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133 Cards in this Set

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Extradural Neoplasm Categories (5)
"Meningeal, Neurogenic, Metastatic, Choroid, Non-neoplastic"
Meningeal Extradural Tumors (4)
"Meningioma and Variants, Mesenchymal Tumors, Hemangiopericytoma, Melanocytic lesions"
Meningioma Variants (3)
"Atypical, malignant, Radiation-induced"
Imaging features of classic meningioma (4)
"dural tail, CSF cleft, strong homogeneous enhancement, hyperostosis"
MR Spectroscopy feature of Meningioma (1)
high alanine
Neurogenic Extradural Tumors (3)
"Schwannoma, Neurofibroma, Neuroma"
Extradural Metastatic Disease (3)
"Dural mets, Subarachnoid seeding, chloroma"
Most Common Primary Malignancies to cause Dural mets (6)
"Lung, Breast, Prostate, Melanoma, Lymphoma, Plasmacytoma"
Primaries which cause Subarachnoid Seeding (3)
"Lymphoma, Leukemia, Primary CNS"
CNS Chloroma location and association
"Epidural Space, harbinger of leukemia"
CNS primaries which cause saubarachnoid seeding in children (5)
"choroid plexus papilloma, ependymoma, PNET, astrocytoma (malignant), pineal region tumors"
CNS primaries which cause saubarachnoid seeding in adults (3)
"GBM, oligodendroglioma, lymphoma"
Imaging features of classic schwannoma (3)
"acute angle with dura, inhomogeneous enhancement, IAC extension"
Extradural Choroid Plexus Masses (4)
"papilloma, carcinoma, hemangioma, xanthogranuloma"
Choroid Plexus Papilloma location and demographics
"children (86%) = trigone, adults = 4th ventricle"
Choroid Plexus Papilloma imaging features (5)
"mulberry, hyperdense, low T1/mixed T2, common hemorrhage/calcification, +++enhancement, CSF seeding"
"Choroid Plexus Carcinoma: location, features"
"rare, lateral vents, CSF spread, invasion"
"Choroid Plexus hemangioma: location, association, clinical"
"lateral ventricles, Sturge-Weber, asymptomatic"
"Choroid Plexus xanthogranuloma: location, appearance (2), clinical"
"glomus of trigone, contain fat, can be bright on DWI, asymptomatic"
Extradural non-neoplastic masses (4)
"epidermoid, dermoid, teratoma, lipoma"
Epidermoid imaging features (4)
"CSF density, bright on FLAIR/DWI, - enhancement"
Epidermoid common locations (4)
"CP angle, suprasellar cistern, prepontine cistern, pineal region (OFF MIDLINE)"
Dermoid imaging features (3)
"fat/calcification, MIDLINE, can rupture"
Intracranial teratoma features (1) and locations (2)
"dermoid + enhancing nodule, pineal region, suprasellar region"
Intracranial lipoma locations (4)
"pericallosal, quadrigeminal plate cistern, suprasellar cistern, CPA"
Pediatric Infratentorial Neoplasm Categories (3)
"Astrocytic, Embryonal, Ependymal"
Pediatric Infratentorial Astrocytic Neoplasms (2)
"JPA, brainstem glioma"
JPA locations (3)
"posterior fossa, optic pathways, hypothalamus"
JPA appearance (4)
"benign, cyst + enhancing nodule, low T1, high T2"
Brainstem glioma imaging features (3)
"high T2, 2/3s enhance, cystic degeneration"
Pediatric Infratentorial Embryonal Neoplasms (3)
"PNET, medullomyoblastoma, rhabdoid tumor"
Medulloblastoma (PNET of posterior fossa) demographics and frequency
5-12 yo; 1/3 of posterior fossa tumors in children
Medulloblastoma (PNET of posterior fossa) location and imaging features (6)
"usually arise from vermis; solid, hyperdense, + enhancement, hypo T1, iso T2, CSF seeding"
Ways to tell Medulloblastoma over ependymoma (2)
Medulloblastoma is homogeneously hyperdense and also distorts the fourth ventricle; ependymoma more commonly has calcifications/hemorrhage and simply expands the fourth ventricle
medullomyoblastoma features and location
same as medulloblastoma with histological differences
"rhabdoid tumor: location (2), imaging features (1), and demographics"
"1/2 in posterior fossa, 40% are supratentorial; aggressive heterogeneous mass; first years of life"
Ependymoma: demographics
bimodal: <10; 4-5th decade
Ependymoma: locations (4) and imaging features (4)
"4th ventricle, spinal cord, supratentorial, intraparenchymal; hypo T1, iso T2, calcificatio/hemorrhage is common, mild enhancement"
ependymoma: poorest prognosis based on location
4th ventricle (50% 5-yr)
Adult Infratentorial Neoplasm Categories (5)
"Astrocytic, Embryonal, Ependymal, Neuronal/Glial, Metastases"
Most common Infratentorial Astrocytic Neoplasm in an adult
"GBM, oligodendroglioma, lymphoma"
"Medulloblastoma in an adult: location, appearance, and course relative to children"
"usually off midline; less well defined, less enhancement; usually more aggressive"
"Subependymoma: locations (2), imaging features (3); course"
