wall of the vetibule?
oval window
The osseous vestibule - describe (measurements, shape, and forms what)
oval in shape
5 mm ant - post
3 mm deep
forms the central portion portion of the boney labyrinth
The osseous vestibule lateral wall contains the:
oval window (also known as the tympanic wall)
The ossesous vestibule medial wall contains what
small perforations with 3 recesses
What are the four features of the ossesous vestibule? (think recesses)
Pyramid of the Vestibule
Vestibular Crest
Elliptical Recess
Spherical Recess
What separates the Pyramid of the Vestibule fomr the 2 recesses?
Vestibular Crest
What recess is on top of the osseous vestibule?
Name the 2 lower recesses in order of posterior to anterior
elliptical, spherical
What houses the utricle?
the elliptical recess in the ossesou vestibule
what houses the saccule?
the spherical recess in the ossesou vestibule
the ossesou SCC are located?
posterior area of the boney labyrinth
The osseous SCC open into the ______
Each osseous SCC is about ___ of a circle and contains what? and which occupies __ of the ossesou duct.
2/3, membraneous duct, 1/4
How many ampullas are there and where are they?
3, at the end of each canal where it joins the vestibule
What is an ampulla
a dilation
Describe the lateral SCC - how does it sit?
sits at a 30 degree angle to the horizontal
The lateral SCC canal - where does it go?
ampullary anterior end goes into upper vestibule and the posterior end goes into the lower vestibule
The Superior SCC where does it go into the vestibule?
antereo-lateral end is ampulated and joins the upper vestibule
the posterior medial end fuses with the superior limb of the posterior canal to form the CRIS COMMUNE/common cruz
The posterior SCC - where does it goe into the vestibule?
The upper limb fuses with the Superior SCC to from the CRIS COMMUNE/common cruz
The lower ampulated limb opens into the lower vestibule
The osseous cochlea is located where?
anterior end of the boney labyrinth
Describe the ossesou cochlea (shape, and turns)
snail like, coiled up on itself 2 and 5/8 turns
The center or hub of the ossesous cochlea is called the _____
the ______ is a spiral crest of bone that projects into the _____ of the tube within the ossesous cochlea
ossesous spiral lamina, lumen
Describe the OSL
like a flange of a screw.
what does the OSL do?
divides partially the opening of the cochlea tube into two ducts
what are the two ducts that the OSL divides?
inside the cochlea, the scala vestibuli and the scala tympani
what does scala mean
which duct is higher inside the cochlea? the tympani or vestibuli?
where does the OSL finally dissapear whichs allows for what?
at the apex or cupola of the cochlea tube
when the boney shelves of the OSL disappear this allows for what?
communication between the scala tympani and scala vestibuli
what is the opening called - where the scala tympani and scala vestibuli opens inside the cochlea?
the heliocotrema (helio = coil, trema = hole)
what is the axis in which the cochlea spirals and turns?
What are the cochlea measurements?
width base - 9 mm
base to apex of cochlea - 5 mm
total tube length if uncoiled? 35 mm
- in general, round and squatty
what is the large opening in the center of the vase of the cochlea called?
foramen centrale
what passes through the foramen centrale and where do they go?
never fibers from the apex of the cochlea.
Nerves from the base of the cochlea pass through a little tract on the periphery called the _____ _____ _______.
tractus spiralus foramina
So little holes from the base of the cochlea go up and hold nerves. and big hole from the apex of the cochlea goes down. t/f and what are they called?
foramen centrale - apex (goes down) and tractus spiralus foramina (goes up)
The OSL really has __ shelves of bone with an opening between them called the ____ ____
2, perforate habenula
Where does the acoustic nerve form the sensory cells run in the cochlea
through the perforate habenula
What is the upper and lower shelf of the OSL called?
vestibular lip, tympanic lip
The core of the cochlea called the _____ is also ______ so that nerves can get out
modiolus, porous
The OSL projects into the ____ or opening of the cochlear tube
The ____ _____ ____ is the passageway in the bone which will carry the auditory nerve inform from the cochlea to the cortex.
internal auditory meatus
The OSL is largest at teh ____ of the cochlea and gets smaller at the _____. It also projects ____ into the tube as it reaches the ____
base, apex, less, apex
The OSL and Basilar Membrane have an ______ relationship
_______ which is inside the membrane and is carried out by the ______ _____ which goes into the _____ ____ and then goes into the dura mater of the brain
endolymph, endolymphatic duct, endolymphatic sac,
_____ which is in between the bone and membrane labyrinth travels through the ______ _____ and ____ ____ to the CSF
perilymph, arachoid space and cochlear aqueduct
Remember that most of the inner is made up of a ______ duct that is floating inside of a _____ duct. To support the boney walls of the osseous canals there are ____ __ ______ ______.
