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44 Cards in this Set

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types of randomization
1. blocking
3.adaptive randomization by covariates
4. adaptive randomization by response
5.play the winner (zelen)
randomization within strata
minimization of allocation
need to keep running total of balance by each factor

assign next case to best balance

simple randomization for ties

*trying to keep covariates between groups as similar as possible
adaptive randomization by covariates
use coutcome data obtained during trial to influence allocation of patient to treatment

data driven

assumes patient response known before next patient

*goal is to allocate as few patients as possible to a seemingly inferior treatment
adaptive randomization by response
treatment assigned depends on previous patient outcome.

adv- more patients receive treatment

disadv-investigator knows next assignment

a. 1st subject- toss coin
b. subsequent subjects are assigned previous treatment if sucessful, otherwise receive other treatment
play the winner (zelen)
what are the five parts to interim analysis
1. recruitment rate
3.outcomes consistent with expectations
4.treatment effects
5.futility of the trial
why is interim analysis done
to periodically assess if it is likely that the clinical trial will actually answer the questions it was designed to answer
what is the problem with multiple looks
the more looks, the higher the false positive rate
which phase of trial: information on chronic administration

postmarketing surveillance

new treatment along with other conditions and treatments
phase IV
elements of a protocol
1. schema
2. introduction
4.test a specific hypothesis
5.objectives- primary vs secondary
6. treament lan
7. potential tox and dose mod
8. data acquisition/submission
9.criteria for reponse, defn of endpoints
manual of operations
step by step instructions for each procedures

detail specification of trial procuedure
types of measures for evaluation of patient response
2. standardized measures
3.clinical assements
4. patient opinion
5.role of reading center
t/f: can randomize if there is a standard treatment
FALSE. can randomize when there is NO standard treatment
t/f: can randomize when standard treament has been shown to be no better than placeo
T/F. can randomize with there effective treatment is not available to patients due to cost
t/f can randomize patients who respond well to standard therapy
F. can randomize if patients refractory to standard treatment and when there is no standard second line treatment
t/f. can randomize when testing add on treatment to standard treatment vs. standard treatment alone
t/f. can randomize when patients providing an informed refusal of standard therapy for minor condition for which many patients commonly refuse treatment
t/f. can randomize when standard therapy vs alternative therapy provide evidence that alternative therpay is at least as effective as standard therapy
t/f randomization occurs before eligiblity is determined and after the patient agrees to randomization
FALSE. randomize only AFTER eligibity determien and patient agrees to be randomized.
refers to the assignment of treatment to homogeneous groups defined by patient-relaed characteristics that may affect outcome
which one of these is not an advantage of stratification

1. keeps variability small
2.avoid imbalance in distribution of treatment groups within strata
3.increase efficiency
4.protect against Type l and type ll errors
5. increases confounding
5. increases confounding. actually, one of the advantages of stratification is that in AVOIDS confounding
two types of adaptive randomization
1. covariate adjustment
2.reponse adjustment
who should be blinded
treatment team
why should patients be blinded
patient expectations may introduce bias
why should treatment team be blinded
treatment team may be tempted to modify treatment as well as be biassed when evaluating the effects of outcome
why should evaluator be blinded
may introduce experimenter expectations which introduces bias
refers to analyzing patients in the group that they have been randomized to independtly of what treatment they actually received
intent to treat principal
all NIH (gov't ) trials must be registered
used as a surrogate for hard to measure endpoints
adv. of biomarkers
it is a quantitative measure which may give much higher power
which phase of trial: provide evidence leading to a scientific basis for consideration of a chnge in health policy or standard of care
phase III
NIH requirments for DSMBs
4.fiding outside of trial
power and sample size is an optional part of any study? T/F
FALSE power and sample size is an OBLIGATORY part of any study
why pharmacogenetics
because differing reponses to drug are due to genetic variation
three type of pharmacogentic/biomarkers study design
2. comparative
3. imbedded
correlative study objective
exploratory or hypothesis testing/ association study
this pharmo/biomarker study design is crossed with treament groups
comparative study
this pharmo/biomarker study design is added onto existing trial
imbedded study
The IRB is required for all human studies that receive_____?
federal research funds
components of informed consent
1. purpose
3.heath/financial risks and benefits
6. assent
7. conflict of interest
t/f. copies must have irb stamp but participants do not need a copy
FALSE. copies of consent must have irb stamp and participants MUST be given a copy
what is not an SAE
2.life threatening
5.congenital anomaly
6.requires interventin to prevent permanent impairment or damage
7. none of the above
when reporting SAEs. SAEs should be reported within ?? days and death should be reported??
1. 5
2. immediatlely