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32 Cards in this Set

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State the purpose of the Navy Training System.
Ensure a systematic approach for determining what to train and how best to accomplish that training.
Navy's approach to training


What is the most essential, single link in the training chain?
-The Instructor - Must simplify the learning process for the students of varied backgrounds and experiences.
State and discuss the three qualities of an efficient and effective instructor.
-Knowledge- Know far more about the subject than you actually teach your students(SME).
-Ability- Lead by example. Know the principles, methods, and techniques of instruction, also be able to apply them effectively. (Leadership / Instructional)
-Personality- the pattern of collective character, behavioral, temperamental, emotional, and mental traits of an individual.
Some personality rules to follow are:
- Do not use sarcasm in the classroom.
- If you don’t know an answer, admit it.
- Keep your remarks professional
- Be patient
- Treat students with respect
- Maintain rapport with students
Discuss the Instructor's responsibilities in terms of
a. Responsibility to students
b. Responsibility to training safety
c. Responsibility to security
d. Responsibility to curriculum
-students- teach effectively, set a good example for them to follow, and help them resolve conflicts that hinder their training.
-training safety- Most important, you must demonstrate proper safety procedures in addition to teaching them.
-security- Never say or do anything that will downplay the importance of security to classified materials.
-curriculum- curriculum maintenance is an ongoing effort to ensure the course curriculum is both current and accurate.
List & discuss the key principles of applying motivation theory in a training situation
Needs and Drives- a deficit or lack that causes a desire for satisfaction.
Interest- a person’s view of an activity as worthwhile or enjoyable for its own sake.
Attitudes- consist of feelings for or against people, objects, or ideas.
Values- students have more interest in a subject that deals with goals they see as important in their lives.
Incentives- such as good grades, awards, or selection as a distinguished graduate motivate students who want to achieve.
Achievements- is a strong desire, a longing, an aim, a goal, or a desired objective.
State the ultimate goal of instruction
Cause students to remain motivated beyond the instructor’s influence and apply what they have learned on the job
State and discuss five different ways of learning
-Imitation- students observe others (primarily the instructor) in a training environment,
-Trial and Error- discovery learning, trial and error is learning by doing.
-Insight- the understanding that the whole is more than the sum of the parts (light bulb turns on).
-Association- a comparison of past learning to a new learning situation. Use so students can relate.
-Transfer- the process of applying past learning to new but somewhat similar situations.
State and discuss the laws of learning
-Readiness - learn best when they are physically, mentally, and emotionally ready to learn.
-Effect - things which result in satisfying consequences.
-Primacy - retain information they learn for the first time longer than they retain information they must relearn
-Intensity - a vivid experience is learned better and retained longer
-Exercise - practice makes perfect.
-Recency - Things learned last will be best remembered.
Discuss how motivation affects student learning
Motivation is one of the hardest to get a handle on or channel effectively.
Humans try to succeed and try vigorously to avoid failure.
State and discuss the four basic learning styles
Concrete – Experience based approach to learning.
-Active – Becoming involved with the subject first and then do it step-by-step.
-Reflective – Observe and reflect (make contrast and comparisons) before doing.
-Abstract – Theory based analytical approach to learning.
Discuss the barriers to effective communication
-Lack of Common Core Experience – unlikely to find any group in which students have the same common core experience.
-Overuse of Abstractions - concepts, ideas, or words that are not directly related to the subject being discussed.
-Fear – showing ignorance, fear of disapproval, fear of losing status, and fear of judgment are common barriers
-Environmental Factors – anything that may interfere with the communication process.
State and discuss the purpose of the 3-step communication process
The 3 step communication process is an effective way of communication that includes the sender, receiver and feedback. The process is just that… sending the message, receiving the message and feedback.
Discuss why listening is one of the most important communication skills
Listening is an active process of hearing and understanding that demands concentration and attention. Both you and your students have responsibilities in the communication process.
Describe five factors that must be considered in planning instructional delivery
-Grammar (the correct usage of spoken or written words)
-Inflection (a change in the normal pitch or tone of the speakers voice)
-Rate of speech (do not speak too slow or too rapidly)
-Articulation (understandable speech that is a achieved by enunciation and pronunciation)
-Force (combines the volume or carrying power of the voice with the demonstrated vitality, strength and conviction of the speaker)
State and discuss the importance of body movement as an important part of successful communication
It reinforces, emphasizes, and clarifies verbally expressed ideas. Eyes are attracted to movement.