However, mostly present in the ____, there is no need for it in the _____
membraneous, osseous, bundles of connective tissue, SCC, cochlea. (as you move toward cochlea, less and less in vestibule).
Which SCC is the lowest?
Each SCC opens into the _____
The 2 bulbous structures in the center of (vestibule) are the:
utricle and saccule
At the bottom of the saccule ther eis a little tube that runs down into the cochlea called the ____ ______
canal reuniens
The canal reuniens carries ____ into the cochlea from the saccule
The nerve trunk comes off the back of the _____ and is the _____ nerve
cochlea, cochlear
The _______ nerve comes off the SCC and the back of the utricle and saccule.
the ______ and ____ nerve combine into the 8th cranial nerve (acoustic nerve).
cochlear, vestibular
What is described as a large paddle posterior to the vestibule? (remember the 'handle' part)
endolymphatic sac with the endolyphatic duct going into it
The membraneous vestibule is a ______ system.
static (no movement or change)
The SCCs work on a ______ system
The sense organs in the ______ give us a sense of our position, and perception of our position and space on a VERTICAL plane.
The sense organs in the vestibule give us a sense of postion while we are moving or not?
not moving
The ossesou vestibule contains ___ sacs
What are the 2 sacs in the ossesous vestibule?
utricle and saccule
The ___ fits into the spherical recess of the ossesous vestibule near the opening of the _____ ____ of the cochlea
saccule, scala vestibuli
The ____ fits into the elliptical recess of the ossesous vestibule
Which is larger the utricle or saccule?
What ducts combine to form the endolymphatic duct?
utricle and saccule
The endolyphatic duct joins/becomes the ______ ____
endolymphatic sac
Where does teh endolymphatic sac sit?
in the dura lining of the brain
The vestibular aqueduct houses the ______
endolyphatic duct
The _____ ____ joins the saccule and cochlea
canal reuniens
The sac is normally filled with _____ for ________ regulation
endolymph, endolymphatic
Individual nerves come off the cochlear base and they continue to come off the top as the ______ nerve
3 SCC the ampullas have ____ ____
nerve tufts
These nerve tufts coming out of the ampullas of the SCCs are _______ ______
sensory organs
Nerve tufts come out of the ampulla of the SCCs as well as the ____ and _____
utricle and saccule
All of the nerve tufts are part of the _____ nerve which is going to send balance info to the brain
Macula is latin for
The ______ are small areas/sense organs within the wall of the utricle and saccule
At the base of the macula is a bed of
epithelial cells
Sensory ____ cells are embedded in the epithelial base of the macula
When the sensory hair cells of the macula are stimulated - what happens?
neural activity is initiated and sent off to the brain
The macula respond to ______ _______ and ______ movement of the head.
linear forward, sideways
On top of the hair cells within the macula, is a _______ mass
The gelatinous mass within the macula has a density just _____ than the endolymph it is floating in
greater (so it won't crush the hair cells)
It is the _____ ___that stimulates the hair cells in the macula
gelatinous mass
The hair cell inside the macula up close has a sensory cell row of ______ hairs and a coarse hair on the side called the _______
sterocilia, kenocilium
The top of the hair cells touch the _____ of the gelatinous mass inside the macula.
If you tilted the macula, the gelatinous mass would slide, the hair cells would bend and then what would happen
a signal would be sent to the CNS. (Electrical impulse of the hair is sent out to the base along the nerve fiber to the CNS)
Within the macula's gelatinous mass, there are _________ _______ ______ aka ______
calcium carbonate crystals, otoliths
Otoliths assist the movement of the gelatinous mass found in the macula by the use of _______ forces
Membraneous SCC ampulla has a highly developed ciliated sensory cell called the ____ _______.
