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158 Cards in this Set

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Effort to overcome or make up for real or imaginied inadequacies
Refusal to admit or acknowledge the reality of something, thus avoiding emotional conflict or anxiety.
Process of transferring a feeling or emotion form the original idea or object to a substitue idea or object.
An ego defense mechanism where by an individual unconsciously identifies with another person or w/ some object.
Act of transferring one's won unacceptable thoughts or feelings on to someone else.
Attempting to make excuses or invent logical reasons to justify unacceptable feelings or behaviors.
Response to stress in which the individual reverts to an earlier level of development and the comfort measures associated with that level of function.
Involuntary blocking of unpleasant fellings and experiences from one's conscious mind.
Rechanneling or redirecting one's unacceptable impulses and drives into constructive activities.
Voluntary blocking of unpleasant feelings and experiences from one's mind.
Observable evidence of a person's feelings or emotions
Loss of memory cause by sever emotional trauma, brain injur substance abuse, or reaction to medications or toxins.
Group of nervous system stimulants that produce alertness and a feeling of well-being.
Lack of appetite, resulting in the inability to eat.
State of mind in shich the individual feels increased tension, apprehension, a painfully increased sens of helplessness, a feeling of uncertainty, fear, jitteriness, and worry.
Disorders chracterized by chronic worry.
anxiety disorders
Absence or suppression of observable emotion, feeling concern, or passion.
Mental disorder characterized by the individual being extremely w/drawn and absorged with fantasy.
Form of psychotherapy that seeks to modify observable, maladjusted patterns of behavior by substituting new reponses to given stimuli.
behavior therapy
Uncontrolled craving for food, often resulting in eating binges, followed by vomiting to eliminate the food from the stomach.
bulimia nervosa
Mind-altering drug derived from the flowering top of hemp plants; also called marijuana. Classified as a controlled substance, Schedule I druge
Effort to overcome, or make up for, real or imagined inadequacies.
Irresistible, repetitive represses anxiety experience by emotional conflicts by converting the anxious feelings into physic symptoms that have no organic basis, but are perceived to be real by the individual.
conversion disorder
Chronic mood disorder characterized by numberous periods of mood swings from depression to happiness.
cyclothymic disorder
Unconscious, intrapsychic (w/in one's own mind) reaction that offers protection to the self from a stressful situation.
defense mechanism
State of frenzied excitement or wild enthusiasm.
Acute and sometimes fatal psychotic reaction caused by cessation of excessive intake of alcoholic beverages over a long period of time.
delirium tremens (DTS)
Persistent abnormal belief or perception is firmly held by a person despite evidence to the contrary.
delusions in which person thinks others are following him
persecution delusion
Delusion which person has a false sense of possessing wealth or power.
delusions of grandeur
Progressive, organic mental disorder chracterized by chronic personality disintegration, confusion, disorientation, stupor deterioration of intellectual capacity and function.
Refusal to admit or acknowledge the reality of something, thus avoiding emotional conflict or anxiety.
Mood disturbance characterized by exaggerated feelings of sadness, discouragement, and hopelessness that are inappropriate and out of proportion with reality
Process of transferring a feeling or emotion from the original idea or object to a substitute idea or object.
use of psychotherapeutic drugs to treat mental disorders.
drug therapy
Disorder of affect (mood) characterized by depression and anguish.
Process of passing an electrical current through the brain to create a brief seizure in the brain.
electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)
Sense of well-being or elation
Sexual disorder involving the exposure of one's genitals to a stranger
Disorders that are characterized by physical or psychological symptoms that are intentionally produced or feigned to assume the sick role.
factitious disorders
form of psychotherapy that focuses the tx on the process between family members that supports and sustains symptoms.
family therapy
Sexual disorder in which the focus of the fetish involves cross-dressing.
transvestic fetishism
Spontaneous, consciously unrestricted association of ideas, feelings, or mental images.
free association
Sexual disorder in which the person gains sexual stimulation or excitement by rubbing against a nonconsenting person.
Application of psychotherapeutic techniques w/in a small group of people who experience similar dificulities.
group therapy
Subjective (existing in the mind) perception of something that does not exist in the external environmnet.
Substances that cause excitation of the central nervous system, characterized by symptoms such as hallucination, mood changes, anxiety, increased pulse and blood pressure, and dilation of the pupils.
Passive, trancelike state of existence that resembles normal sleep during which perception and memory are altered, resulting in increased responsiveness to suggestion.
Chronic, abnormal concern about the health of the body, characterized by extreme anxiety, depression, and an unrealistic interpretation of real or imagines physical symptoms as indication of a serious illness or disease despite rational medical evidence that no disorder is present
Mild degree of mania characterized by optimism, excitability, energetic and productive behavior, marked hyperactivity and talkativness, heightened sexual interest, quick to anger, irritability, and a decreased need for sleep.
State of being characterized by impaired judgment, slurred speech, loss of coordination, irritability, and mood changes; may be due to drugs, including alcohol.
Ego defense machanism whereby an individual unconsciously identifies with another person or with some object, assuming the supposed feelings and/or chracteristics of the other personality or object.
