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34 Cards in this Set

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Focused attention

Your system thinks that something is impt e.g. doorbell ringing

Sustained attention
(2 types)

Vigilance: Maintain attn over time during continuous activity, e.g. reading a book

Working memory: Actively holding and manipulating info, e.g. figuring out what percentage of the book you’ve already read

Selective attention

Ability to focus w/distraction, e.g. reading in a loud park

Alternating attention

Shifting at ten among activities, e.g. reading, then cooking dinner, then back to reading

Divided attention

Doing two things at once...

Working memory

Limited temporary storage used to manipulate info

Prospective memory

Remembering to carry out intentions, e.g. what you need to do throughout the day


Thinking about memory, how to remember things

i.e. strategies, e.g. to-do lists

Declarative memory (2 types)

Semantic: Facts e.g. who is the president?

Episodic: Events, e.g. 1st day of college

Non-declarative memory = Procedural memory

How to do something, e.g. riding a bike

Retrograde amnesia

Unable to retrieve info stored prior to injury

Anterograde amnesia

Unable to retrieve info stored following the injury

Coup v. Contre Coup

Coup: occurs under the site of impact with an object
Contrecoup: occurs on the side opposite the area that was impacted

When a moving object impacts the stationary head, coup injuries are typical, while contrecoup injuries are produced when the moving head strikes a stationary object


Ability to sense but not perceive
(Body structures are intact)

Left neglect

Not attending to things on L side of body (L visual neglect)

Also may not attend to L side of body (e.g. not shaving L side)

Closed head injury/non-penetrating

(e.g. MVA, falls)

- Most common type of injury

- Coup, contrecoup, acceleration/deceleration w/external movement 

- Meninges intact

- Diffuse damage --> common

-Higher incidence

Open head injury/penetrating

-(gun shot, knife wound), skull penetrated

-Coup- ONE site of impact

- Focal/localized damage

- Meninges torn

- Increased seizure activity (seen in both types)




Coup: the area of initial impact to the brain

Contrecoup: the area of the brain opposite the original injury; this site is often injured when the brain rebounds w/in the skull

Diffuse Axonal Injury (DAI)

-A more generalized injury to the brain (versus focal)

- Cause by the shearing or stretching of axons (nerve fibers) caused by acceleration or deceleration injuries (such as MVA)


- Component of primary TBI damage --> results in initial coma


- Permanent brain stem neurosis and possibly death 

Vegetative State

= State of wakefullness without awareness

- Not in a coma, eyes open


-Not recognized as "brain death"

- Pathology: common feature to diffuse damage to white matter of the cerebral hemispheres and/or thalamus

- HR, resp., etc. --> intact

Minimally Conscious State

- Distinct from coma or vegetative state


- Deliberate, cognititvely mediated responses --> volitional, not reflexive

- Generalized v. localized responses

- Minima;, but definite behavioral evidence of self or environmental awareness is demonstrated


- Distinguishing characteristic btwn VS & MCS = demonstration of at least 1 clear-cut behavioral sign of consciousness

Subdural hematoma

= Hemorrhage btwn the dura & arachnoid meningeal coverings

How does consolidation of memories occur?

In the hippocampus

Difficult w/ sustained attention (vigliance) = ?


Danger of accumulation of fluids

Rising intracranial pressure --> need to relieve it with a shunt or something!

Type of symptom that will best determine recovery from a concussion

Cognitive: Dissipating fogginess is the primary predictor

Two long-term outcomes from a CHI

1. Short-term memory loss


2. Pragmatic difficulties


- Both have memory problems, poor interpersonal skills, & problem-solving


-BUT those w/PTSD do not lose consciousness!!

Normal cognitive changes due to aging

- Evident in increasingly challenging tasks --> can still do, but takes mroe time to process

- Better w/narrative v. factual info


- Simpler grammer + reduced utterance length (but syntax otherwise intact)


- Confrontational naming slower, fewer proper nouns & more nonspecific terms

- Good word recognition

- Elaboration as a strategy


Type of MCI most likely to transition to dementia


Level V on Rancho Los Amigos Scale



- Gross attn to env't --> wanders

- Distractible, so attn is a goal

- Needs struction

- Agitation to external stimuli

- Unable to learn new info

- Severe memory problems


-Consistently responds to simple commands

- Better listening than reading

-Expression is stimulus-bound (short phrases, tangential thought, confabulation)

- Writing impaired

Level VI on Rancho Los Amigos Scale



- Increased awareness of surroundings (no wandering)

- ADL carryover

- Tolerates unpleasant stimuli

- Self-correction emerging

- Goal-directed behavior WITH external support

- Delayed processing


- Inact automatic social responses

- No jargon

- Poor prosody

Level VII on Rancho Los Amigos Scale



- Moderate-minimal supervision for new learning

- New learning at decreased rate

- Superficial insight into deficits


- Oriented x3

- Prevocational training indicated

- Retention improves to short paragraphs

- Delayed processing persists

- Difficult w/complex info-making judgements


Task analysis

Effortless learning

Assessment (Baseline & ongoing)

Cumulative review 

High rates of practice (massed & distributed)

Mete-cognitive strategy