Remember the CRISTA AMPULLARIS is coming off the SCC and into the _____
ampula, this area also has the membrane and connective tissue holding the membrane away from teh boney wall
inside the membrane is the ________ and between the membrane and bone is the ______
endolymph, perilymph
The membranouse SCC is somewhat similar to the membraneous ______
(hair cells with supporting cells beneath, nerve fibers coming off the base and exiting little perforations in the bone to become part of the vestibular nerve.
on top of the hair cells inside the SCC is a gelatinous mass called the ______ _______ (on top of crista ampularis)
gelatinous cupola
The SCC is a ______ system
The SCC operates undedr conditions of ____ and ____
acceleration, decellaration (inertia)
When you move your head, the endolyph has a tendency to move in the ______ direction of the Crista Ampularrais.
opposite, due to inertia (cookie sheet example)
Inside the membraneous SCC the endolymph disturbs the _____ cells which do what and which nerve?
hair, send a neural response to the vestibular nerve branch
How is the lateral SCC stimulated?
moving head on the horizontal plane
How is the posterior SCC stimulated?
moving head up and down on vertical plane
How is the Superior SCC stimulated?
moving head from ear to ear
Name the tissues in order from outer to inner inside the SCC
bone, connective tissue, perilymph, membrane, endolymph
Endolymph has more _______ than Perilymph, but Perilymph has more ____ than endolymph
potassium(K), sodium (Na)
Name in order where the endolypmph travels
endolyphatic duct, dura mater of brain, CNS
Name in order where the perilymph travels
cochlear aqueduct to teh archanoid space to the CSF to the CNS
The scala media is AKA
the endolymphatic space
the scala tympani communicaates to the _____ ___ via the ____ ____
middle ear, round window
The Endoyphatic Space is AKA as 3 other names
scala media, membraneous cochlea, cochlear duct
The ossesous cochlea is divided by the
The OSL is a narrow shelf of bone that arises from the ______ side of the cochlea
The division of the cochlea is completed by the
membraneous cochlea or scala media
is a spirally arranged tube that lies along the outer wall of the ossesous cochlea.
the scala media
the scala media is ___ mm and is in between the _____ _____ and the _____ ______
34, scala vestbuli, scala tympani
The cochlea tube sections (3)
scala vestbuli, scala media, scala tympani
what is the floor of the scala media
basilar membrane
what is the roof of the scala media?
reissners membrane
The basilar membrane goes from the ____ to the _____
OSL, to the outer cochlear wall
reissners membrane goes from the ______ to the _______ ____ _____
superior spiral lamina, superior stria vascularis
The outside wall of the cochlea has a ligament...
The _____ _____ runs the length of the cochlear tube and projects inward to form a point called the ____ ____
spiral ligament, basilar crest
The _____ _____ connects to the basilar crest of the spiral ligament
basilar membrane
The _____ _____ extends from the tympanic lip of the OSL to the basilar crest of the spiral ligament
basilar membrane
The basilar membrane forms a fibrous layer that serves as a footing for the spiral organ...aka as?
organ of corti
The portion of the basilar membrane that is closest to the spiral lamina is _____ and _____ (description)
and is called the _____ zone or ____
thin, fragile, arcuate or pars tecta (roof)
The tympanic surface of the basilar membrane is covered by a layer of ______ , which ______ tissue coarses.
mesothelium, vascular
The largest of the vascular tissue that coarses through the mesothelium layer on the tympanic surface of the basilar membrane is the
vas spirale
The innermost part of the basilar membrane is located near the _____ and is known as the _____ zone
spiral lamina, arcuate
The outermost part of the basilar membrane is _____ and _____ and is located near the ______ _______.
thicker, rigid, spiral ligament
the outermost part of the basilar membrane is aka the ______ ______ and consists of # ____ (type) of layers
pectinate portion (comb like), 2, fibrous
The Basilar Membrane is composed of (3)
base of connective tissue
transverse fibers
tympanic surface (vascular covering) - vas spirale
The transverse fibers of the BM are on top of the ______________
base of connective tissue
the transverse fibers of the BM are _____ to the axis of the cochlear duct and have about # of these fibers
perpendicular (washboard like), 24,000
The underneath side of the BM faces the scala tympani is the _____ covering. Right in the center of the this is a large vessel called the ____ _____
vascular, vas spirale
in 1938, Weaver reported that the BM was .08 mm at the base, and .5 mm at the apex
in 1918, Keith reported that the BM was .16 mm at the base and .52 at the apex
The greatest width of the BM is at the _____
the least width of the BM is at the ______
The baseof the OSL projected further into the ossesous spiral tube and became less at the apex....which is the ____ of the BM
The BM has no ____, and the stiffness ratio from the base to the apex is:
tension, 100:1
meaning the base is stiffer than the apex
The spiral lamina is a what?
a spiral plate, narrow shelf of bone at the apical end of the cochlear duct and becomes wider at the basal end.
