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55 Cards in this Set

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Tongue Thrust aka
Reverse or Immature Swallow
Nearly all infants swallow by pushing tongue ______
By age __ most children change to a normal swallow pattern which involves:
6, squeezing the tongue against the roof of the mouth instead of pushing it foward against the teeth
Tongue thrust causes: (3)
Hereditary Factors
Learned Behaviors (Thumb Sucking)
Dealy or interruption in the oral maturation process
Tongue thrust symptoms: (5)
1) facial grimace and/or pursing of lips when swallowing
2)mouth breathing due to allergies or enlarged tonsils/adenoid
3) open bite condition of teeth
4) open mouth posture with forward tongue position noted during rest
5) difficulty with speech especially the /s/ and /z/ sounds
Describe Tongue Thrust Test
Hold liquid in mouth, part lips and if liquid escapes from teeth then tongue thruster
Tongue THrust Indications: (5)
1) Irregular positioning of teeth
2) Difficulty in making certain sounds
3) Major concern for orthodontic work
4) Chapped Lips
5) Lip puckering and lip licking prior to swallow
Swallowing occurs about ____ times per day. During swallow, the tongue can exert momentary pressure of __ to __ pounds on the surronding structures of the mouth.
2000, 1-6
Tongue thrust management: 2
Managed through applicances
oral motor exercises for lips, tongue and jaw.
With the applicances for tongue thrusters, there are a couple of types:
removable guard

- prevents tongue from touching teeth
With tongue thrust management:
which is the best?
But it involves?
and another drawback is?
not recommended for age under?
Oral motor exercises
lots of homework
insurance does not cover
Tongue thrusters teeth - which ones are usually effected?
Behavior Modification Philosophies: 2
every child is good
every behavior has a communicative function
Prepartion for behavior modification rule guidelines:
time and effort is necessary
1 rule per year of age


only a few
teach them
post and explain consequences
WIth Behavior modification not all rules should be ______
and give example
3 cardinal rules of behavior modification:
wait for student's attention
know what students are doing (safety)
praise in public and reprove in private
Methods of Behavior Modification: (4)
Focus on child that is behaving while other is not
use soft, low, controlled voice
Stop teaching if you do not have control (go over rules)
enlist parent's help (notify them of rules)
List Motivators: (7)
COmputer Time
Phone call
free speech day
fill out chart
list foggers (2)
I understand...but (restate rules)
I know you're...but (restate rules)
Praise should be (4)
WHat is most important with Behavior Modification?
Rules to follow using Behavior Therapy - how many? and what are they?
Rule of Immediacy
Rule of Attention
Rule of Pairing Reward
Rule of COntinous Reward
Rule of Selective Reward
Rule of Small Steps
Rule of Chaining
Rule of Getting Child's Attention
Rule of Imitation
Rule of Relevant Cues
Rule of Immediacy is
provide IMMEDIATE recognition, can be a treat or token or social reward
Rule of Attention is:
Give attention to GOOD behavior
RUle of Pairing Rewards
pair an activity with speech (eating dinner is fun and SOCIAL)
Rule of COntinous Rewards
Reward each correct response
then every other, then every 3 then variable reward (variable reward serves best)
Rule of Selective reward
only reward productions, not game winning
Rule of small steps
demand very little, then build up expectations
(lingusitic levels)
Rule of chaining
one behavior leads to another in a chain leading to a complex behvaior
Rule of getting child's attention
make sure you child's attention when:
giving directions -
childern learn better when they are actively attending
Rule of Imitation
modeling desired behavior is imporatn as a method of instruction
Rule of relevant cues
important to use relevant cues-
ex. the cue is to 'close your teeth when you say /s/' is imporatnt to children that lisp.
watch me
get ready
What is generalization?
intermediate target of clinical intervention
-either a temporary production of a recently learned response in different contexts and situations OR new untrained responses based on recent or remote learning
Types of generalization?
-to untaught stimulus items
-across word positions
-across linguistic levels
-within sound classes (continuency)
-across sound classes (fricatives->affricates->stops) this is not a usual one
-across situations
When is enough generalization?
conversational speech is 85% or better accuracy
in or out of therapy with clinician
while engaged in some other motor activity
production of the target objectives in the client's natural environment over time
-after discharge
5 components of Maintenance
across language activities (what)
across conversational settings (where)
across conversational partners (with whom)
across associated activities (while doing what)
across time (how long)
Examples of across language activities (WHAT)
playing barrier games
ordering a pizza
playing puppets
explaining how to do something
Examples across conversational settings (WHERE)
in the clinic room
in the lunch room
on the playground
on the school bus
in the office
Examples of across conversational partners (WHO)
with parents, teachers, friend, slp, pets, music teacher
examples of across assoicated activities (WHILE WHAT)
while working on a clas project
while watching TV
while building legos
while coloring
Examples of Across Time (How Long)
for 5 min before dinner
5 min before bed
30 min after therapy session
1 hour after school
during an entire sporting event
During maintenance the _____ is no longer responsible and the _____ is
clinician, client/parent
During maintenance the parent and clinician should
1)practice 'Rx' at home
2) Clinician practices situations that do not look like Rx
3) Parent oversees situations that do not lookike therapy but reminder is present
-give a reminder to client (wrist counter, painted fingernail, log book, signs)
4) Client oversees situations that do not look like therapy and NO REMINDER
SLP should check with parent/client when?
1, 3, and 6 months
Parent Involvement and Homework
Must understand they are 3rd member of team
2) changing behviors = changing motor behaviors/habits
3) Need to know what to expect in behavioral change
4) timelines involved in generation complex speech changes
Parents should know that ______ will be assigned
Homework -
client should make folder and should be assigned ______ session and _______
every, monitored
homework - problem signs
not completed
not returned
parent not staying for rx session
parent coming late
Homework time limits for ages:
grade 1 and 2
grade 3, 4, 5
5 min, 10 min, 15 min
Reinfrocement - best when used on a/an __________ type of schedule
Palatometer is
video articulator as tongue/lips make contact with the roof of the mouth and lips
WIth a palatometer - not all ____ show
not all vowels show
A palometer is great for _____
What can you do with a palatometer
you can compare how you mouth make sounds with how the client's mouth make sounds