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69 Cards in this Set

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I don't think you realize the severity of the problem

-a severe cold, headache,illness,pain,etc شديد

- i think your criticism for her work was too severe

- the roof was severely damaged in the storm بشدة,بقسوة


جدوي,قابلية التنفيذ

- a feasible plan

- the feasibility of an undertaking

- the committee will study the feasibility of setting up national computer network



- the feasibility of an undertaking

- a risky undertaking

- he gave an undertaking that he wouldn't leave the country تعهد,التزام


احتكار,سلعة محتكرة

-British telecom had a monopoly on supplying telephone lines to people's houses

-the male monopoly on power in English society

- he seems to think that he has a monopoly of brains

متفرد بالذكاء

candor (n)


frankness and sincerity

-let us say in candour that....

-candid = frank


- i haven't been completely candid with him

-candid interview



- establish a sense of solidarity among a group of people

- many local people expressed solidarity with the strikers



مفض الي , معين, مساعد,باعث

this hot weather is not conducive to hard work

-conducive to a mood of fanciful reflection.



-he mentioned no names but we all knew who he was alluding to

- the play is full of allusion to classical mythology

اساطير كلاسيكية



exclude يمنع,يستبعد,يستثني,يسقط

-the police has excluded the possibilities that the child had runaway

-the price exclude all extras such as drinks and salads

- exclusionary business practices

-....has become less exclusionary in its membership in recent years.


مثير للجدل , جدلي

a controversial new law

a controversial tv programme

a controversial person

تختلف حوله الاراء كثيرا

-immigration is a controversial issue in many countries

- more controversially , he claims that these higher profits cover the cost of finding fresh talent

بشكل يثير الجدل

-controversial and threatening.


خطير,هام جدا ,اساسي,بالغ الاهمية

there have been momentous changes in Eastern Europe in the last few years

-momentous and pressing.

حرجة وملحة


استفزازي,مثير جنسيا,محرض,مثير

-the soldiers fired into the air when the demonstrators behaved provocatively

- some adolescents(مراهقين) might be more sexually mature and provocative than others

-she smiled provocatively


مستحدث ,مبتكر,جديد,غير مألوف

-that's a novel idea , let's try it

-emphasize how novel the challenge faced by women is.



-a pervasive mood of pessimism


pessimistic متشائم تشائمي

-the pervasive influence of such ideas

-pervasiveness قابلية الانتشار


تسامح,تحمل,حلم,سعة صدر


× intolerance

-the rats have tolerance to poisons

-the body built up tolerance for the drug

-the acceptance and tolerance of other ways

tolerably الي حد الاحتمال

the weather was tolerably cold


-they need to be tolerant of different points of view

-she had listened tolerantly to his jumbled account

-tolerable محتمل(بفتح الميم)

-drugs can reduce the pain to a tolerable level

tolerate verb

the noise was more than she could tolerate

-in a democracy we must tolerate opinions that are different from our own



-the organization will provide a forum where problem would be discussed


يجتمع, يعقد اجتماعا

-Convened in Sydney by the Australian Centre forSpace Engineering Research

- last August he convened a meeting of his closet advisers at camp David

- the convening of an international peace conference



lunar dust

-lunar spacecraft

- lunar scientists


يميط الستار, يكشف الحجاب

the president unveiled a memorial to those who died in the war نصب تذكاري

- to unveil a secret

-mr werener unveild his new strategy this week



habitat (n)

موطن,بيئة طبيعية

habitable planetصالح للسكن

there is (probably!) no life on asteroids, and thus no habitats to trash

يدمر , يخرب


حيوي,مفعم بالحيويةوالنشاط

هام , اساسي

-practise is vital if you want to speake a language well

- vital information

- vitally important

-the have something to say and vital and radical ways of saying it

- vital few vs trivial many



رائد , احد المقيمين الاوائل

-yuri was on of the pioneers of space exploration

-the pioneers of the American west المقيمين الاوائل

-..one of the leading pioneers of British photo journalism



.. people who dispoil the countryside

- a landscape dispoiled by coal-mining and heavy industry

-Some will argue that space's “magnificent desolation” is not ours to despoil

glut (v,n)

تخمة, وفرة , اكتظاظ

-the region is glutted with hospitals ممتلئ مشبع مكتظ

-there is a glut of agricultural products in western Europe


قاحل,جدب,لا يثمر,عقيم

-barren environments بيئة قاحلة

-barren mountains

-he also wants to use the water to irrigate barren desert land

-barren wife

- the room was austere , nearly barren of furniture or decoration

- barrenness جدوبة عقم عدم اثمار

a ceremony designed to cure women of barrenness


غزارة , وفرة

-abundance of goods

-to live in abundance وفرة ونعمة

- the area has abundance of wildlife حيوانات برية

- they exist in vast abundance



Questions of their stewardship have barely been broached


يفتح موضوعا, يطرق موضوعا

- have you broached the subject of the money he owes you?

