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55 Cards in this Set

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Lag phase
detoxifying medium
turning on enzymes to utilize medium
# cells at beginning = # at end
Log phase
exponential growth
generation time (time for one cell to divide) is determined during this phase
Stationary phase
nutrients used up
toxic products accumulate
new cells=dying cells
Cysteine required for growth
Four sisters 'ella' worship in cysteine chapel
francisella, brucella, legionella, pasteurella
Obligate anaerobes
ABCs of anaerobiosis
actinomyces, bacteroides, clostridium
Gm +, catalase +, Coagulase +, B-hemolysis, acute endocarditis, abscesses, TSS, gastroenteritis (salty foods, custards), pyoderma, impetigo, osteomyelitis (#1 cause unless HbS mentioned), PNA (nosocomial, typical, acute)
S. aureus
gram +, Catalase +, coagulase -, g-hemolysis, novobiocin sensitive, endocarditis, catheter/artificial heart valve infxns
Staph. epidermidis
gram +, Catalase +, Coagulase -, g-hemolysis, novobiocin resistant, UTIs in newly sexually active females (honeymoon cystitis)
Staph. saprophyticus
gram +, catalase -, coagulase -, B-hemolysis, bacitracin sensitive, pharyngitis, scarlet fever, pyoderma/impetigo, rheumatic fever (inc ASO titer >200), acute glomerulonephritis post infxn
Strep. pyogenes (group A)
gram +, catalase -, coagulase -, B hemolysis, bacitracin resistant, CAMP test +, neonatal septicemia
Strep. agalactiae (Group B)
gram +, catalase -, coagulase -, a-hemolysis, optochin sensitive, CAP (most common cause, rusty/bloody sputum), adult meningitis, otitis media and sinusitis in kids (most common cause)
Strep. pneumoniae
gram +, catalase -, coagulase -, a-hemolysis, optochin resistant, endocarditis, dental caries
strep. viridians
gram +, catalase -, coagulase -, a, B, or g hemolysis, endocarditis s/p GU/GI surgery, urinary and biliary infxns
enterococcus sp. (Group D)
productive nosocomial PNA, rapid onset, ventilator, post influenza, CF, CGD, salmon colored sputum---> CA?
Staph. aureus
Typical PNA with pain and fever, lobar PNA, with productive cough. Grows on blood agar, responds well to PCN---> CA?
Strep. pneumoniae
gram + rods
Bacillus, clostridium, listeria, corynebacterium, actinomyces, nocardia, mycobacterium
gram +, spore forming, aerobic rods, contact with animal hides or postal worker; eschar or life threatening PNA
bacillus anthracis
Rapid-onset gastroenteritis, fried rice, Chinese restuarants
Bacillus cereus
Gram + spore forming rod, Dirty puncture wound, rigid paralysis
clostridium tetani
gram +, spore forming rod, Home-canned alkaline veggies, floppy baby syndrome/floppy paralysis
clostridium botulinum
gram +, spore forming rod, double zone of hemolysis, Contaminated wound, pain, edema, gas, fever, tachycardia, food poisoning: reheated meats, noninflammatory diarrhea
clostridium perfringens
Hospitalized pt. on Abx (esp. clindamycin), pseudomembranous colitis, diarrhea
Clostridium difficile
Gram + rod, B hemolytic, cold growth, facultative intracellular, foodborne (deli foods), transplacental, neonatal septicemia/meningitis, most common cause of meningitis in renal transplant or cancer patients
Listeria monocytogenes
Gram +, aerobic, non-spore forming rod, bull neck, myocarditis, nerve palsies, airway obstruction (gray pseudomembrane), heart/nerve damage
Corynebacterium diptheriae
Mycetoma on jawline or spread from IUD, sulfur granules in pus grow anaerobic, gram +, non-acid fast branching rods
actinomyces israelii
Gram +, filamentous bacilli, aerobic, partially acid fast, cavitary bronchopulmonary disease, mycetomas
Nocardia asteroides and nocardia brasiliensis
High risk pt (poverty, HIV, IV drugs), chronic cough, wt. loss, Ghon complex, acid fast bacilli in sputum, produce niacin, heat-sensitive catalase, PPD+, intracellular
mycobacterium tuberculosis
acid fast bacilli in punch biopsy, immigrant patient with sensory loss in extremities, intracellular
mycobacterium leprae
Tuberculoid leprosy
TH1 response, lepromin test +, low number of organisms, fewer lesions
Lepromatous leprosy
TH2 response, Lepromin test -, high number of organisms, numerous lesions
1st line tx for localized MRSA
trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (Bactrim) (PO)
clindamycin (PO)
doxycycline or minocycline (PO)
1st line tx for soft tissue/systemic MRSA
1st line: vancomycin (IV), others includelinezolid (IV, PO after discharge)
daptomycin (IV)
quinupristin-dalfopristin (Synercid) (IV)
telavancin (IV)
ceftaroline (IV)
Strep virulence factors
M protein (interferes with phagocytosis), Streptokinase (clot buster), Streptolysin (dx RF), C5a peptidase, hyaluronidase, toxins
fever, rash, carditis and arthritis 2-3 wks after pharyngitis---> CA?, MOA
cross-reactivity between Strep Ags (M protein) and heart and joint tissue. prevent with Abx
Acute pharyngitis CA?, tx?