"lateral recess of 4th vent > lateral ventricle; isodense, iso T1, hyper T2, most do not enhance; benign course"
"hemangioblastoma: location (3), frequency, course, association (1), appearance"
cerebellum > cord > medulla > cerebrum; most common infratentorial adult neoplasm; benign; VHL; cyst w/ enhancing mural nodule
most common Infratentorial Neoplasm in an adult
DDX for hemorrhagic CNS mets (7)
"breast, choriocarcinoma, lung, melanoma, renal cell, retinoblastoma, thyroid"
incomplete hemosiderin ring =
hemorrhagic mets
DDX for calcified CNS mets (3)
"chondrosarcoma, osteosarcoma, mucinous adenocarcinoma (breast, stomach, colon, ovary)"
calcified primary CNS neoplasm (9)
"astrocytoma, choroid plexus papilloma, craniopharyngioma, ependymoma, ganglioglioma, meningioma, neurocytoma, oligodendroglioma, pineal region tumors"
supratentorial astrocytic pediatric neoplasm (1)
pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma
pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma: location (1); demographics (1); clinical presentation (1); prognosis (1)
periphery of temproal lobes; 2/3 < 18yo; seizures; 80% 5-yr survival
pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma: appearance (2)
"homogeneously enhancing, cyst formation"
supratentorial pediatric embryonal neoplasms (3)
"supratentorial PNET, medulloepithelioma, ependymoblastoma"
supratentorial PNET: appearance (5); course (1)
"heterogeneous enhancement, cyst/hemorrhage/calcification, hyperdense, recurrence, subarachnoid seeding; bad prognosis"
medulloepithelioma: location (2); course (1); appearance (2)
temporal > parietal lobe; poor prognosis; aggressive
ependymoblastoma: location (1); appearance (2); prognosis (1)
"supratentorial; large/enhancing, necrosis; very poor"
supratentorial pediatric neuronal/mixed glial tumors (4)
"ganglioglioma, gangliocytoma, desmoplastic infantile ganglioglioma, DNET"
ganglioglioma: most common location; demographics (2); course
"temporal lobe; <30yo, most common mixed glioneuronal tumor; good prognosis"
ganglioglioma: concern (1)
degeneration into an aggressive lesion
gangliocytoma: compare with ganglioglioma
no malignant degeneration
desmoplastic infantile ganglioglioma: appearance (2); location (2); course
"cyst with meningeal base, rim enhancement; frontal/parietal lobes; benign"
dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor (DNET): location (2); presentation (1); age (1)
temporal and frontal lobes; seizures; 10-20yo
Dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor (DNET): appearance (5)
"involve gray>white, hypodense, cysts, bright T2, usually no enhancement"
Dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor (DNET): course
unusual recurrence after resection
Supratentorial adult tumor categories (6)
"astrocytic, neuronal/mixed glial, oligodendroglial, neuroepithelial (?), hematopoietic, sarcoma"
supratentorial adult astrocytic tumors (6)
"astrocytoma, anaplastic astrocytoma, GBM, gliosarcoma, multicentric astrocytoma, subependymal giant cell astrocytoma"
astrocytoma: frequency
most common solitary intraaxial mass in an adult
astrocytoma: WHO grading
I: astrocytoma; II: diffuse astrocytoma; III: anaplastic; IV: GBM
GBM: frequency
twice as common as lower grade lesions
DDX: corpus callosum mass lesions (7)
"GBM, lymphoma, mets, white matter disorder (MS, PML, PRES), shear injury, stroke, lipoma"
subependymal giant cell astrocytoma: location (1); demographics; association
near foramen of Monro; 2-20yo; tuberous sclerosis
subependymal giant cell astrocytoma: appearance (3);
"intraventricular, enhancing, ventricular entrapment"
Supratentorial adult neuronal/mixed glial tumors (1)
central neurocytoma
central neurocytoma: location (2); demographic (1); course
lateral or third ventricle (septum pellucidum); mean age = 29; benign
central neurocytoma: hard to distinguish between this and...
central neurocytoma: appearance (5);
"iso to gray matter, cystic, calcify, rare edema, mild/mod enhancement"
supratentorial adult oligodendroglial tumors (3)
"oligodendroglioma, mixed oligo/astro, anaplastic oligodendroglioma"
"oligodendroglioma: location, age/gender, course"
frontal and temporal lobes (adjacent to lateral/3rd ventricle); 40-50 M; benign when pure histologically
oligodendroglioma: appearance (5)
"calcification, soft tissue, cysts, HETEROGENEOUS SIGNAL, rare edema"
oligodendroglioma: single feature which makes degeneration more likely:
cyst formation indicates mixed histology
mixed oligoastrocytoma: what % of oligodendrogliomas are mixed?
mixed oligoastrocytoma: what is the significance if they are mixed?