State and discuss the four purposes of oral questioning.
-Focuses attention upon a particular area of the subject matter.
-Arouses interest in the subject matter.
-Drills students on subject matter they must recall precisely (ie. terminology, functions of parts, and safety precautions)
-Stimulate thinking. Not only is this the primary purpose, it also provides you with the practical means for establishing the level of instruction.
State and discuss the characteristics of a good oral question
-Level of instruction – Use words and questions the student knows and understands.
-Use of interrogative – Make sure the students know right away you are asking a question.
-Clarity of meaning – Can the student understand what you are asking?
Discuss the types of oral questions and their purposes.
-Factual. Ask for specific information, primary purpose is to help memorize facts.
-Multiple answer. Has more than one correct answer.
-Leading. One that suggests its own answer.
-Canvassing. Helps determine who is familiar with subject.
-Interest arousing. The main purpose is to focus attention and get them thinking about the subject.
-Thought provoking. This type of question should stimulate thinking. Should be prepared in advance.
-Yes/No. Has value in arousing interest, focusing attention encourages participation.
State the five steps of the five-step questioning technique
-Ask the question
-Pause… so that all students may consider
-Pick on one student by name
-Listen and comment on answer
-Emphasize correct answer
List and discuss the different instructional methods
- Lecture
- Lecture with audio-visual
- Lesson
- Demonstration
- Role-playing
- Team Dimensional Training (TDT)
- Gaming and Simulation
- Facilitation
- Case studies
- Blended Learning
Lesson and demonstration methods are the two most commonly used. Lesson method is most flexible and useful. Demonstration is most used to teach skill-type subjects.
State and discuss the three parts of a learning objective
-Behavior – What the student should be able to do(contains; Subj, action verb and object)
-Condition – Aiding and limiting factors the student must do to complete the behavior
-Standard – The criteria
Discuss the two methods of testing and their importance
-Knowledge. Used to determine if students obtained required knowledge to perform required applications to meet Terminal Objectives.
-Performance. Used to determine if students could successfully put knowledge acquired to application in order to meet Terminal Objectives.
(Both tests are used to determine if Learning Objectives have been met).
Explain the five learning levels a knowledge test item may test
-Recognition – Verbatim identification
-Recall – Verbatim remembering of specifics
-Comprehension – Understanding and not memorizing (i.e. this board)
-Application – Applying what they have learned on the job
-Analysis/Evaluation – Understanding the data and judging the effectiveness
Discuss the different types of performance tests
-Product – Is the final product correct, not concerned about the process to get there
-Combination Tests- is concerned with both an observable result and the step-by-step process leading to the result.
-Process – Is the process correct, not concerned about the final product
List and describe the primary materials used in presenting instruction.
-Lesson Plan: The blueprint that ensures instruction is presented in proper sequence and to the depth required by the objectives.
-Instructional Media: Any device or piece of equipment that is used to help the student understand and learn.
-Instruction Sheets: Provide students with information or directions they need to complete a particular course of the study.
List Instructional Sheets
-Problem sheets. Problems requiring analysis and decision- making.
-Assignment sheets. To direct the study or homework efforts.
-Information sheets. Information contained in texts or references required for the course but not readily available to the students.
-Diagram sheets. Has illustrative material or material to other instruction sheets. (ex. Diagrams, schematics, or illustrations).
-Job sheets. Step-by-step performance or practical task.
-Outline sheets. Outlines major discussion points of topic.
List types of lesson plan personalization.
-Subject matter detail. Technical data (purpose, description, facts, operations, and functions).
-Instructional techniques. Questions and visual aids.
-Personal experiences. On the job experiences to increase interest.
-Examples and analogies. To support main points.
State the purpose of using Instructional Media Materials (IMM) and Visual Information (VI).
-Provides students with interest and motivation
-Provides uniformity of training
-Increases student understanding
-Increases student retention
When dealing with RRCAA, what are the types of knowledge test questions?
Multiple Choice
Completion (Fill in the Blank)
Elements within a Lesson Topic?
Review and Summary