What consists of 2 plates of bones, between which are canslas for the transmission of peripheral fibers of the auditory nerve
ossesous spiral lamina
The upper layer of bone of the OSL is continuous with
the spiral limbus
the spiral limbus is _____ at its outer edge, which forms the ______ _____ _____ and gives rise to the ____ ____ and the lower part called the ____ ____
concave, internal spiral sulcus, vestibular lip, tympanic lip
the _____ ___ has a serrated appearance (auditory teeth)
The ____ ____ are specialized cells that run along the margin of the spiral ligament towards _____ ______
strias vascularis, reissner's membrane
The _____ ______ cells function differently than the supporting cells within the cochlea.
strias vascularis
the ____ ______ is a group of nerve cells that travel through the habenula perforata
spiral ganglion
The collection of cells within the Scala Media is called the
Organ of Corti
There are supporting cells in the Organ of Corti are a collection of very unique cells, each being very _____
The supporting cells inside the Organ of Corti have no _____ function, they are there for ___ and _____ _____
sensory, support and functional purposes
The ____ ___ _____ is a collection of specialized cells brought together to accomplish a specific function
organ of corti
Inside the cochlear duct, the stapes fits into the vestibule and sound waves push onto _____ _____ which affects ____ ______ and energy is released into the ____ _____ and up to the __________ and then down to the _______ _______ where the ______ ______ is distended.
reissner's membrane, basilar membrane, scala vestibuli, heliocotrema, scala tympani, round window
Low frequencies come out through the ___ of the scala media
High frequencies come out through the scala media to the scala tympani into the middle ear close to the ___ of the cochlea
The stria vascularis secrete?
endolymph fluid
The ____ ____ is in the lower portion of the scala media and sits on the vestibular lip of the OSL
spiral limbus
What is the thickened periosteum that narrows as it extends towards the tectorial membrane?
spiral limbus
limbus means
border or edge
The cochlear duct has 5 spaces that are filled with fluid
inner sulcus
inner tunnel of corti
space of nuel
outer tunnel
outer spiral sulcus
There are unique specialized cells in the cochlear duct (cross section)...starting with the spiral limbus to the spiral ligament (9)
border cells of held
inner phalangeal cells
inner hair cell
inner rod of corti
outer rod of corti
outer phalangeal cells (deiters)
outer hair cell
cells of henson
cells of claudius
The rods of corti AKA _____ and have 2 sets: ____ and _____
pillars of corti, inner and outer
inner rods of corti are closest to the ____ ____ and the outer rods are closest to the ___ _____
spiral limbus, spiral ligament
The 'pillars' of corti are like a stack of ?
dominoes - with a row one behind the other
The border cells of held are what tissue type and cover what?
epithelial that cover the vestibular lip
the border cells of held are _____ cells for the ____ hair cells and line the ____ ____ ___
support, inner, inner spiral sulcus
which supporting cells of the Organ of Corti are flat and multisided?
border cells of held
The inner phalangeal cell has __ parts:_____ and _____
2, body/base and phalangeal process
the body/base of the inner phalangeal cell extends to the _____ limit of the ____ cell
lower, hair (so at the base of the hair cell is the body of the inner phalangeal cell)
The phalangeal process of the inner phalangeal cell begins at the ___ of the hair cell and extends all the way to the top or apex of the ____ cells
base, hair
There is a ____ at the apex of the phalangeal process of the inner phalangeal cell
lamella (plate or leaf-like)
Inner phalangeal cells are NOT associated with ____ like the outer phalangeal cells
The inner rod of corti is right after the inner phalangeal cells (t/f)
The rods are ____ cells and ___ spaced and converge at the ___
supporting, widely, top
The triangular space between the rods of corti is called _____ and is filled with this fluid: _____
inner tunnel of corti, cortilymph
The ____ of the inner tunnel of corti is formed by the bases of the rods and the basilar membrane
The outer rods base rests on the outer limit of the _____ ____ of the BM
arcuate zone
The outer phalangeal cells are AKA and are __ rows of phalangeal cells
deiter's cells, 3
The outer phalangeal cells are similar but NOT exact to the _____ _____ ____
inner phalangeal cells
The membrane called the ____ ____ is a like a loosely woven piece of fabric.
reticular lamina
reticular means
The _____ _____ is between the heads of the phalanges(rods) of Corti and the tectorial membrane
recticular lamina
The _____ _____ is composed of inner phalange, headplates of inner rods, the phalangeal processes of the outer rods and the deiters cells
reticular laminia
The pupose of the reticular lamina is to
lend support to the tops/apexes of the outer hair cells.