most commonly strep. pyogenes (Group A), PCN
Hot tub folliculitis, swimmer's ear, PNA in CF pts, necrotizing enterocolitis in IC pt
P. aeruginosa
Gram + rod, obligate anaerobe, necrotizing fascitis, food poisoning
Clostridium perfringens
Tx for P. aeruginosa
Cephalosporin: ceftazidime (Ceftaz) IV
Penicillins: ticarcillin (Ticar), ticarcillin-clavulanate (Timentin), piperacillin (Piracil) or piperacillin-tazobactam (Zosyn) (IV)
Aminoglycosides: tobramycin (IV/IM) or gentamicin (IV/IM)
Fluoroquinolones: ciprofloxacin (Cipro) (IV, PO)
Tx. of C. perfringens necrotizing fascitis
remove dead tissue, O2 exposure, PCN G, doxycycline, broad spectrum abx to cover a mixture of species
TSS tx
strep: pcn G plus clindamycin
Staph: oxacillin, nafcillin or cefazolin
Tx scarlet fever
focal erythema (redness), warmth, edema and pain
May have fever, mildly elevated WBC with left shift. Usually follows some discernible wound,
Tinea pedis can be portal of entry. DZ and CA and TX?
cellulitis group A streptococcus and S. aureus in healthy adults, Cephalexin
with pain, redness, swelling of external ear with hx of maceration from water, surgery/trauma, or upper ear cartilage piercing---> DZ, CA, TX?
Acute otitis externa, P. aeruginosa, hydrocortisone, neomycin, polymyxin B otic solution
pain, erythema, edema, cellulitis, fever
clues: pain out of proportion to physical findings, dusky blue/back color of skin, gas in tissue (crepitus, seen on imaging)---> DZ, CAs, and TX
necrotizing fascitis, strep. pyogenes, clostridium perfringens, surgically remove dead tissue, broad spectrum Abx
A 72 year old man presents with a two month history of fever, fatigue, anorexia, and weight loss. His past medical history is significant for a mitral valve replacement with a porcine valve 5 years ago and he underwent a dental extraction about 3 months ago.
What infectious disease are you most concerned about?
What infectious organism is the most likely cause?
Risk factors?
endocarditis, Strep. viridans. Risk factors are heart valve and dental procedure
Amoxicillin 3g PO 1 hr b4 procedure and 1.5g 6h s/p procedure
A 61 year old woman presents with a two day history of a bright red, swollen and tender area on her left anterior lower leg. She denies fever and trauma to the site.
What is your diagnosis?
What are the most likely organisms to cause this presentation?
What treatment do you recommend?
staph. aureus, strep. pyogenes
cephalexin (keflex), dicloxacillin
A 54 year old man develops increased redness, swelling and purulent drainage at excision site on his right ear four days after surgery to remove basal cell carcinoma. You are concerned about bacterial infection.
What organisms do you need to cover with your antibiotic choice?
Which antibiotic would you prescribe?
staph, strep, psuedomonas
ciprofloxacin PO is DOC
A 64 year old man presents with redness, swelling, tenderness and warm on the bilateral lower extremities. No history of trauma. Afebrile.
What is your diagnosis?
Not cellulitis b/c it's bilateral, more likely d/t stasis dermatitis
Key to diagnosis is pre-existing edema and two distant sites
gm + rod, severe pain
Progression to edema, pallor, tenderness
Crepitance (50%)
Hemorrhagic bullae
Fever, tachycardia, diaphoresis
Muscle Necrosis---> DZ, CA, TX
gas gangrene
clostridium perfringens
surgical debridement, PCN, hyperbaric O2
gm + rod, Associated with malnutrition, high protein meals (pig-bel), sweet potatoes, nematode infections---> DZ, CA, TX
Upper abdominal pain, vomiting, bloody diarrhea
Surgery and antibiotic treatment
enteritis necrocans, c. perfringens, Surgery and Abx
Diarrhea, cramps, vomiting, nausea
Spontaneous resolution in 24 hours---> DZ, CA
Food poisoning, Clostridium perfringens Enterotoxin
Gram positive anaerobic rod with terminal spore, Puncture wounds and lacerations
IV drug use
Opisthotonic posturing
Flexion of arms, extension of legs
Painful muscle spasms
Upper airway obstruction
Diaphragmatic compromise---> DZ, CA, TX
tetanus, C. tetani, artificial ventilation
Neuromuscular junction blockade
Human tetanus immunoglobulin (antitoxin)
Antibiotics (metronidazole, penicillin), prevent with vaccine
Anaerobic gram positive rod with subterminal spore, flaccid paralysis, Foodborne starts 12 to 36 hrs after ingestion, Initially cranial nerve involvement
Pupils fixed or dilated (50%)
Diploplia, dysarthria, dysphagia
Descending paralysis, respiratory
No fever---> DZ, CA, TX
botulinism, C. botulinum, Intensive care (mechanical ventilation)
Penicillin or metronidazole
Infant eats honey and has
Difficulty feeding
Weak cry
Airway obstruction, Respiratory weakness---> DZ, CA, TX
botulism, C. botulinum, Intensive care (mechanical ventilation)
Penicillin or metronidazole
Gram positive anaerobic rod, post abx diahrrea (esp clindamycin, ampicillin/amoxicillin, 3rd gen cephalosporin)---> DZ, CA, DX, TX
pseudomembranous colitis, clostridium dificile, Diagnosis
Enzyme immunoassay
Latex agglutination
Cytotoxic assay (HELA cells)
PCR, Treatment
ORAL Vancomycin
ORAL Metronidazole
fidaxomicin (gm + but not gm - so you still have nl flora)
Stopping antibiotic treatment if possible, prevent with handwashing