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15 Cards in this Set

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Reticular formation
-parasymph. n/motor n.> occulomotor III
-motor n.> trochlear IV
-nucleus mesencephalon> trigeminal V (sensation of movement and location from muscles)

-motor> trigeminal,abducent,facial

Principal sensory touch,pressure face> trigeminal

Pain, temp face> spinal nucleus

spinal nucleus> trigeminal
Amygdaloid complex
-corticospinal> m.centers in spinal cord
-corticobulbar> m.nuclei in cerebellum
-corticopontine>p.nuclei in pons/cerebellum
-corticoreticular> nuclei in reticular formation
midbrain nuclei
pons nuclei
-responsible for basic autonomic and vital functions

cardiovascular reg
respiratory reg
gastrointernal motility

-ascending v.system
sensory info from spinal cord
extrapyramidal motor system

Red nucleus (muscle tension)
gives rise to intraspinal/intrabulbar tract

receives info from c.cortex + cerebellum
Descending motor pathways from c.cortex
input (afferent)
-olfactory bulb
-sensory assosciation cortex
-cingulate gyrus
-prefontal cortex

-septal nuclei
-hippocampal form. of b.stem

cingulate gyrus
-limbic cortex
-prefrontal c.
-autonomic centers
Pineal Gland
Generic disease leading to neural degeneration of striatum (caudate nucleus)
and cerebral cortex

-.... (excessive grimacing/gesticulation)
Projection fibers from hemisphere
Corona radiata
Mediates smell via olfactory nerve
projects to thalamus, hypothalamus, ambygdala and hypocampal formation

olfactory receptor cells in nasal mucosa>
>olfactory neve (bulb) input
>olfactory tract
>lateral olfact. stria
>primary olfactory cortex
Olfactory system
above level of basal ganglia
internal capsule
below thalamus, caudate and lentiform nucleus

All eff. and aff. pathways run through the internal capsule

-pineal gland
-fotoneuroendocrine organ, transmiting the influence of light on the hypothalamus+hypophysis and other organs
-produces melatoning causes sleep
-inhibets sexul maturness and inhibets the release of gonadothropic hormones from hypophysis
cerebellum generell
-fastigial nucleus
-interposed nuclei (emboliform/globose)
-dentate nuclei
external extreme capsule
preganglionic neurons in brainstrem, sacral part of SC, pelvic splanchnic nerves

postganglionic neurons in
parasymph. ganglia of head and internal ganglia.
Center of CNS
-contains association pathways
-landmarks used in imaging
Cerebellar nuclei
- in post cranial fossa
-separated from occipital lobes
by tentorioum cerebelli
-lies above foramen magnum of skulle

vermis-midline structure connecting the hemispheres

cerebellar tonsil-lowest part of cerebellum

!!May hermate through foramen magnum > pressure on medulla oblangata > results in death
Exit glossopharyngeal ix
vagus x
cranial roots
accessory nerve xi
between pyramide and olive in preolivary sulcus

in skull > hypoglossal canal
Exit trochlear nerve iv
-lies between cerebral crus and tegmentum
-largest nucleus of the midbrain
-part of striatal (extrapyramidal) motor system
-produces dopamin
-vital role in reward and addiction
-is functionally connected to the striatum
Exit hypoglossal xii
between olive and inf.cerebellar peduncle in postolivary sulcus

in skull >
glosso/vagus/accessory-jugular foramen