The tufts of cilia occupy the spaces in the ____ _____ and project beyond it toward the tectorial membrane.
reticular laminia (net like matrix)
The _________ and the _______ form the base of the outer tunnel or the external spiral sulcus
cells of hensen and cells of claudius
The _______ _____ is the gelatinous mass of the cochlea
tectorial membrane
The tectorial membrane area is submerged into fluid and has a density just slightly ____ that the fuild it is in.
The tectorial membrane runs over the top of the supporting cells in the organ of corti and terminates near the ____ __ ____
cells of hensen
The sensory cells of the Organ of Corti are:
inner and outer hair cells
The is ___ row of inner hair cells and ___ rows of outer hair cells in the organ of corti
1, 3 - (outer are cylinder in shape)
The ____ hair cells are strongly supported at their bases by the bodies phalangeal cells and at their apexes by the phalangeal processes
The ____ ___ ____ are made of epithelial cells, have a slit like space between them wich allow _____ to circulate and nerve fibers to pass through
rods of corti, endolymph
The inner hair cell is placed in the _______ formed by the base of the ___ ___ ___
cup, inner phalangeal cell
The outer hair cells are placed in the ____ of the _____ ____ ___
bases, outer phalangeal cell
The ___ __ _____ are at the apex of the hair cells and are in contact with the ____ _____
(inside the Scala Media)
tufts of cilia, tectorial membrane
The rods/pillars fit together like a ___ ___ with the inner rod having a longer roof
puzzle piece, inner
What would run from somewhere near the top of the inner hair cell over the headplates fo the pillars of corti and inner hair cells out to the cells of hensen
reticular lamina
the ___ __ ___ are continous with the highly vascular layer of epithelium lining the spiral ligament.
cells of cladius
The ___ ___ ____ help form the stria vascularis
cells of cladius
The ___ ___ has been likened to a microkidney and produces endolymph
stria vascularis
The shape of each ____ phalangeal cell or __ cell is modified to form a cuppp that snugly fits the basal end of a ___ ___ __
outer, deiter, outer hair cell
the outer phalangeal cell has a base/body and a phalangeal process like the inner phalangeal cell. (t/f)
The outer phalangeal cell also has an ascending phalanx that expands to the top to form a thin lamella (cuticular plate) that contributes to the ____ _____, it also separates the apexes of the neighboring hair cells.
reticular membrane
Another name for the Organ of Corti
Spiral Organ
The otic capsule holds?
3 parts - SCC, Vestibule, and Cochlea
The cochlea modiolus base is near?
internal auditory meatus and carries nerves (p.465)
The OSL terminates near the heliocotrema, this hooklike process is called the:
The cochlea has 3 openings:
round window, cochlear aqueduct, heliocotrema
The round window in the cochlea is where and does what?
basal extreme of the scala tympani, opens into tympanic cavity and permits pressure to equalize between the Scala Tympani and Scala Vestibule
The cochlear aqueduct is where and does what?
near the round window, carries perilymph to the arachnoid space in the brain
Perilymph is
extracelluar fluid, ultrafiltrate of blood
Perilymph is in these areas of the inner ear:
scala vestibuli, scala tympani, and perilymphatic spaces in the vestibule and SCC.
Endolymph is
intracelluar fluid, ultrafiltrate of blood
The membraneous labyrinth has 3 areas:
the SCC, the utricle and saccule, and cochlear duct/scala media
Another name for Reissner's membrane is:
vestibular membrane
Low sound frequencies displace larger and larger segments of the basilar membrane (T/F)
Displacement patterns of the BM:
shallow: low frequency rise
very steep: high frequency cutoff
In order - Scala Media cells and areas: (14)
border cells of held
inner sulcus
iner phalangeal cell
inner hair cell
inner rod,
inner tunnel
outer rod
space of nuel
outer phalangeal cell
outer hair cell
outer tunnel
cells of hensen
cells of claudiud and boettcher