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69 Cards in this Set

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What does CN XII innervate to control ONLY the SHAPE of the tongue?
Intrinsic M
What are the Extrinsic M of the tongue?
Styloglossus, Hyoglossus, Genioglossus
What does CN XII innervate to control the shape AND position of the tongue?
Extrinsic M
What Extrinsic tongue muscle causes contraction on both sides of the tongue and causes the tongue to protrude?
Genioglossus M
Unilateral damage to CN XII will cause what?
tongue to deviate to SAME side
Supranuclear Paralysis of CNXII will cause what?
tongue to deviate to CONTRA side
CN XII exits via _________________.
Hypoglossal Canal
Where does CN XI arise from?
Ventral Horn of C5-6
Pt has difficulty moving their head to the opposite side, where is the lesion?
CN XI--- lesion to SCM
Supranuclear Palsy of CNXI results in what?
CONTRA paralysis of SCM and Trap
What branchial arch is SVE of CN IX?
3rd arch
What is the role of GVE of CN IX?
innervate Parotid Gland to release saliva
Unilateral damage to CN IX will have effect?
Bilateral damage to CN IX will have what effect?
loss of taste and sensation of post 1/3 tongue
Where does SVE component of CN IX arise from?
Rostral 1/2 of Nucleus Ambiguus
CN XI exits via _____________.
Jugular Foramen
What is the innervation of CN IX?
Stylopharyngeus M-- elevates upper part pharynx during speech and swallowing
What component of CN IX senses changes in blood gases and ph by the Carotid Body and taste in the post. Tongue?
What will the body do when it senses high amounts of carbon dioxide in the blood?
Carotid Body (chemo) Reflex
What is a way to test for Brain Death?
turn off ventilator for 10 min. to see if pt. has active Carotid Body (chemo) Reflex
What is responsible for somasensory for the Eustachian Tube?
Vagus N wanders from BS to the ________________.
Splenic Flexure of the Colon
GVE of CN X arises from where?
Dorsal Motor Nucleus X
Damage to GVE of CN X will result in what?
Hyperactivity and increase stomach secretions and ulcers. Unilateral only noticeable thing is ipsi loss of Carotid Sinus Baroreflex
SVE of CN X arises from what Branchial arches?
4th and 5th
SVE of CN X arises from what nuclei?
Nucleus Ambiguus
What are the 3 branches of the SVE component of CN X?
1. Pharyngeal N 2. Superior Laryngeal N 3. Recurrent Laryngeal N
What innervates the pharynx and soft palate?
Pharyngeal Br. Of CN X
What innervates the Inferior Constrictor M, Cricothyroid M, and Superior Cardiac N?
Superior Laryngeal N of CN X
What innervates the Larynx?
Recurrent Laryngeal N of CN X
Bilateral damage of CN X results in what?
If vocal cords abducted-- aphonia and asphyxia that can be FATAL b/c constriction of laryngeal muscles
What is responsible for Homeostatic Regulation of CV system?
Baroreceptor Reflex
What CN is responsible for peristalsis of stomach and intestines, vomitting, gastric and bronchial secretions (coughing)?
GVA component of CN X
What innervates the back of the ear and the Auditory Canal?
What are some affects of a tumor on CN X?
STIMULATE reflex of cough, vomitting, increase resp. secretion and fainting
What are the 2 fxns of the SVA of CN X?
Respiratory and Taste
What senses taste of the Epiglottis and post wall of the pharynx?
What is the dx? Pt. face is constantly blinking.
Hemifacial Spasm
SVE of CN XII derived from what?
2nd branchial arch
SVE component of CN XII exits by entering __________ and ____________________. Then travels thru ____________. Finally exits via _____________.
What innervates the Stapedius M?
What is responsible for reflex closing of the eye on touching the cornea?
What is responsible for reflex contraction of stapedius m following a loud noise?
What is the MOST important differential of Bell's Palsy?
Lyme Dx (bilateral Bells possible with this as well)
How would you determine if your pt with Bells had disturbance proximal or distal to the Chorda Tympani?
Taste Disturbance
Bells is caused by edema/entrapment and resultin ischemia of CN VII as it passes thru ______________.
Stylohyoid Foramen
What may be coorleated with Herpes Simplex and Varicella Zosterin the Geniculate Ganglion?
Bells Palsy
What is commonly a initial prob of a Bells palsy pt?
dull ache behind ear
What is Lagophthalmos?
Inability to close eye (in Bells palsy this is due to paralysis of Orb. Oculi M
What is the role of GVE of CN VII?
salivation and secretion from lacrimal mucous glands and of nasal and oral cavities
Where does GVE of CN VII arise from?
Superior Salivatory Nucles in Reticular Formation
What is responsible for taste of ant. 2/3 tongue?
what is responsible for somatosensory from anterior 2/3 of the head?
What is another name for Trigeminal Ganglion? Give 2.
Gasserian or Semilunar Ganglion
Where is the Trigeminal Ganglion located?
on a cleft of petrous bone lateral to cavernous sinus
What innervates the dura?
Opthalmic Br. Of CN V exits via ____________.
Superior Orbital Fissure
Maxillary Br. Of CN V exits via _______________.
Foramen Rotundum
Mandibular Br. Of CN V exits via _________________.
Foramen Ovale
SVE of CN V exits via _________________.
Foramen Ovale
SVE of CN V receives _______________ from CC.
Bilateral Inputs
SVE of CN V arises from what branchial arch?
What provides muscle of mastication?
Fibers for P and T lead to what?
caudal Spinal Nucleus
Fibers for Conscious Proprio, Pressure, and Tactile sense lead to what?
Main Sensory V (some to Spinal)
Some receptors in V3 are muscle spindles and mediate unconscious proprioception. Where do they terminate?
Mesenphalic of V
Where does the 2nd limb of the Mesencephalic Nucleus transmit to?
Motor V
What is responsible for providing the jaw jerk reflex?
Mesenphalic Of V transmitting info to the Motor of V
Some Trigeminal pain fibers assoc. with posterior aspect of face may extend ____________.
C2 of the SC