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257 Cards in this Set

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what inhaled anesthetic is associated with bronchialspasm and secretion
inhaled anesthetic associated with spasm
inhaled anesthetic associated with hepatitis and cardiac arrythmias
what inhaled anesthetics increase HR
ID Isoflurane and desflurane
ID Isoflurane and desflurane
what inhaled anesthetics increase HR
what inhaled anesthetics decrease the ole heart rate
halothane, enflurane sevoflurane
inhaled anesthetic contraindicated in renal failure
enflurane is contraindicated in
renal failure
inhaled anesthetic that sensitizes the heart to catecholamines
halothane sensitizes the heart to
definiteley does not sensitize the heart to catecholamines
relaxes bronchial smooth muscle but decreases renal and hepatic Blood flow
halothane does theis to bronchial smooth muscle
halothane does theis to bronchial smooth muscle
relaxes bronchial smooth muscle but decreases renal and hepatic Blood flow
potent analgesis but piss poor anesthetic so must be given with other drugs
Laughing gas
6 examples of IV anesthetics
fentanyl, ketamine, midazolam, thiopental, etomidate, propofol
which inhaled anesthetic is the least hepatotoxic
which anesthetic must be used with other anesthetics for surgical anesthesia
Which inhaled anesthetic decreases renal and hepatic blood flow
which inhaled anesthetic relaxes bronchial muscle
name 6 IV anesth.
propofol, fentanyl, ketamine, midazolam, thiopental etomidate
IV anesth. thats a barbituate
benzo IV anesth
IV anesth. thats an opiod
thiopenal is used for induction maintenance or both
how does recovery occur with the rapid acting barbs
redist. from the cns to the pns
thiopentany does what to blood flow, resp. function, blood pressure
no change decrease decrease
why should caustion be taken when admin thiopental asthmatic patients
spasm of the larynx
barbs are contraindicated in what disease
midazolam offer which type of amnesia making it useful for conciuos sedation
antidote for midazolam resp. depression
fentalnyl comboed with what med causes neuroleptic analgesia
fentanyl combined with which two meds causes neuroleptic anesthesia
droperidol and NO
advers rxn caused by IV fentnyl
chest wall rigidity
midazolam offer which type of amnesia making it useful for conciuos sedation
antidote for midazolam resp. depression
fentalnyl comboed with what med causes neuroleptic analgesia
fentanyl combined with which two meds causes neuroleptic anesthesia
droperidol and NO
advers rxn caused by IV fentnyl
chest wall rigidity
propfol have good analgesic properties
color of propofol
white with lipids
propofol on BP
propofol on ICP
propofol on maint or induction
IV anesthiesia that is dissociative
patient is not concious and feels no pain but appears awake
dissociative anesthesia by K
anesthesia that is anti emetic
which IV anesthetic is a CV stimulant (increases BP and CO)
IV anesth that causes dreams hallucinations
which IV anesthetic is ultra short acting benzylimidazole used for induction anesthesia and has minimal CV effects
are local anesthetics weak acids or bases
weak bases
5 examples of AMIDE anesthetics
lidocaine prilocaine articaine mepivicaine, bupivicaine (all have more than one i)
give 3 examples of ester local A's
cocaine, procaine benzocaine (only one i )
which med when used in combo reduces systemic toxicity and increases the duration of action of local A's
where should you not use epi with a local A
PENIS, digits, nose ears
type of enzymes that get ride of amide Local A's (LA's)
amidases in the liver
enzymes that rid the ester LAs
esterases in tissues and blood
MOA of LAs
inhibition of sodium channels in the axonal membranes via binding to the channels in there inactivated state and preventing structural change in their resting state
Do LA's need to be ionized or non Ionized to bind to the sodium channel
Do LA's need to be ionized or nonionized to gain acces to the sodium chamel which is on the inner side of the axonal membrane
all LAs cause vasoD except
nerve fibers most sensitive to blockade are of small or large diameter
nerve fibers most sensitive to blockade ahce low or high firing rates
which nerve fibers are most sensitive to LAs
Type B and Type C
which neerve fibers are least sensitive to LAs
Type A alpha fibers
what are the adverse effects of LAs
hypotension except coke, nystagmus, seizures, dizziness and allergic rxns
allergic rxns to LAs are
more associated with Esters via PABA formation
what two opiods are used specifically for diahrrea
loperamide, diphenoxylate (often given with atropine)