-Questions of their stewardship have barely been broached

-eventually i broached the subject of her early life

the legal and regulatory framework

الإطار القانوني والتنظيمي

-the existing legal and regulatory framework


شظوي, كسري, مؤلف من شظايا,متفكك ,غير متكامل

fragment (v,n)

شظية , يتكسر , يكسر

- i heared only a fragment of their conversation

-the country is becoming increasingly fragmented by civil war متكسرة

-and the relevant legal and regulatory framework is fragmentary

- any action on the basis of such fragmentary evidence would be foolish


معتدل,لطيف, وديع , سهل المعشر

he is a very mild man, you never see him get angily

a mild winter

a mild punishment(not too severe)

mild cheese معتدل التوابل

-tedy turned to him with a look of mild confusion

-i found the talk mildly interesting

الي حد ما , قليلا, بشكل خفيف

mildly بلين بلطف باعتدال

to put it mildly

اذا اردنا القصد في الكلام , اذا اردنا تلطيف الكلام

- but not all the money,to put mildly, has been used wisely

- to say we are disappointed about this is putting it mildly

mildness وداعة خفة هدوء



نظير , نسخة مطابقة

she is my counterpart in our newyork office ( she does the same job that i do here)

- the foreign Secretary phoned his italian counterpart to protest



التماس , رجاء , حجة, رد دفاعي

a last plea of mercy

- his plea in the court that he was not guilty

-he declined the invitation on the plea that he was too busy

- His plea was that he had not received the bill and therefore he couldn't pay it


تنظيم, نظام,قانون,لائحة

it's against the fire regulation to smoke on undergraduate trains

- concluded with a plea that regulation should be avoided.


استغلال , استثمار , تسخير

they are only paying 3$ per hour

that's exploitation

-But miners have much to gain from a broad agreement on the for-profit exploitation of space.

- exploit (v)

يستغل يستثمر

-the region has been exploited for oil for fifty years

- solar energy is a source of power that needs to be exploited more fully

for-profit organization

× nonprofit organization


اجماع, اتفاق جماعي في رأي

-to reach a consensus after a long discussion

-there is no consensus among experts about the causes of global warming

- Without consensus, claims will be disputed


متنازع عليها

-Without consensus, claims will be disputed

dispute (n,v) جدال شديد,نزاع, خلاف

يتنازع ,يخالف,يشك في,يجادل بشدة

-the player disputed the referee's decision قرار الحكم

- i disputed the charge on the bill

-there was some dispute about whose fault it was

- a pay dispute

-he is in dispute with the tax office


ينتج ,يثمر


-did the experiment yield any new information?

-It could yield materials important to Earth’s economy. تثمر تنتج

- the government refused to yield to the hostage takers' demands

= give in = less informal يستسلم يخضع

- the army has yielded power to the rebels يسلم (متمردين)

- the dam finally yielded under the weight of the water

ينحني , ينهار



= enquiry

-i had made some inquiries into english language course in oxford

- after weeks of inquiry he finally found what he was looking for

- this is the most difficult murder inquiry i had to open in the last 25 years

- after the accident there were many calls for an inquiry into saftey procedures اجراءات



plural >> hypotheses

-the hypothesis has been put forward that some chemicals used in food can affect children's behaviors

put forward : يطرح

-that's a hypothetical question, because we don't know what the situation will be next year

-he was invariably بثبات willing to discuss the possibilities hypothetically

hypothesise=hypothesize (v)


-to explain this , they hypothesize that galaxies must contain a ....

-i have hypothesized a connection between these factors


متهور ,طائش

reckless driving

-recklessly بتهور,بحماقة

, دون تفكير بالمخاطر

-she loved to ride on horseback ; she was reckless and utterly without fear

- he was leaning recklessly out of the unshuttered window

- he felt a surge of recklessness

اندفاع , تدفق


عميق التفكير , حسن الاهتمام,مفكر

× thoughtless طائش , اهوج

thoughtfully بتفكر , باهتمام

× thoughtlessly بدون تفكير,بطيش

thoughtfullness تفكر,اهتمام

× thoughtlessness طيش

-Every time I mentioned Clarissa, he would become thoughtful.

- nancy , who had been thoughtful

for some time , suddenly spoke


-she had a thoughtful expression on her face

-the bottle of wine he had thoughtfully bought for the celebration

- i can't tell you how much i appreciate you thoughtfulness

-it was thoughtless for her to mention it

-they thoughtlessly planned a picnic without him


يجدد,يزود مجددا , يسد النقص

-three hundred thousand tons of cereals (cornflakes) are needed to replenish the stocks مخازن

- the insurance fund will need to be replenished

-such potential may not include replenishing key resources that are disappearing on Earth.

