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73 Cards in this Set

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WHat are the large inclusions in the nucleus of CM cells?
Owl eye
Is CMV DNA bigger or smaller than other Herpes viruses?
Does the CMV have DNA and RNA?
Yes, has DNA genome and mRNA
In what cells deos replcation of cmv take place?
fibroblasts, epithelial cells, and macrophages
What is the duration of cmv infection befor cpe is apparent?
4-6 weeks
How are viral progeny tranmitted within the body?
via infected lymphocytes and leuko cytes
where are latent cmv infections established?
in monocytes and certain marrow cells
What are the 5 cmv disease possible categories?
congenital, perinatal, transplant, normal, and immunosuppressed.
Which fetal organs are targeted in CID?
visceral organs
How is CID transmitted?
in utero from mother with no sx
Which is a most common viral congenital infection, rubella or cmv?
cmv, no vaccine
what are the possible out comes of CID?
still birth, liver and spleen, retardation, thrombocytopenia, rash, inapparrent infections
How is the cmv usually shed?
In which transplant patients is cmv common?
why is cmv infection so dire in transplant patients?
concurrent immunosupression
What causes unsusual manifestations of CMV?
reactivation of latent disease by pregnancy or aids
What cells serve to spread the diease to secondary sites?
lymphocytes and monocytes
What cells serve to spread the diease to secondary sites?
lymphocytes and monocytes
Can chronic carrier conditions be established even with inapparrent infection?
what percent of of adults > 35 years old have ab to cmv?
What two avenue can cmv be cultured from children?
saliva and urine
Why is IgM in serum not a good indicator of primary cmv infection?
because it is elevated in both primary and reactivation
What other way is used to detect cmv infection?
What percent of neonates are infected with cmv?
How does cmv infection proceed?
cmv prohibits the expression of mhc I on apc's.
How does ganciclovir work to treat cmv infection?
It prevents cmv DNA replication by acting as a chain terminator or by negating the viral DNA pol activity
Is there a vaccine for cmv?
what does the "o" in torch stand for?
'other' - treponema pallidum, listeria monocytogenes
How does the EB virus compare to other HHV?
morphologically the same
Where is EBV replication found?
in lymphoblastoid cell lines
Which cells are prone to EBV infection?
B cells and certain epithelial cells that are CD21 (comp. C3d +).
What acts as a receptor for EBV on B cells?
Which EBV antigens are not related to other HHV?
What are Ag EBNA?
DNA binding proteins
What is VCA?
capsid proteins
What is MA?
membrane associated
What is EA?
early antigen
What is the host range for EBV?
Humans and no human primates?
If competent T cells are present, what kind of EBV infection will occur?
latent B cell infection
What are the stages of protein sysnthesis in EBV infection of permissive cells?
immeadiaately eearly, early, and late
Which late glycoproteins are part of the envelop that enable attachement of the virus to spec ific recpetors?
What is particular about a circularized EBV genome?
replicates in tandem with cell division and expresses only EBNAs and LPs
Which EBV derived proteins promote and stimulate immortalization of B cells?
Latent Membrane Proteins
Can EBV cause a benign or malignant lymphoproliferative disease?
yes, by acting usually as a cofactor?
What diseases are usuallly linked with EBV?
Burkitts Lymphoma
Mono - heterophile Ab +
NasoPharyngeal carcinoma
oral hairy laukoplakia in aids patients
Which proto-oncogene is possibly related to EBV induce lymphoma?
What is the term for large, atypical T lymphocytes that form on response to EBV infected B cells?
Downey Cells in the Blood
What corresponds to the immunological attack of T lymphocytes against EBV infected B cells, and cytokine production?
disease Sx
What are the 3 primary sx of EBV?
exudative pharyngitis
What is the name of short live Ab's that are not virus specific that are produced by infected B cells?
heterophile antibodies
What will heterophile Ab's do to non-human rbc's ?
agglutinate them
What % of EBV infected sera is positive for heterophile antibodies?
Besides heterophile antibodies, what other immnune responses occur with EBV?
specific antibdodies and T cells to infected B cells
What does the monospot test look for?
heterophile antibodies, agg = + test
If EBV is heterophile -, what is done fo test?
Ab detection to VCA (IgM), EA, MA, EBNA
What is the time course for EBV interms of Ab expression?
VCA (IgM) ---> VCA (IgG)----> EA +EBNA Ab's
When is the Ab peak for EBV?
few weeks post infection
The presence of which Ab's indicate a past infection?
EBNA with VCA (IgG)
What is the treatment for EBV?
no drugs approved
EB genome is present in the epithelial call of what cancer?
nasopharyngeal caricinoma
What ethnic group will carry EBV in their epi cells?
chinese males
what happens in EBV infection if T cells are compromised?
B cells go nuts
What are other possible causes of chronic mono/viral fatigue syndrome?
HHV 6 or retrovirus
What causes exanthum subitum (roseola) and infects many children?
Is HHV6B related to other herpes viruses antigenically?
What does HHV6B infect?
B and T cells and epi/endo as well as neurons
What immune cells do HHV6B infect?
latent infections in T cells
Where is HHV6B found in high levels?
Which virus also causes roseola and is characterized by a high fever and a disseminated rash which FOLLOWS the fever, and lasts 24-48 hours?
Which HHV is associated with Kaposi Sarcoma?
What cells are primarily infected by HHV8?
B cells
What does HHV do once inside?
Encodes proteins with GF charcateristics and the ability to slow apoptosis of infercted and uninfected cells