MOA of opiod induced miosis
increased chilnergic activity in the pupillary constrictoro muscles
which opiod drug does not cause miosis
meperidine (antagonize muscarinic receptor)
opiod induce urinary retention is due to
increases in ADH
how do opiods promote emesis
activate the CTZ in the area postrema
most lipophillic opiods
fentanyl and heroin
least lipophillic opiod
med given to counteract resp. epression of opioid overdose
naloxone (which has a shorter halflife than morphine so must be given multiple times)
weak opioid agonists are
codiene, propoxyphene
partial opioid agonis
Buprenorphine, pentazocine
kappa agonist mu antagonsit
pentazocine moa
pentazocine moa
kappa agonist mu antagonsit
what opoids should not be given to someone on MAOIs
meperidine and dextromethorphan because they cause serotonin syndrome
acetylated morphine is
must be metabolized by Cytochrome P-450 2D6 to active morphine
codiene must be activated to
must be metabolized by Cytochrome P-450 2D6 to active morphin
where in the midbrain are opioid receptors found
periaqueductal grey (binding to these receptors leads to activation of descending pathways to the raphe nuclei decreasing transmission throughout the pain pathway)
morphine induce hypotension and pruritis is due to histamine release from
mast cells
why does meperidine not increase the tone of the bladder, biliary tract or ureter
because it also is a mu antagonist
what opioid does not cause pupillary constriction
increased ADH
is the MOA of opioid urinary retention
opioids do what during pregnancy
decrease uterine contractions
least lipophillic opioid
morphine (remember that heroin and fentanyl are the most lipophillic)
is morphine metabolized by phase I or phase II rxns
phase II glucuronidation
which morphine metabolite is analgesically active
how does naloxone work to counteract respiratory depresssion caused by opioids
Mu receptor antagonist
opioid antagonist for alcoholics
alpha-2 agonist for heroin withdrawal
examples of weak opioid agonists
codiene and propoxyphene
codiene and propoxyphene
examples of weak opioid agonists
partial opioid agonists
buprenorphine and pentazocine
pentazocine a partial opioid agonist works by
Kappa agonist, mu antagonist
Kappa agonist, mu antagonist
pentazocine a partial opioid agonist works by
derevative of methadone that is a weak agonist
fentanyl is chemically related to
what is morphines oral bioavailability
low low
acetylated morphine
what adverse drug rxn may be caused by giving the opioid fentanyl IV
chest wall rigidity
chest wall rigidity
what adverse drug rxn may be caused by giving the opioid fentanyl IV
antiemetic IV anesthetic
propofol which can be used for induction and maintenace
ultrashort actingIV anesthetic benzylimidazole used for induction of anesthesia and has minimal CV effects
Etomidate is
ultrashort actingIV anesthetic benzylimidazole used for induction of anesthesia and has minimal CV effects
how do LAs prevent causing a structural change in the resting state
by making sure they only bind to inactivated Na channels
adverse Drug rxn of fentanyl IV
chest wall rigidity
propofol does what to BP and IntraC pressure
decreases both
thiopental does what to BP and Resp fxn
decreases both of them associates
etomidate i what
ultra-short actingbenzylimidazole used for induction of anesthesia and has minimal CV effects
all LAs cause
VasoD except the coke
presynaptic inhibition of calcium influx
binding opiod receptors in the pre
post synaptic K efflux is increased
binding post synaptic opie receptors
opioid receptors are coupled to what type of protein
G inhib
opioids Increase
intracranial pressure
opioids Increase
intracranial pressure
periaquiductal grey
where opoids receptors are located
Im itching what opioid am I on
morphine induces Histmine release from mast cells causing pruritis and hypotension
increases ADH
3-8 hour acting Barbs
amo, seco barbital
30 minute duration barbs
1-2 day barbs
pentobarb, phenobarb
increase heme synthesis
barbituate withdrawal is treated with
longaacting benzodiazepines
sedating antihistmines besides diphenyhydramine
doxylamine, Hydroxyzine
sedating antihistmines besides diphenyhydramine
doxylamine, Hydroxyzine
buspirone is a
partial agonists at serotonin 1a used for GAD
partial agonists at serotonin 1a used for GAD
buspirone is a
buspirone is a
partial agonists at serotonin 1a used for GAD
buspirone is a
partial agonists at serotonin 1a used for GAD
adverse effects of MAOI

C - constipation
U - urinary retent.
D - drowsiness
B - Blurriness
X - Xerostomia
adverse effects of MAOI

C - constipation
U - urinary retent.