الموارد الرئيسية



قابلية النجاح , قابلية التطبيق, قابلية الحياة والنمو,بقاء,استدامة

sustainability استدامة

-viability of a project

-financial viability

-economic viability

-commercial viability

-The long-term viability of its programmes and sustainability are key themes of its activities

-Water is perhaps the most fundamental of all environmental resources and key to the viability and long - term sustainability of the world's ecosystems

4 words

maintain, grip , restrain , withstand

maintain يصون,يحافظ علي,يعيل

- to maintain law and order

-he had to maintain two children

- to maintain a road,building, machine ... يعتني ب

grip يمسك,يقبض علي

she gripped my arm in fear

- the story really gripped my imagination (figurative,مجازي)

restrain يضبط( الاعصاب,التفس), يكبح

- i had to restrain myself from saying something rude

- it took a lot of restraint on my part not to hit him (n) ضبط وكبح النفس




the troops were too weak to withstand another attack


تحفظ,قيد, حجز

-we went to a desk to make a reservation

reserve يخصص ,يحجز

-the car park is reserved for hotel patrons only

-to reserve theater ticket

- i would recommend her for the job without reservation

- i don't share your reservation about the flat , i think it's fine

-i told him my main reservation about the film was the ending


تحفظ =احتراز=احتياط

بلا تحفظ = بدون تردد ,بدون احتراس و احتراز, بدون قيد

تحفظ في قوله = قيده ولم يطلقه

bring about



to bring about changes in people's lives

-The government has brought about changes in the health service.

-it will be difficult to bring about in the absence of regulations.



-you can preserve fruit by making it into jam

-we will do everything to preserve peace



كويكب,كوكب صغير



Planetary Resources ofWashington




-there is little prospect of better weather before next week

-the job offers a good salary and excellent prospects

-awful prospect

-pleasant prospect

- prospective changes in the law متوقع,محتمل

-in fact, the oil companies are prospecting not far from here

- he was involved in oil, zinc, and lead prospecting

- prospectors منقبين


وجهة نظر , منظور

-if you go away for a few days you will see everything in a new perspective

-things may be less important if viewed in perspective

اذا نظر اليها من المنظورية الصحيحة

-i would like to offer a historical perspective

harvest (n,v)




مجازفة, مال مغامر به


-i wish you luck in your new business venture

- the company has decided to venture into computer production as well as design

spring up

يطلع فجأة , ينمو بسرعة

children's play areas springing up everywhere


يغني , يزيده غنى , يحسن قيمته

-these cornflakes are enriched with vitamins / vitamin-enriched

-he will drain rather than enrich the country



-salt was once a very valuable commodity

- the government increased prices on several basics commodities like bread and meat

-water mined from otherworlds could become the most desired commodity.


القطب الشمالي او الجنوبي

سارية او عمود

a flag pole

a tent pole خيمة

the truck crashed into a telegraph pole

there is hardly any light at the poles



-radiation shield

-to be exposed to radiation

معرض للاشعة

- if the cancer returns radiation therapy is successful in 90 percent of cases


بين الكواكب, في المجموعة الشمسية


اسمنت , خرصانة

- a modern office building of glass and concrete

- to concrete يغطي بلاسمنت

he merely cleared and concreted the floor

-concrete evidence مادي ,حقيقي adj

concrete objects مواد حقيقية ملموسة مادية


منصات اطلاق او استقبال(طائرات ومراكب)

Others want to turn space dirt into concrete for landing pads

- launch pads

-landing pads


فورة مفاجئة , نشاط مفاجئ, هطول خفيف مفاجئ

-flurry of excitement

-flurry of proposals

-a flurry of diplomatic activity aimed to ending the war

-a flurry of proposals aimed at bringing celestial riches down to Earth


مكافأة, جائزة

-a bounty of 50,000$ was put on his head

-they paid bounties for people to give up their weapons

- but we all stand to gain: the mineral(معدني) bounty and spin-off technologies could enrich us all.


فائدة جانبية غير متوقعة


يتجنب, يتهرب

- he was trying to sidestep responsibilty

- he made a grab for her but she sidestepped him حاول الامساك بها



-he felt utter desolation when his wife died

- all the factories closed, leaving the town a sense of desolation

-she said the army left desolation and death through the whole of northern morazan

- desolate مهجور,موحش,مقفر

desolate house

desolate land


علي الحالة الاولي,علي صحته, لم يصبه خلل او عطب

-when the snow began to melt it lost its pristine whiteness

- now the house is in pristine condition