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50 Cards in this Set

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- Type of computers (3)

-A device that accepts(input) values, and then translates informations to give a result(output)

- Abacus, Difference machine- polynomial, Eniac - first electronic general purpose computer

- Blooms Taxonomy

- 6 levels of competence ( K.C.A.A.S.E)

- Studied how people think

- knowledge - recall something

-application - solve a problem

-comprehension - predicting consequences

-analysis - identify patterns

-synthesis - use old ideas to make new ones

-evaluation - compare

Before you start a program, what should you do?

Top down design

What are algorithms

The process of how your program should work

where are computer programs stored, and why?

-Once a file is created how does it run

- Source files, because they are readable.

- Through python interpretor.

- Compiling

- interpreting

- Compilation diagram (d

- Virtual Machine

- Performs a conversion ( converts source codes at once to machine code, uses higher level languages)

- performs a conversion (coverts line by line to machine code, uses lower level languages)

- source file > compiler > machine code > c.p.u > result

-source file > virtual machine > result

-Advantages of a compiler


- source code remains sacred/ its faster

-works on only one computer

-Advantages of virtual machine


- works on very computer

- slower

-Magic numbers

- Poorly written numeric constants without meaning

3 Types of errors

- syntax error - as the code is created; no statements are executed

- runtime error - as the program runs; does not complete successfully

- logic error - runs to completion, but gives wrong answers

Data types

-boolean: true or false



-float e.t.c.

What is information?

what is a data?

-A condition or description of something

-Representation of information

what is the sequence for constructing binary? numbers


7 bits of character has how many characters

2^7 = 128 characters

limitations for ascii characters and solutions to it?

only reps latin characters, doesnt support accented char

uft - 8 reps everything

Problems with real numbers?

it cant rep all the real numbers, theres only a finite amount of memory.

what are raster images?

collections of squares (pixels)

boolean logic:


- difference between or / Xor

- flips input value

- or: outputs true if one or both of the inputs are true

-Xor: outputs true if exactly one of the input is true.

- while and for loops are examples of what?

- how many times do post-tested loops runs?

- Pretested loops, runs 0 or more times

- 1 or more times

- Common errors in looping?

- initialization errors - forget to initialize a variable

- Termination errors - infinite loop

- logic errors

what are nested loops?

the body of one loop contains another loop

differences between break and continue?

- stops loop immediately

- stops iteration and goes to the top of the condition/ loop








- recall

- solve a problem

- predict consequences

- use old ideas to make new ones

- compare to find strength and weaknesses

- find patterns

- condition coverage

- statement coverage

- path coverage

- They are examples of what type of testing?

- every possible decision point in program

- every possible statement in a program

- every possible path in a program

- white box testing

-white box testing

- black box

- testing while looking at the source code

- testing without looking at source code

explain if-then-elif-else

hows one of several options to execute

order of precedence

- math operator

- rational operator

- not

- and

- or

- assignment





8 - byte - hundreds

16 - half-word - thousands

32 - word - million

64 - double-word - billion

- What are functions and what can they contain?

- A function should?

- What does parameters do for a function and they are what?

- They are a named set of statements, they can take parameters and return values

- Should perform a clearly defined specific single purpose

- Hide details from the caller

- Supplies data to function, they are positional


Actual parameter

Formal parameter

- The values placed in the brackets after the function is called

- The name of the variable parameter in the function definition

Formal parameters hold values passed to the function

Positional parameters assign values to _______ in the order that they occur

while name parameters?

- Parameter variables

- Allows us to assign values in any order

Returning a function allows what ?

Scope determines what?

- Allows a value to be returned from the function in where it was called

- The portion of a program where a name can be used

Why are functions useful?

- Facilitate code recuse

- Reduce complexity

- Ease maintenance

What are list?

- A mechanism for organizing related datas, or just a collection of values

What would you get when you called in cbc.values() from a dictionary named cbc with some keys and values?

A list of any dimension except 1D containing the values

______ sort is the method of creating a sorted list by randomly taking an item from the unsorted list and placing in the right location in the sorted list until all the items are sorted

Insertion sort

Difference between tuples and lists?

- Tuples cant be changed, and items cant be assigned differently

- Lists uses square brackets while tuple uses parenthesis

Information about function calls and pointers for local variables and formal parameters are stored in as what in a program's memory?


How is text different from data?

Text holds instructions in machine cold, while data points to global variables and consents

Which type of sorting described by the following statement ? Find the smallest number in the unsorted list, remove that number and add it to the end o the sorted list. Repeat this sequence until there are no numbers in the unsorted list

Selection sort

what does rstrip() do?

Take carriage return out of string


- Bubble sort

- Concatenation

- Slicing

- Dictionaries

- Strings

- Compare 2 adjacent things, if there are out of order, it switches it

- Joins 2 list together

- Remove elements from a list

- A collection of values

- A collection of characters

- What is the difference between sorted and sort?

- How do you remove from a dictionary?

- How do you remove everything from a dictionary?

- How go you get something from a string?

- Sorted takes one parameter, sort doesn't

- Use pop, or del

- clear()

- find()

What is the difference between mutable types and in-mutable types?

The memory for a program is organizedinto what four regions?

- Memory stored in mutable types can change

e.g.(float, strings, boolean)

- Memory stored in in-mutable types can't change e.g.(lists, dictionaries)

- Text: program instructions

- data: constants and global variables

- heap: variables located as program runs

- stack: information for function calls

What are the two types of file?

What are the two ways to access a file?

- Text file: done with ascii or unicode

- Binary file: contain arbitrary sequences, doesn't conform to ascii characters

- Sequential access

- Random file access

What are escape sequences?

What are databases?

- Two characters that represent a character we cant type directly

- A structured collection of records organized for easy retrieval

In the relational model, what does databases consist of?

- Schema: describes the structure of the data


Primary key

Foreign key

- A unique value associated with each row in the table

- A primary key value from another table residing in the current table

What are the 2 cases for recursive functions?

- Base case: doesn't make recursive call and allows function to terminate

- Recursive case: function calls it self

What are the advantages to recursive functions?

- Faster to make

- Requires less memory