Drug that is particularly useful in treating the manic phase of bipolar disorders.
Disorder chracterized by one or more episodes of depressed mood that lasts at least 2 weeks and is accompanied by at least four additional symptoms of depression.
major depressive disorder
Willful and deliberate faking of symptoms of a disease or injur to gain some consciously desired end.
Madness; an emotional state characterized by symptoms such as extreme excitement, hyperactivity, overtalkativeness, agitation, flight of ideas, fleeting attention, and someteimes violent, destructive, and self-destructive behavior.
Affective state characterized by any of a variety of periods of depression or deprssion elation.
mood disorders
Inability to speak because of a physical defect or emotional problem
Psychological or behavioral disorder in shich anxiety is the primary characteristic, thought to be related to unresolved conflicts.
Persistent thought or idea with which the mind is continually and involuntarily preoccupied.
Episode of acute anxiety during which the individual may experience intense feelings of uneasiness or fright accompanied by dyspnea, dizziness, sweating, trembling, and palpitations of the heart.
panic attack
Disorder characterized by recurrent panic attacks that come on unexpectedly.
panic disorder
Mental disorder characterized by an elaborate overly suspicious system of thinking, with delusions of persecution and grandeur usually centered on one major theme, such as a financial matter, a job situation, an unfaithful spousse, or other problem.
Sexual perversion or deviation; a condition in which the sexual instinct is expressed in ways that are socially prohibited, unacceptable, or biologically undesirable.
Sexual disorder in shich the individual is sexually aroused and engages in sexual activity w/ children.
Any of a large group of mental disorders characterized by rigid, inflexible, and maladaptive behavior patterns that impair a person's ability to function in society by severly limiting adaptive potential.
personality disorders
An anxiety disorder characterized by an obsessvie, irrational, and intense fear of a specific object, of an activity, or of a physical situation.
a form of pyschotherapy in wich a child plays in a protected and stucturred environment with games and toys provided by a therapist.
play therapy
the act of transferring one,s own unacceptable thoughts or feelings on to someone else.
a physician who specializes in the diagnoisis; prevention and prevention and treatment of mental disordeers.
the branch of medicine that deals with the causes treatment,
and prevention of mental, emotional and behavioral disorders.
a form of pyschotherapy that uses free association, dream interpretation, and analysis of defense mechanisms to help the patient become aware of repressed emotional conflicts.
A psychotherapist, usually a psychiatrist, who has had special training in psychoanalysis and who applies the techniques of psychoanalytic theory.
Form of group psychotherapy in which people act out their emotional problems through unrehearsed dramatizations; also called role palying therapy.
Person who specializes in the study of the structure and function of the brain and related mental process of animals and humans.
Study of behavior and the processes of the mind, especially as it relates to the individual's social and physical environment.
Major mental disorder of organic or emotional origin characterized by a loss of contact with reality.
Pertaining to the expression of an emotional conflict through physical symptoms.
Any of a large number of related methods of treating mental and emotional disorders using psychological techniques instead of physical means of tx.
Means of ridding the body of what has been sonsumed; that is the individual may induce vomiting or use laxatives to rid the body of food that has just been eaten.
Attempting to make excuses or invent logical reasons to justify unacceptable feelings or behaviors.
A rsponse to stress in which the individual reverts to an earlier level of development and the comfort measures associated with that level of functioning.
Involuntary blocking of unpleasant feelings and experiences from one's conscious mind.
Loarge group of psychotic disorders characterized by gross distrotion of reality, disturbances of language and communication, w/drawal from social interaction, and the disorganization and fragmentation of thought, perception, and emotional reaction.
An agent that decreases functional activity and has a calming effect on the body.
Organic mental disorder of the aged resulting from the generalized atropy of the brain with no evidence of cerebrovascular disease.
senile dementia
Sexual disorder that involves the act of being humiliated, beaten, bound, or made to suffer; or the act of inflicting suffering on the victim.
sexual sadism/secual masochism
Group of neurotic disorders characterized by symptoms suggesting physical illness or desease for which there are no demonstrable organic causes or phisologic dysfuntions.
somatoform disorders
Rechanneling or redirecting one's unaccelptable impluses and drives into constructive activities.
Voluntary blocking of unpleasnat feelings and experiences from one's mind.
Ability to endure unusually large doses of a drug w/out apparent adverse effects, and w/ continued use of the drug, to require increased dosages to produce the same effect.
Principal guide for mental health professionals
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
Cognitive disorders that deal with a deficiency in memory.
organic mental disorders
Disorders characterized by short-term and long-term memory deficits.
amnesia disorders
State of frenzied excitement. Occurs rapidly and is characterized by difficulty maintaing and shifting attention.
Acute and sometimes fatal psychotic reaction caused by cessation of excessive intake of alcoholic beverages over a long period of time.
delirium tremens (DTs)
progressive, organic mental disorder characterized by chroinc personality disintegration, confusion, disorientation, stupor, deterioration of intellectual capacity and function, and impairment of control of memory, jusgement, and impulses.
Disorders associated with the use of drugs.
