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39 Cards in this Set

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What is persuasive speaking?
The process of creating, reinforcing, or changing people's beliefs or actions.
What are the 3 main types of persuasive speaking?
1. Questions of Fact.
2. Questions of Value
3. Questions of Policy
What is a question of fact?
A question about the truth or falsity of a situation - speaker tries to convert listeners to their point of view.
What is a question of value?
A question about the worth, rightness, or morality of an idea or action - speaker tries to justify claim.
What is a question of policy?
A question about whether a specific course of action should or shouldn't be taken - speaker takes a "should" stance.
What is mental dialog?
The mental give-and-take between speaker and listener during a persuasive speech.
What are the 2 main factors that affect credibility?
1. Competence
2. Character
What is Initial credibility?
The credibility of the speaker before they start to speak.
What is Derived credibility?
The credibility of the speaker produced by everything they say or do during a speech.
What is Terminal credibility?
The credibility of the speaker at the end of the speech.
What are some types of fallacies discussed?
1. Hasty Generalization 2. Red herring 3. Ad hominem 4. Either - Or 5. Bandwagon
What is Ethos?
The perceived credibility of the speaker/speech.
What is Pathos?
The emotional appeal of a speaker/speech.
What is Logos?
The logical appeal of a speaker/speech, i.e. evidence.
What is Ethics?
The issues of right and wrong in human affairs.
Name some guidelines of Ethical speaking.
1. Prepare diligently for speech 2. Make certain goals are ethically sound
3. Make certain the speech is free of plagiarism
4. Avoid abusive language
5.Utilize honesty in all statements
What is Global plagiarism?
Stealing an entire speech and submitting it as ones own.
What is Patchwork plagiarism?
Stealing ideas from 2-3 sources and passing them off as ones own.
What is Incremental plagiarism?
Failing to give credit for particular part of a speech borrowed from others.
Name some guidelines of ethical listening.
1. Courtesy 2. Don't prejudge speaker 3. Everyone is allowed freedom of expression.
What is the difference between hearing and listening?
Hearing is a bodily response to sound waves; listening involves paying attention to and making sense of what is heard.
What are the 4 types of listening?
1. Appreciative listening 2. Empathetic listening 3. Comprehensive listening 4. Critical listening
Name some major causes of poor listening.
1. Not concentrating 2. Listening too hard 3. jumping to conclusions 4. Focusing on delivery and personal appearance.
Name some ways to improve listening skills.
1. Take listening seriously 2. Be an active listener 3. Resist distractions 4. Suspend judgement 5. Focus your listening
What is "denotative" meaning?
The literal meaning of a word or phrase.
What is "connotative" meaning?
The meanings suggested by the emotion triggered by a word or phrase.
What are "abstract" words?
Words that refer to ideas or concepts.
What are "concrete" words?
Words that refer to tangible objects.
What is "inclusive" language?
Language that does not demean or stereotype people on the basis of gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, etc.
Name some guidelines for "inclusive" language.
1. Avoid the generic "he" 2. Avoid the use of "man" for both men and women 3. Avoid stereotyping jobs and social roles by gender 4. Use names that groups use to identify themselves
What is nonverbal communication?
Communication based on a person's use of voice and body.
What are the 4 basic methods for delivering a speech?
1. Reading from a manuscript 2. Reciting from memory 3. Speaking impromptu 4. Speaking extemporaneously
What is vocal variety?
Changes in a speaker's rate, pitch, and volume that give the voice variety and expressiveness.
What are pauses?
Momentary breaks in the vocal delivery of a speech.
What are some types of visual aids?
Objects, drawings, photo's, graphs, video, multimedia, etc.
What are the guidelines for using visual aids in a speech?
1. Keep simple
2. Make sure they are large enough
3. Use fonts that are easy to read
4. Use a limited number of fonts
5. Use color effectively
What are the different types of speeches for special occasions?
1. Introduction
2. Presentation
3. Acceptance
4. Commemoration
What are the 3 types of leadership in a small group?
1. Implied leader - member to whom a group defers because of rank or expertise
2. Emergent leader - group member who emerges as a leader during group deliberations
3. Designated Leader - person elected or appointed when group is formed
What are the steps of the Reflective thinking method?
1. Define the problem 2. Analyze the problem 3. Establish criteria for solutions 4. Generate potential solutions 5. Select the best solution