higher risk of recurrence
mixed oligoastrocytoma: what is the difference in appearance compared to regular oligodendroglioma? (2)
"less likely to calcify, stronger enhancement"
anaplastic oligodendroglioma: location (2)
frontla and temporal lobes
anaplastic oligodendroglioma: appearance (4)
"hemorrhage, calcification, necrosis, avid enhancement"
adult supratentorial neuroepithelial/unknown tumors (3)
"gliomatosis cerebri, chordoid glioma, astroblastoma"
gliomatosis cerebri definition
involves at least 2 lobes
gliomatosis cerebri WHO grade
gliomatosis cerebri prognosis
chordoid glioma: location (1); age; WHO grade
hypothalamus; >30yo; II
chordoid glioma: appearance (4)
"hyperdense to gray matter, iso T1/T2, avid enhancement; hydrocephalus"
Limbic encephalitis: etiology
paraneoplastic syndrome
limbic encephalitis: most common primary
small cell lung
limbic encephalitis: appearance (3)
"high T2, +/- enhancement, often atrophy"
limbic encephalitis: location
Bilateral temporal lobes
limbic encephalitis: best way to distinguish from herpes (1)
no atrophy with herpes
Primary CNS lymphoma: association (1)
immunocompromised state
Primary CNS lymphoma: test to distinguish from toxoplasmosis (2)
thallium scan (lymphoma is thallium avid); MR perfusion (lymphoma is hypervascular)
categories of pineal region tumors (2)
germ cell and pineal cell
germ celll pineal tumors in order of frequency (3)
"germinoma, teratoma, choriocarcinoma"
pineal cell origin tumors (3)
"pineoblastoma, pineocytoma, pineal cyst"
pineal germinoma: appearance (4)
"hyperdense, iso T1, hypo T2, enhances"
What is Parinaud's Syndrome? possible association?
paresis of upward gaze (can be related to pineal region tumor)
CNS teratoma: appearance (4); locations (2)
"may contains fat, calcs, cysts, dermal appendages; pineal region > suprasellar region"
pineal choriocarcinoma: serology test (1); common feature (1)
HCG+; hemorrhage
pineoblastoma: WHO grade; age; association (1)
IV; <10; retinoblastoma (third eye)
non-neoplastic CNS masses (6)
"colloid cyst, neuroepithelial cyst, neuroenteric cyst, Lhermitte-Duclos, choristoma, amyloid"
colloid cyst: location (1); presentation (1); age
anterior 3rd ventricle; positional headache; 30-40yo
colloid cyst: appearance on CT (variable MR)
neuroepithelial cyst: location (1); association (1)
centerad anywhere on choroid plexus; prior infection
neuroenteric cyst: location (1); appearance (1)
intradural extramedullary space at cervicothoracic junction; high T1 signal
Lhermitte-Duclos AKA...
dysplastic gangliocytoma of the cerebellum
choristoma definition
normal tissue in an abnormal location
CNS amyloid: location (2); appearance (3)
"dural and intraparenchymal; low T2, bright T1; dense"
Neoplastic Intramedullary lesions of the spine (5)
"astrocytoma, ependymoma, hemangioblastoma, ganglioglioma, metastasis"
spinal astrocytoma: common age; gender; location; prognosis
"bimodal: children and 20-40yo; M>F; T-spine > C-spine; good for kids, worse for adults"
spinal astrocytoma: features and appearance (5)
"more eccentric than ependymoma, syrinx, involve an average of 7 segments, low T1/high T2"
"spinal ependymoma: location, age, prognosis; length"
C>T; 20-40; 80% 5-yr survival; 3.6 levels
most common spinal intramedullary tumor in adults
most common spinal intramedullary tumor in children
spinal ependymoma: features and appearance (5)
"central, iso/hypo T1 and multinodular high T2, hemosiderin, + enhancement, syrinx"
tumor arising from the filum in a 35yo male
myxopapillary ependymoma
spinal hemangioblastoma: appearance and location
"highly vascular; C/T spine, cystic/enhancing nodular component, bright T2 with flow voids"
spinal hemangioblastoma: what % are isolated?
spinal ganglioglioma: age; course; location; length
mean age = 12; benign; C>>T; long segment of involvement (8 segments)
mets to the spinal cord in children (9)
"choroid plexus tumors, ependymoma, GBM, leukemia, Lymphoma, neuroblastoma, pineal region tumors, PNET, RB"
mets to the spinal cord in adults (6)
"GBM, hemangioblastoma, lymphoma, melanoma, lung/breast/renal/gastric, oligodendroglioma"
Extramedullary intradural neoplasms of the spine (3)
"meningioma, nerve sheath tumor, lipoma"
"spinal meningioma: gender, location, association"
F; T spine; NF2
"spinal neurofibroma: association, appearance"
NF1/2; iso T1; hyper T2; ++ enhancement
DDX for NF with thickened/enhancing nerve roots (2)
"Charcot-Marie-Tooth, Dejerine-Sottas"
"Spinal lipoma: location, intra or extradural, association (2)"
"T-spine, 60/40 intradural; myelodysplasia, tethered cord"
fat-containing sacrococcygeal mass...
"teratoma, look for associated abnormalities"