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25 Cards in this Set

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Mechanism that allows one to retain and retrieve information over time
Short Term Memory (STM)
Moment to moment conscious thoughts and perception
Working Memory(WM)
Underlies STM and communicates with LTM
group of information put together
Relating items to what he or she already knows
Retroactive Interference
Something newer makes it difficult to remember something older( New vs old phone number)
Proactive Interference
Something older makes it difficult to remember something newer
Maintenance Rehearsal
Saying something repeatedly in order to keep it in the mind
Elaborative Rehearsal
Thinking about meaningful relationships among items to be learned
Primacy Effect
Beginning is remembered more than the middle
Recency Effect
Last items are remembered more than the middle
Negative Recency
Last items will not be remembered if they are not written down 10-20 seconds after they are presented
Modality Effect
More difficulty with visual presentation than auditory presentation
Phonological Loop
Subsystem of WM dedicated to temporary storage of phonological information
Phonological store
acoustic represenation of the stimulus is stored
Articulatory Control Process
Maintains and refreshes the elements in the phonological store
Visuospatial Sketchpad
Stores visually presented information
Visual Cache
Temporarily stores visual information that comes from perceptual experience, and the form and color of what we perceive
Inner Scribe
Refreshes all the stored information and briefly stores information of bodily movements
Episodic Buffer
Takes events from the phonological loop and visuospatial sketchpad and makes them into a sequence
Central Executive
Coordinates the activities of the visuospatial sketchpad, phonological loop, and episodic buffer. Also communicates with LTM via episodic buffer
Phonological Confusions
Memory for items that sound alike is worse than those that sound different
Word Length Effect
STM span decreases as the length of the words to be memorized increases
Irrelevant Speech Effect
Background speech interfering with silent verbal rehearsal
Permanent change in behavior that results from experience