Substance-related disorders
substances that slow the activity of the CNS, causing impaired motor activity, judgement, and concentration. ie: alcohol, barbiturates, aopium derivatives.
Central Nervous System depressants
Substances that increase the activity of the CNS, causing an increase in heart rate and blood pressure, heightened behavioral activity, and increased alertness. ie: cocaine and amphetamines.
Central Nervous System stimulants
Substances that create perceptual distortions of the mind. ie: LSD, cannabis
misuse of drugs may lead to a state of ________ , characterized by impaired judgement, slurred speech, etc.
Condition characterized by loss of contact w/ reality.
Psychosis appears in the form of ______.
Large group of psychotic disorders characertized by gross distrotion of reality, disturbances of language and communication, w/drawal from socail interaction,a dhte disorganization and gramentation of thought perception, and emotional reaction.
Condition characterized by the individual being overly suspicious of others and having hallucinations and delusions.
paranoid schizophrenia
group of psychiatric disorders characterized by distrubances in physical, emotional, and behavioral response patterns.
mood disorders
Psychological disorder characterized by episodes of mania, depression, alternationg between the 2 or a mixture of the two moods simultaneously.
bipolar disorder (manic-epressive)
Chronic mood disorder characterized by numerous periods of mood swings from depression to ahppiness; period of mood distrubance ia at least 2 yrs. duration.
cyclothymic disorder
Disorder characterized by one or more episodes of depressed mood tha lats at least 2 weeks and is accompanied by at least for additional symptoms of depression.
major depressive disorder
State of mind which the individual feels increased tension, apprehension, sense of helplessness, etc.
Disorder characterized by chronic, unrealistic, and excessive anxiety and worry. Symptoms have usually existed for a least 6 months or more and have no relation to any specific causes.
generalized anxiety disorder
characterized by recurrent panic attacks that come on unexpectedly, followed by at least one month of persistent concern about having another panic attack.
panic disorder
Anxiety disorder characterized by obsessive, irrational, and intense fear of a specific object, of an activity, or of a physical situation.
phobic disorder
fear of high places that results in extreme anxiety
morbid fear of fresh air or drafts
fear of being in an open, crouded, or public palce, such as a field, congested street.
fear of spiders
fear of being in or becoming trapped in enclosed or narrow places; fear of closed spaces
obsessive, irrational fear of darkness
persistent, irrational fear of animals
Disorder characterized by recurrent obsessions or compulsions that are sever enought ot be time consuming or to cause obvious distress or a notable handicap.
obsessive-compulsive disorder
Disorder which individual experiences characteristic symptoms following exposure to an extremely traumatic event.
posttraumatic stress disorder
Group of neurotic disorders characterized by symptoms suggesting physical illness or disease, for which there are no demonstrable organic causes
somatoform disorders
Disorder which individual represses anxiety experience by emotional conflicts by converting the anxious feelings into physical symptoms that have no organic basis, but are perceived to be real by individual
conversion disorder
Somewhat rare form of child abuse which parent falsifies illness in child by fabricationg or creating symptoms, then seeks medical care.
Munchausen syndrome by proxy
Sleep disorder characterized by repeated, uncontrollable desire to sleep.
characterized by sudden loss of muscle tone in individual's head may drop, jaw sag, knees weakend. May collapse
Psychological disorder in which pt experiences pain in the absence of physiologic findings.
Pain disorder
Disorders which individual has emotional conflicts that are so repressed into subconscious mind that a split personality occurs.
dissociative identity disorders
Disorder which individual is unable to recall important personal information.
dissociative amnesia
Disorder shich the individual separates from a past life and associations, wanders away for a period of time, returns with no recollection of the disappearance.
dissociative fugue
disorder which there is the presence of 2 or more distict personalities w/in one individual.
dissociative identity disorder
characterized by strong and persistent cross-gender identification
gender identity disorder
characterized by repetitive behavioral patterns that lack moral and ethical standards, keeping the individual in continuous conflict with society.
antisocial personality disorder
characterized by an extensive pattern of instability of interpersonal relationships, slef-image, and marked impulsivity that begins by early adulthood and is pesent in a variety of contexts.
borderline personality disorder
characterized by an abnormal interest in oneself, expecially in one's own body and sexual characterisitics.
narcissistic personality disorder
characterized by generalized distrust and suspiciousness of others
paranoid personality disorder
characterized by inability to form social relationships.
schizoid personality disorder
personality test that is based on the interpretation of drawings of human figures of both sexes
draw-a-person test (DAP)
Self-report personality inventory test that consists of 567 items that can be answered true, false, cannot say.
Minnesota multiphasic personality inventory (MMPI)
Personality test that involves use of 10 inkblot cards, half black and white and half in color.
Rorschach inkblot test
Designed to elecit stories that reveal something about an individual's personality. Consist of 30 black/white pictures.
thematic apperception test (TAT)
attention deficit
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
chronological age
draw-a-picture personality test
diagnotic and statistical manual of mental disorders
electroconvulsive therapy
intelligence quotient
mental age
Minnesota multiphasic personality inventory
obsessive-compulsive disease
seasonal affective disorder
thematic apperception test
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale
Weschler Intelligence Scale for Children