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16 Cards in this Set

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Causes of CNS infections






Type of meningitis usually caused by bacteria

Acute purulent meningitis

Type of meningitis usually caused by viruses

Acute lymphocytic meningitis

Common organisms that cause bacterial meningitis

*Neisseria meningitis


*Streptococcus pneumoniae

*Haemophilus influenzae

*Escherichia coli

Risk factors for bacterial meningitis

*Head trauma with basal skull fracture

*Otitis media




*Systemic sepsis


Manifestations of bacterial meningitis

*Nuchal rigidity

*Positive brudzinski sign

*Positive kernig's sign

*Severe headache

*Chills and high fever

*Altered level of consciousness








*Signs of increased ICP

*Petechial rash or ecchymosis (meningococcal)

*Back and abdominal pain


Complications of bacterial meningitis

*Cranial nerve damage - cranial nerve VIII- nerve deafness


Viruses causing viral meningitis

*Herpes simplex

*Herpes zoster



*West Nile virus

Manifestations of viral meningitis

*Flu like symptoms - Mild

*Intense headache





*Mildly elevated temperature

*Neck stiffness

*Positive brudzinski sign

*Positive kernig's sign

Generalized infection of the parenchyma of the brain or spinal cord


Manifestations of Viral Encephalitis



*Stiff neck


*Altered level of consciousness







Arbovirus encephalitis manifestations

*Degeneration of nerve cells

*Edema and necrosis with or without hemorrhage

*Increased ICP



*Sore throat

*Nausea and vomiting

*Stiff neck


*Paralysis of extremities

*Exaggerated deep tendon reflexes


*Altered level of consciousness

Causes of brain abscess

*Open trauma


*Infections of the


>Middle ear

>Nasal cavity

>Nasal sinuses

*Metastatic spread from other areas of infection

Manifestations of a brain abscess







*Altered level of consciousness

*Manifestations of increased ICP

*Symptoms related to location

Treatment of brain abscess


*Drained or surgically removed

CSF properties associated with bacterial meningitis


*Increased white blood cell count

*Increased protein

*Decreased glucose