D - drowsiness
B - Blurriness
X - Xerostomia
selegiline treats parkinsons and is characterized by
at low concentrations inhibiting MAOb but at high conc. inhibiting both
serotonin syndrome is
life threatening side effect of MAOiS and SSRIs used together
life threatening side effect of MAOiS and SSRIs used together
serotonin syndrome is
serotonin syndrome is
MAOis and SSRIs used together
MAOis and SSRIs used together
serotonin syndrome
MAOis and SSRIs used together causes serotonin syndrome which is characterized by
sweaty Hot (hyperthermia) seizures with ANS instability and Myoclonus
MAOis and SSRIs used together causes serotonin syndrome which is characterized by
sweaty Hot (hyperthermia) seizures with ANS instability and Myoclon
MAOis and SSRIs used together causes serotonin syndrome which is characterized by
sweaty Hot (hyperthermia) seizures with ANS instability and Myoclon
name nonselective MAOIs
tranylcypramine, phenalzine, isocarboxazid
name nonselective MAOIs
tranylcypramine, phenalzine, isocarboxazid
name nonselective MAOIs
name nonselective MAOIs
name nonselective MAOIs
life threatening condition that develops on MAOIs and Tyramine
HTN crisis
HTN crisis
life threatening condition that develops on MAOIs and Tyramine
serotonin like syndrome occurs when
MAOIs are used with dextrometh, or demerol (meperidine)
serotonin like syndrome occurs when
MAOIs are used with dextrometh, or demerol (meperidine)
inhibits reuptake of NE and is active metabolite of amitriptaline
inhibits reuptake of NE and is active metabolite of amitriptaline
inhibits reuptake of NE and is active metabolite of amitriptaline
active metabolite of Imipramine that inhibits reuptake of NE
active metabolite of Imipramine that inhibits reuptake of NE
MOA of tricyclics
inhibit reuptake of NE and Serotinin while antagonizing muscarinic, alpha adrenergic and histaminergic receptors
MOA of tricyclics
inhibit reuptake of NE and Serotinin while antagonizing muscarinic, alpha adrenergic and histaminergic receptors
MOA of tricyclics
inhibit reuptake of NE and Serotinin while antagonizing muscarinic, alpha adrenergic and histaminergic receptors
tricyclic for OCD
tricyclic for OCD
Clomipramine has a C in it like oCd
tricyclic for kids wetting the bed
imipramine (desipramine is metabolite)
increases contraction of internal sphincter of the bladder and decreases stage 3,4 sleep
imipramine (desipramine is metabolite)
increases contraction of internal sphincter of the bladder and decreases stage 3,4 sleep
imipramine (desipramine is metabolite)
imipramine (desipramine is metabolite) works to decrease bedwetting by
increases contraction of internal sphincter of the bladder and decreases stage 3,4 sleep
imipramine (desipramine is metabolite) works to decrease bedwetting by
increases contraction of internal sphincter of the bladder and decreases stage 3,4 sleep
takes TCAs how long to work
takes TCAs this long to work
inhibits reuptake of NE into the presynaptic neurons thereby increasing NT conc. in the cleft
amoxapine, maprotaline
amoxapine, maprotaline
inhibits reuptake of NE into the presynaptic neurons thereby increasing NT conc. in the cleft
inhibits reuptake of NE into the presynaptic neurons thereby increasing NT conc. in the cleft
amoxapine, maprotaline
inhibits reuptake of serotonin into the presynaptic neurons thereby increasing NT concentrations in the cleft
nefazodone, trazadone
amoxapine, maprotaline
inhibits reuptake of NE into the presynaptic neurons thereby increasing NT conc. in the cleft
nefazodone, trazadone
inhibits reuptake of serotonin into the presynaptic neurons thereby increasing NT concentrations in the cleft
inhibits reuptake of serotonin into the presynaptic neurons thereby increasing NT concentrations in the cleft
nefazadone, trazadone
nefazadone, trazadone
inhibits reuptake of serotonin into the presynaptic neurons thereby increasing NT concentrations in the cleft
inhibits reuptake of serotonin into the presynaptic neurons thereby increasing NT concentrations in the cleft
nefazadone, trazadone
trazadone - inhibits reuptake of serotonin into the presynaptic neurons thereby increasing NT concentrations in the cleft
nefazodone edverse effect
inhibits p450
inhibits p450
nefazodone edverse effect
nefazodone edverse effect
inhibits p450
MOA of bupropion
weak inhibitor of DA, Serotonin, and NE
weak inhibitor of DA, serotonin and DA
weak inhibitor of DA, serotonin and DA
weak inhibitor of DA, serotonin and DA
alpha-2 anatag for sex dysfunc
alpha-2 anatag for sex dysfunc
weigh gain is major side effect of this
clonidine that alpha-2 antagonist
venlafaxine MOA
potent inhibitor of serotonin and NE reuptake and weak dopa reuptake inhibitor
venlafaxine MOA
potent inhibitor of serotonin and NE reuptake and weak dopa reuptake inhibitor
side effect of venlafax
atypical depression is treated by
examples of SSRIs (6)
fluoxetine, paroxetine, fluvoxamine, sertraline (zoloft), citalopram, escitalopram
examples of SSRIs (6)
fluoxetine, paroxetine, fluvoxamine, sertraline (zoloft), citalopram, escitalopram
halflife of fluoxetine
5 days
pmdd is treated by what SSRI
bulemia PMDD OCD panic disorder and selective mutism
specifically for OCD ssri
fluvoxamine (columbine shooter took this
specifically for OCD ssri
drug interactions of SSRIs
cyp450 inhibition
drug interactions of SSRIs
cyp450 inhibition
active metabolite of fluoxetine
active metaboliet of fluoxetine
Binds to gaba B receptors to decrease release of aspartae and glutamate into alpha motor neurons
baclofen MOA
baclofen MOA
Binds to gaba B receptors to decrease release of aspartae and glutamate into alpha motor neurons
DOC (drug of Choice) to stop persistent status epilepticus
Diazepam or more recently Lorazepam
valproic acid is used to prevent or stop seizures or both
prevent prevent prevent
if someone is highly sensitive to midazolam what is the most likely maifestation
resp. depression
phenobarbitol is used to stop seizures caused by drugs such as lidocaine only if...
