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22 Cards in this Set

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Baby presents with a sharply defined purple lesion on the upper right side of her face. Being a good physician you decide to check for other things associated with this disease..Dx and what else do you look for?
Sturge Weber Syndrome associated with Port Wine Stain. Intracranial calcifications, seizures, glaucoma assoc with this.
Klippel Tenaunay Weber Syndrome
port wine on arm or usually lower leg, associated with overgrowth of soft tissue and bone
4 month old baby comes in that appears jaundice and his mother says that she noticed he has been bruising easily. She says that he was healthy until now and had no complications at birth. After a a complete blood count, you find his platelets are very low. Radiology finds periventricular calcifications in the skull Whats the dx?
Congenital CMV
Pt born about a week ago comes in with what looks like herpetic lesions and appears to be in respiratory distress. What other symptoms are you worried about if you dx this correctly?
This is disseminated neonatal herpes, you see hepatitis, DIC, and shock.
You see a pt who has a crackhead thai mother. You worry about abuse because you see poorly defined bruises on the back of the baby. As you dial child protective services, you realize you may be mistaken because!?
flat bluish gray spots that are poorly circumscribed are mongolian spots, which are normal!
Baby presents with well demarcated tan but unevenly pigmented papules and macules. It covers the whole front of her torso. What should you do?
Torso is 18% of BSA so thats greater than 5% for what probably is congenital nevi, so you wanna remove it ASAP. remember this can progress to melanoma
Tunisian Pt comes in with a strawberry looking mass on the back of her head. The mother said it originally looked flat, but all of sudden grew very quickly. You tell the mother your dx and what you'll do, which is....
It's a superficial hemangioma, a common benign tumor. No tx necessary, it will grow for 9-12 months then in a few years go away....but wait in a few months you notice low platelets and her Ptt is elevated, now what? and dx?

Kasabach Merrit, complication of hemanigomia, get coagulopathy. Tx involves steroids, removal w/ laser/surgery, or interferon
Pt comes in with pale, pinky macules on his eyelid, not very well defined. It becomes more noticable when he cries. Dx?
Salmon patch, stork bite, aka nevus simplex, aka lets think of more fuckin names for one harmless disease. Goes away too.
Pt comes in with clear vesicles around the neck. You see this after the mom takes off the 4 scarfs from the babies neck. You know the disease, it's milia, or is it millaria? wait what? they sound so damn similiar, which is it?
Miliaria, specifically miliaria crystallina. This is usually on the head and neck and upper trunk. Ah, now you get it. But whats milia?

Tiny white keratin pustules aka they're hard. See it on cheeks and forehead. No tx, resolve spontaneouls
Pt comes in saying that her baby sometimes has this blue-red mottling of her skin at times. You realize that its only usually when the babys in the frigid air. Dx?
Cutis marmorata
Baby with midget parents comes in presetning with comedones, papules and pustules on her face, specifically on her cheeks and forehead. Dx and what do you tell the small people its caused by?
Neonatal Acne, caused by sebaceous glands stimulated by materanl or endogenous androgens. looks like teenie bopper acne. Don't get confused miliaria rubra "prickly heat"
You probably know a baby has Toxoplasmosis. Whats the triad you look for?
Hydrocephalus, Choriotetinitis, Intracerebral calcification
Baby has this weird looking bluberry muffin looking rash. You think its rubella, so what else would you see if it is?
Cataracts, Deafness, Heart Malformations
Baby comes in with syphilis, you know it. She's 1 year old, what kind of symptoms tipped you off?
Early so maculopapular rash all over including hands and feet, and the major symptoms are rhinitis, anemia and jaundice, and osteochondritis (you see the bands on bones)
Baby presents with freckle looking vesiculopustules that disappear 2 days after they appear, leaving scaly macules. In order to dx, you biopsy it. If you think your diagnosis of transient neonatal pustular melanosis is correct, what would you find?
neutrophils. this resolves in 3 wks to 3 mo
2 days post partum, a seemingly healthy baby develops intense erythemetic lesions with pustules in the middle. The mother has gone crazy, she kicked her dog out of her house thinking he gave her child fleas. You stain it and see eosinophils. Calmly, you tell the mother...
It's Erythema Toxicum Neonatorum, which is benign and will go away eventually. Remember it spares the hands and feet.
4 yr old girl comes in with a very high fever, and a nose that runs like a spicket. She has some coughing and what looks like pink eye too. After treating her, 2 days later you see a maculopapular rash but the fever is terminating. Dx? how is it spread?
Measles, respiratory droplets
Rubella is kind of like measles except it's milder and?
prodromal is lowwww fever... and also headache, sore throat, cough, rhinorrhea ect
6 month old baby presents with a 105 fever and you are very worried because she lacks really any other types of symptoms. 2 days later a reddish, blanchable rash appears,and lesions, some of which have kind of halos around them. You are relieved, why?
You believe its Roseola Infantatum, (HHV 6 or 7) Usually no complications.
Pt come in with a fever and URI symptoms that's about a week. Lesions are also present that start out as macules and then progress into blisters and then detach. The rash, only on one arm, has a positive nikolsky sign. Dx?
Stevens Johnson Syndrome, less than ten percent of BSA.
Pt presents with macules, papules, and petechiae on the lower extremities. The lesions are non-blanchable. Given the petechiae, you run a CBC and you find that platelets are normal. But then you find that you see maroon colored stool. Pt eventually admits to abdominal pain and that his knees hurt "weallly bad" What the dx?
Henoch Schonlein Pupura. Palpable purpura, non blanchable,. Normal platelets, but hemorrahe of bowel wall causes blood in urine and stool.
Pt comes in with non exudative conjunctivits, strawberry tongue, a polymorphous rash, and swollen cervical lymph nodes. You diagnose Kawaskai Disease, so what are you worried about i.e. most common complication?
Well, you're wrong because Kawasaki must have present with a 5+ day fever, but if it was was, worry about cardiac sequelae.