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64 Cards in this Set

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pigment epithelium
nutrients for rods/cones embedded; recycles and feeds from receptors
Converting light into a neural signal
photopigment receptors that react to light
_____ absorbs light and changes shape, breaking off of the _____
retinal, opsin
eyes have to adapt because _____s already broke off
retinal, photopigment regeneration
Receptor Graded Potential
retinal breaks off opsin; retinal stimulates Gmp 2nd messenger; opens Na+ gates rush out, Ca++ rushes in, Neurotransmitter released (IN THE DARK)
cones low convergence cannot detect in dim light, rods high convergence combined effect can set off ganglion action potential
Receptive Fields
specific receptors that influences activity of target cell
general and preserves spatial relations with magnification factor
Retinotropic Map
Ventral Stream
Parvocellular, Temporal; Smaller receptive fields; Who/What; LGN > V1 Striate Cortex > V2 > V3 > V4 Occipital > Inferior Temporal
Across fiber coding of three lengths makes color wheel
Trichromatic Color Vision
Color Opponency
Red/Green; Blue/Yellow; Black/White; located in V1 hypercolumns
simple cells give best response to certain orientation or color
complex cells give best response to moving lines
combination of V1/V2; moving scenes
Inferior Temporal active in recognition of faces in fusiform gyrus
damage to fusiform gyrus
Doral Stream
Magnocellular Pathway; deals with motion; medial temporal > medial superior temporal > superior temporal sulcus

Super Colliculus > Palv > Posterior Parietal Cortex
Superior Temporal Sulcus
active during biological movements e.g. walking; facial expressions
Binocular Disparity
distance from fovea added together; V2 cares about where disparity is; MT cares about how much disparity
Medial Superior Temporal
Optic flow; contraction of cells from visual field
Auditory System
Pinna, Auditory Canal, Eardrum, Ossicles: Malleus, Incus, Staples, Oval Window, SemiCircular Canals, Cochlea, Round Window, Auditory Nerve
Organ of Corti
Cilia moves; Potasssium channels open; Second Messengers open Ca++ channels; NT released with graded response to spiral ganglions
Place Coding
Basilar Membrane in cochlea with oval window as stick narrow base for high frequencies;

Concerned with amount of displacement
Temporal Coding
Basilar Membrane but concerned with rate of displacement; "Frequency Theory"

Volley Principle combines activity of spiral ganglions across fiber coding because of refractory period
Intensity differences; Phase differences; Timing differences
Intensity Differences
especially high frequency sounds; Head shadow
Phase Differences
especially lower frequency sounds; can detect difference between peak and trough
Timing Differences
via Interaural Time-Disparity Detectors;
Superior olive cells wait for info from right and left to match up
Auditory Pathway
Inner/Outer Hair cells > Spiral Ganglions > Cochlear Nucleus > Superior Olive > Inferior Colliculus > Medial Geniculate > A1/A2
Inner Hair cells
like cones; encodes frequency; divergent
Outer Hair cells
like rods; encodes amplitude; convergent
Spiral Ganglions
8th cranial nerve; no lateral inhibition but some negative feedback
Cochlear Nucleus
in Medulla; Monaural
Superior Olive
in Medulla; Biaural because some axons cross over to contralateral superior olive
Inferior Colliculus
in Tectum (Midbrain); Binaura; some from contralateral cochlear nucleus but mostly from ipsi lateral superior olive
Medial Geniculate
tonotopic map in thalamus; cells repond to highest frequencies next to med, next to low
lateral sulcus of temporal cortex; tonotopic amplitude map; simple vs. complex sounds
in temporal lobe; responds best to complex sounds; Wernickes Area
Vestibular System
only detects changes; Hair cells > Vestibular Ganglions > Vestibular Nuclei of Medulla > Cerebellum; Spinal Cord; Cranial Nerves; Superior Colliculus > Temporal Lobe?
compensates spinning
Free Nerve Endings
thermoreceptors; nociceptors; hair follicle receptors
Encapsulated Nerve Endings
mechanoreceptors respond to touch; proprioception
small receptive field; fast adapting
Meissner's Corpuscules; E.g. slipping
small receptive field; slow adapting
Merkel's Discs; E.g. Reading braille
large receptive field; fast adapting
Pacinnian Corpuscules; E.g. bending
large receptive fields; slow adapting
Ruffini Endings; E.g. sitting
Spinal-Thalamic Pathway
Free nerve endings; nerves small and unmyelinated; slow transmission;

dorsal > contralteral ventral > same medulla > same thalamus (VPN) > S1/S2
Medial-Lemniscal Pathway
Encapsulated Receptors; Nerves large and myelinated; Very rapid transmission

dorsal/straight up > ipsilateral medulla > contralateral thalamus (VPN) > S1/S2
SomatoSensory Cortex
post central gyrus posterior to central sulcus is S1: contains topological penfield map

contains magnification factor
Gate Theory

Periaqueductal gray area releases inhibitory endorphins; inhibits cells in Raphne system in hindbrain sending excitatory NT to spinal cord; Stimulates inhibitory interneurons

Touch receptors near source of pain are stimulated; stimulates inhibitory interneurons

in brain via axo-axonal inhibition
e.g. runner's high; sexual activity
neuro muscular junction
myosin contracts to grab actins when Ca++ enters after effector neuron sends ACh
Stretch Reflex
keeps you from kicking yourself in the face; monosynaptic
Golgi Reflex
proprioceptors called Golgi Tendon Organs detect too strong intensity and send signal to interneuron inhibiting motor neuron that extends
Pain Withdrawal Reflex
stimulated nociceptors singal interneurons to excite motor neurons that hit relevant flexor muscles
Scratch Reflex
Oscillator circuit like dogs; rate fixed by spinal cord; produced by central pattern generators
Instant Reflex
E.g. rooting ; grasping
Via cerebellum
Primary Motor Cortex
in frontal lobe on precentral gyrus anterior to central sulcus
Secondary Motor Cortex
involved in planning movement; has mirror cells and Broca's area
CorticoSpinal Tract
mostly contralateral; fast myelinated tracts; precise control of peripheral movements e.g. hands, face

Large pyramid cells > red nucleus > cord > muscles
VentroMedial Tract
bi-lateral midline control; multiple subpaths that synapse @ spinal cord; mostly repetitive motions/posture

largely ipsilateral; anything involving both sides of body
rapid, coordinated movements; ballistic: knows when and where to stop

proprioception from spinal cord and sensory info via cranial nerves
Cerebellar Cortex
timing of outputs translated by spatial array of purkinje cells connected to deep nuclei and parallel fibers and parallel cells
Basal Ganglia
Caudate Nuclei and Putamen receive sensory, Globus Pallidus sends out to motor cortex via thalamus
Involved in smooth changing voluntary movements (posture/walking)

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, ADD, Parkinson's Disease treated with LDopa