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67 Cards in this Set

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Relays info to subcortical areas and cortex. Major role in arousal, activity and awaereness


Nervous system to endocrine system. Temp, hunger, fatigue, sleep and heart rate


Formation of memeories and storage, fear, aggression, anxiety and social interactions


Neurogenesis, new memeories, short to long term, spatial memeories and navigation

Frontal lobes

Planning and motivation, cog processing, decision making, reasoning, strategy, learning

Temporal lobes

Auditory, olfactory, word meaning wernickes area ( speech comprehension)

Parietal lobes

Sensation, touch, spatial navigation. Has sensory strip

Occipital lobe


Attention- early selection


1 message to process and all others are lost. Sensory info-filter it-relevant info- memorize

Attention- late selection

Deutsch and deutsch, all messages get through but only 1 response can be made

Attention - treisman

All info gets through and only remember what you paid attention to. Messages, attenuator, dictionary unit, commit to memory

Cones and rods

Cones- color and light. Rods- dark and peripheral

Patient HM

Medial temporal lobe damage. Anterograde amnisia -no memory after surgery. Retrograde-before surgery. Intact no declarative

Affective theories- James Lange

Arousal root of emo experience. Stimulus- perception/interpretation - specific pattern of automatic arousal- emotion experienced

Canon-bard theory

Thalamus activates 2 paths. Stimulus - perception /interpretation -both body arousal and emo experienced

Schacter &singer

Ignores role of CNS, no evidence, emo depends on reason you experience arousal. Stimulus - perception /interpretation - body arousal and context, then body arousal to emo context and back to interpretation

Basic emotions

Anger, disgust, fear, happy, $d, surprise

Emo learning

Primary- occurs naturally. Secondary - learned to associate with good or bad

Declarative memory

Consciously recalled. Episodic-personal experiences. Semantic-facts and knowledge


Priming, proceudeal, classical and operant conditionin, habitation dn sensitization

Classical conditioning

Pavlov. Learn via association. Noncondition stimulus produces a non condition reaction. The two are associated and then the stimulus is conditioned to elicit same conditioned response

Operant Conditioning

Reinforcers- increase behavior. Positive -give something you want. Negative - take something they don't like. Puishers- take away something they want or give them something they don't want to decrease behavior

Phineas gage

Frontal lobe damage. Attention, personality, and ability to work were impaired

Top down vs bottom up

Top down- learned and experience help interpret stimuli. Bottom up- sense stimuli then interpretation

Binding problem

Associating different features to perceive one object. Attention and location serve as glue

Feature vs object processing

Feature - recognition based on bottom up processing to create whole objects. Object- recognition based on experience and context

Selective attention

Scan and pick out relevant ones


Input- sensory registers- short term (only holds things)- decision (slow decision making bad memory holder)-retrival- long term

Baddeley n hitch

Peopled working memory. Phonological loop ( holds sequence of a custom or speech), central executive (attention limited which selects and maupulates visuo and phono), visuo-spatial sketchpad (visual and spatial items)

Episodic buffer

Holds integrated episodes, 4 chunks capacity, allows for binding of unrelated things

Executive function

Supervise, coordinate and control cog abilities( attention, spatial and working memory )


Medulla oblungata, pons, cerebellum

Medulla oblungata

Involuntary function:breathing, vomiting, heart rate and blood pressure


Sleep respiration, info fro. Forebrain to cerebellum, swallowing, bladder control, equilibrium, taste, eye movement, posture, facial expressions and sensation


Motor control, attention, language, pleasure control, precision and fine motor


Visual, hearing, temp, arousal and sleep/wake


Superior culliculi- visible info processing, eye movement. Inferior - auditory


Red nucleus - body/limb movement. Reticular formation- arousal and self conscious. Substantia nigra- integrates voluntary movement

Cingulate cortex

Emo formation and processing, learning and memory. Anterior cingulate cortex- error and conflict detection

Basal ganglia

Movement, procedural learning, muscle memory

Tasks for work memory

Nback- given items and decide if they match, usually 1,2 or 3 images before.

Delayed response task-given cue have to wait then have to say cue.

Change detection -new or different image only see for a few sec

Structural memory processing

Encode based in how they are built

Encoding vs priming

Encoding- encoded info into memory

Priming - previous stimuli easier to recognize when seen again

Retrival vs recall

Retrival -pulling encoded info from storage

Recall -retrival of stored info with no cues

Ebbinghauser forgetting principle

The longer between retrival and encoding the more likely we are to forget. LTM only hold for 9 hrs


Task switching, response inhibition (supreme a partially prepared response), sequencing ( coding info about order of events in working memory ) conflict monitoring ( monitor task while being performed )

Decision trees

Course of action or options under consideration of what we'll get and possible consequences

Expected utility model

Assumes rational behavior is looking at alternatives and consequences

Elsmere paradox

Choice of certainty over ambiguity even when the result is an inconsistent pattern of choice

Motor programs

Sequence of movements that are planned before performance

Mirror neurons

In ventral premier cortex discharged during imitation

Biological motion

idea that all animals produce unique pattern of motion


Affective judgment happen before and independent of cognition. We emo label tings then evaluate

Measure emo

Skin conductance, startle blink

Primary vs secondary reinforcers

Primary - occurs naturally

Secondary - learn to associate with - or + Consequences

Sympathetic nervous system

Fight/flight or freeze


Conserves energy, calms down slows heart rate

Decanted on consciousness

Separated mind and brain. Mind was consciousness and self awareness

Central nervous system

Brain and spinal cord

Peripheral nervous system

Somatic ( muscles, joints all under voluntary control) and automatic (involuntary control)


Measure electrical activity in brain, general state of person


Brain activity linked to event


Neural firing in parts of brain


Anatomical image of tissue density


Anotomical n functional view


Brain activity using injected substance. Looks at other substances


Currents through scalp to activate neural regions