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55 Cards in this Set

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3 perspectives on early cognitive development
Info processing
Piaget Cognitive Developmental Theory
Vygotsky's sociocultural theory

Specific structure of making sense of experiences changes with age
building schemas through direct interaction with environment

2 parts: assimilation and accomodation
use current schemas to interperet the world
how schemes are created and old ones adjusted to produce a better fit with environment

internal rearrangement and linking together of schemes so they form strongly interconnected cognitive system
Circular Reaction

means of building schemes in which infants try to repeat a change event caused by their own motor activity
Progression of Piaget's sensorimotor stage
1. Newborn reflexes
2. Motor habits centered around infant's own body
3. Actions aimed at repeating interesting effects with environment; imitation
4. Goal-directed behavior
5. Exploration of objects by acting in novel ways
6. Internal depictions of objects and events
Object permanence
understanding that objects continue to exist when out of sight
A not B search error
Error made by 8 to 12 mo who after object has been moved from hiding place A to hiding place B, search for it in first place A
Mental representations and deferred imitation and make-believe play
Use IMAGES and CONCEPTS to project mental pictures of things in thinking
Deferred imitation
ability to remember and copy behavior of models who are not present
Weaknesses in Piaget's theory
First signs of object permanence, deferred imitation and problem solving by analogy occur sooner than Piaget

Continuous, not step wise growth
Violation of expectation method
Researchers habituate babies to physical event then determine whether infants look longer at a new expected or impossible event (dishabituation/recovery)
Criticisms of violation of expectation method
Indicates limited awareness of physical events, not conscious understanding of surroundings

reveals only babies perceptual preference for novelty
Core knowledge perspective
infants are born with set of innate knowledge systems each of which permits a ready grasp of new, related information
Criticisms of core knowledge perspective
Says little about which experiences are most important in each domain of thought and how experiences advance childrens thinking
Differences between Info Processing and Piaget
Focus on attention, memory and categorization, complex problem thinking; precise and specific

Want to know exactly what different ages do when faced with task
Focuses of Info Processing
Short term memory, long term memory, sensory register

attention, probl solving, categorization
Recognition vs Recall
Recognition - noticing when stimulus is identical or similar to one previously experienced

Recall must generate mental image of past experience without perceptual support; more challenging
Autobiographical memory
representations of special one-time events that are long-lasting because they are imbued with personal meaning
Infantile amnesia
inability of most people to recall events that happened to them before age 3; did not have language to express/reinforce autobiographical language
Piaget, Info Processing, Vygotsky

Continuous or discontinuous?
Piaget - dis
Info Processing - con
Vygotsky - both
Vygotsky's Sociocultural Theory
Emphasizes that kids live in rich social and cultural contexts that affect the way their cognitive world is structured

Complex mental acitivities have origins in social interaction
Zone of Proximal Development
range of tasks child cannot yet handle alone but can do with help of more skilled adults
Piaget vs Vygotsky view on make believe play
Piaget - toddlers discover make believe independently, once they are capable of representation schemes

Vygotsky - make believe is first learned under the guidance of experts
Intelligence tests in infancy and when child is older
Do not predict later mental test scores

Ok for making long-term predictions for extremely low scoring babies

Helpful for screening
Relationship between speed of habit/dishabit on object permanace and later scores
Effective indivator of intelligence, memory, quickness and prob solving
Relationship between quality of child care and cognitive development
Regardless of class, poor quality child care score lower on cognitive and social skills
Quality of childcare in US vs other countries
European countries and Austrailia have childcare national program, much better than US and Canada
Results of early invention with at risk infants vs schoolage kids
The earlier the intervention begins, the longer it lasts and greater the scope and intensity and better cognitive performance
3 Theories of Language development
Behaviorist view on language development and criticism
Operant conditioning: baby makes imitations/sounds, reinforced by smiles and hugs

BUT kids create new phrases not copied or heard of
Relationship between quality of child care and cognitive development
Regardless of class, poor quality child care score lower on cognitive and social skills
Quality of childcare in US vs other countries
European countries and Austrailia have childcare national program, much better than US and Canada
Results of early invention with at risk infants vs schoolage kids
The earlier the intervention begins, the longer it lasts and greater the scope and intensity and better cognitive performance
3 Theories of Language development
Behaviorist view on language development and criticism
Operant conditioning: baby makes imitations/sounds, reinforced by smiles and hugs

BUT kids create new phrases not copied or heard of
Nativism on Language development and criticisms
Chomsky - language too complex to be learned; some innate system that has universal grammar (LAD)

BUT univerisal grammar never has been found, kids refine grammar gradually
Language Acquisition Device -Innate system that has universal grammar (set of rules common to all languages)

Lets kids combine words into sentences no matter what language when they learn enough words
Interactionism on Language development
Interaction between innate skills and environment

Info processing vs social skills emphasized, disagree whether or not special language structures innate
Sensitive period of language development evidence
Language competence of deaf adults who learned sign language at diff ages
Age of Milestones in Language Development
2 mo
4 mo
6 mo
8-12 mo
12 mo
18-24 mo
2 mo - cooing
4 mo - observe
6 mo - babble
8-12 mo - comprehend words, establish joint attention, gestures
12 mo - intonations and patterns of language, say first word
18-24 mo - vocab expands to 50-200 words, toddlers combine 2 words
Joint attention
State in which child and caregiver attend to same thing and caregiver comments on what child sees

reinforces meaning, show faster vocab development
Taking turn games (peek a boo)
practice turn taking of human conversation
early vocab error in which word applied too narrowly

bear only to stuffed animal
word is applied too broadly; more common

dog for all furry animals
Telegraphic speech
two word utterances that omit smaller and less important words
Language comprehension and production timing
Comprehension (recog) develops before production (recall)

5 mo difference
Referential style
toddlers use language to label object
Expressive style
use language to talk about own feeling and needs, emphasis on social formulas and pronouns
Referential and expressive styles and culture
Nouns used more in english speaking
Verbs and social routine more in Chinese and Korean
Child directed speech
adults use to speak to young kids; short sentences with high pitched exaggerated expression, clear pronunciation, clear gestures
Factors important for deaf kids
Parent0child communication
visual cues
smallest unit of meaningful speech sound