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85 Cards in this Set

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Between Groups Variance
variance of scores between categories or groupings of independent variable sufficient to distinguish themselves from one another
Nominal data
discrete data that describes the presence or absence of some characteristic or attribute
causal variable
variable manipulated by the researcher: cause of change
concurrent validity
method for establishing criterion-related validity of a new measurement;
protection of research participant
construct validity
extent to which measuring device measures the core concept that was intended to be measured
content analysis
quantitative research method that integrates both data collection method and analytical technique to measure the occurrence of some identifiable element in a complete text or set of messages.
content validity
degree to which the measurement items are representative of all the potential items available for measuring the construct of interest.
control group
group in which assigned participants receive no treatment
statistical test that examines the linear relationship between two continuous level variables.
correlation matrix
display of variables in a table: shows how every variable is correlated with every other variable
dependent variable
variable that is influenced or changed by the independent variable
situation where researcher purposefully misleads participants
deductive reasoning
reasoning process in which researcher begins with a theory and then gathers evidence
descriptive design
type of research design in which a researcher lacks direct control over variation of the independent variables and temporal order
descriptive statistics
numbers that summarize essential and basic information about the dataset as a whole
directional hypothesis
a precise statement indicating the nature and direction of the relationship or difference between the variables
discussion section research
section of the written research report in which the authors provide an interpretation of the results
detailed study and representation of people and their interaction
refers to observations or experiences based on or derived from experiences with observable phenomenons
experimental research
type of research most often conducted in a lab
external validity
degree to which findings can be extended beyond what was studied
face validity
extent to which items reference the construct intended to be measured
focus group
facilitator-led group discussion
extent to which conclusions developed from data collected from a sample can be extended to the population
characteristic of research, results of one study lead to more questions
university committee charged with formal process of judging research proposals
educated guess
independent variable
variable manipulated by the researcher
inductive reasoning
data is gathered, hypotheses formulated, and theories are developed
informed consent
agreement participant gives to researcher
interaction analysis
codes the content of ongoing communication between two or more individuals
internal reliability
degree to which multiple items invoke the same responses from participants
internal validity
extent to which one can draw valid conclusions about the effects of one variable on another
interrater reliability
degree to which two coders assign communicator behaviors to the same categories
interval data
data measured; distance between two points is equal
latent content
content coded in content analysis; inferences or interpretations
likert-type scale
degree to which participant agrees disagrees
literature review
section of written research report that provides framework of the research investigation
manifest content
content coded in content analysis; description of the characteristics of the content itself
manipulation check
verification that participants regard independent variable in way researcher intended
use of numbers to represent a communication phenom.
methods section
describes how study was executed
mutually exclusive
choices in a response set that present only one option for which a person is able to identify
stories people tell
negatively skewed curve
distribution; very few scores on left side
nominal data
discrete data that describes presence or absence of some characteristic
nondirectional hypothesis
statement that a difference or relationship between variables will occur, does not specify direction
non probability sampling
sampling technique that does not rely on any form of random selection
null hypothesis
implicit complementary statement to the research hypothesis that states there is no relationship
statement that denotes how the variable is observed and measured in a specific way
ordinal data
data based on rank order
participant observation
researchers observe communication first-hand
all units of the universe
positively skewed curve
distribution very few scores on right side
predictive validity
method for establishing criterion related validity; measurement predicts performance
degree to which a particular event will occur
probability level
level of error the researcher is willing to accept
qualitative methods
research where researcher is primary data collector
quantitative methods
research relies on numerical measurement
research design; variation in the independent variable is natural
sample in which probability of selection is equal
lowest score minus highest score
ratio data
intervals between data points is equal, true zero exists
achieved when researchers are consistent in their use of data collection
discovery of answers to questions
research question
question that asks tentative relationship between variables
subset of population
sampling frame
set of people that are available to be selected
semantic differential scale
form of interval measurement using a stimulus statement
significance level
level of error researcher is willing to accept
skewed distribution
shape of a distribution of scores that is not normal
social science research
research conducted through the use of scientific and systematic methods
split-half reliability
expression of internal consistency between two separate but equal versions of the same test
standard deviation
the amount scores deviate from the mean
test-retest reliability
correlation between scores at two administrations of the same test to the same participant
related set of ideas that explains how or why something happens
one of the ways in which the researcher varies the type of stimuli
use of several kinds of methods or data to further validate research outcomes
statistic used to find differences between two groupings of the independent variable
type 1 error
null is rejected even though it is true
type 2 error
alternative hypothesis rejected even though it is true
unit of analysis
discrete element coded and counted
achieved when the measurement does what it is intended to do
within-groups variance
variation among scores within any category or level of an independent variable