the usual measure such as treatment with a Benzodiazepine do not work
inhibits decarboxylation of peripheral DOPA
reversible inhibitor of peripheral comt
entacapone tocapone
what causes the side effect of impotence when taking for instance chlorpromazine
alpha blockade
what APs would one most likely see dry mouth and urinary retention
thioridazine, clozapine
risperidone is an atypicl AP so you know it blocks Seritonin 2 receptors but what else
D2, alpha-1
makes so one can give a lower dose of levodopa
carbidopa, means there will be less formation of Dopamine in the periphery
give the four DOpamine agoinists for PD
bromocript and pergolide

ropinorole and prampexole
NSAIDs with lithium do what
increase the renal absorption of lithium because NSAIDs reduce the excretion of lithium
often adm as a patch behind the ear for motion sickness
in opthalmic exams scopalamine can
produce mydriasis and cycloplegia to help determine refractive errors
setrons block
serotonin 3
APs with low anticholinergic activity
Halo, flu, quitepine, ziprasodone
molecular unwanted side-effect of demerol
blocks Serotonin reuptake so should not be given to someone on MAOIs
early sign of lithium toxicity
GI upset
decreases the incidence of seizures by stopping glutamate release via blockade of Na channels allso has some anti-folate characteristics
preferred to phenobarbitol in kids
Carbamezipine which is structurally similar to TCAs
the most serious problem with valproic acid is
liver failure
preventing recurrent febrile seizures Tx
Diazepam which also is the DOC for status epilepticus
prevent seizures during surgery
intermediate acting barbituate that has been prescribed for insomnia
secobarbitol however the nondiazepam, zoplidem and zopiclone are more appropriate
fast Anesthetis agent even faster than thiopental
barbituate with the longest HAlflief
partial dopamine agonist AP
positive effect on pain caused by fibromyalgia and is the first SSRI approved for peripheral neuropathy
EEG of generalized abscence seizures
spike/wave pattern of 3Hz
spike/wave pattern of 3Hz
EEG of generalized abscence seizures
looks like a tricyclic that is also effective in treating pain of neurologic origin and some psychiatric disorders such as bipolar and intermittent explosive disorder
phenytoin is for prenvention or stopping acutely
pheny is for prevention
anti convulsant that prevents neuronal and glial uptake of GABA
anti convulsant that prevents neuronal and glial uptake of GABA
anti convulsant that prevents neuronal and glial uptake of GABA
sinus tach associated with TCAs is due to
there antimuscarinic properties
responsible for the cardiotoxicity of Tricyclics
well remember the tricyclics block the uptake of NE and Serotonin so increased catecholamines are the culprit here
what is doxepin
phenalzine is what
an MAO inhib
its metabolite blocks the reuptake of serotonin and that is why this drug can cause a serotonin like syndrome with concomitant use of an MAOI
mperedine which has a metabolite called normeperidine that blocks reuptake of Serotonin
ranitidine is an
H2 antagonsit for GI disorders
most appropriate for rapid treatment of a panic attack
Alprazolam (Xanax) as opposed to valium (diazepam) which has a longer half-lief
when glutamate binds to an NMDA receptor what happens
in rolls a calcium storm
caspasaicin acts by
decreasing pain by decreasing stores of substance P
what is peroxicam
greatest depression of resperiation is caused by
Isofluroane the least is NO
desfluorane and NO have what in common
lowest blood to gass coefficient so they work and stop the quickest
dude comes in after free basing some coke and wont calm down so what does he need
rapidly enters the brain and then redistributes to places without a lot of blood flow
thiopental since it is so goddamn lipid loving just like heroin...its rapid induction and abatement is not relieved by its metabolism infact it is broken down slowly