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61 Cards in this Set

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Demonstrate appropriate techniques to elicit signs of peritoneal irritation
Demonstrate proper techniques for examination of the tongue including examination of CN 12
Demonstrate appropriate techniques for palpating hepatomegaly
Demonstrate proper technique for the Weber test
Demonstrate appropriate techniques for palpating splenomegaly.
Demonstrate testing gross hearing
Demonstrate appropriate technique for palpation of the abdominal aortic pulsations.
Identify the following on a drawing or picture of a normal TM:
A. Malleus
B. Pars flaccida
C. Pars tensa
D. Incus
Demonstrate appropriate technique for testing for shifting dullness.
Demonstrate the proper technique for otoscopic examination of the ear.
Demonstrate appropriate technique for testing for the presence of a fluid wave.
Demonstrate proper techniques for the nasal examination using an otoscope with nasal speculum. Describe to the preceptor.
Demonstrate appropriate technique for inspection of the arms and forearms, with attention to the following:
a. size, symmetry and swelling
b. venous pattern
c. color and texture of skin
d. nail beds
Identify the following on a drawing or picture of a nasal exam:
A. Middle turbinate
B. Inferior turbinate
C. Middle meatus
D. Nasal septum
Demonstrate appropriate techniques for detecting edema.
Demonstrate proper technique for sinus palpation. Identify the sinuses being palpated.
Demonstrate appropriate techniques for assessment of capillary refill.
Demonstrate proper techniques of sinus transillumination
Demonstrate appropriate technique for inspection of the lower extremities, with attention to the following:
a. size, symmetry and swelling
b. venous enlargement
c. pigmentation, rashes, scars,
d. texture and color of skin
e. nail beds
f. distribution of hair on lower
Demonstrate proper techniques for examination of lips, buccal mucosa, gums, teeth, and roof of mouth
Demonstrate appropriate techniques for examination of the conjunctivae and sclera.
Demonstrate appropriate techniques for inspection of the abdomen
Demonstrate appropriate techniques for examination of the eyelid. Demonstrate appropriate techniques for eversion of the upper eyelid.
Demonstrate appropriate technique for assessment of tactile fremitus. Describe what is "normal".
Demonstrate appropriate techniques for assessing visual fields.
Demonstrate appropriate techniques for assessing whispered voice sounds. Describe what is "normal".
Demonstrate an understanding of the measurement of visual acuity, including office methods to measure it. Explain standard method of describing acuity.
Demonstrate appropriate technique for percussion of lung fields. Differentiate between dull and resonant percussion sounds. Utilize this differentiation to locate the diaphragm on a patient and measure its movement with respiration.
Identify the following structures:
a. pupil
b. iris
c. sclera
d. conjunctiva
e. medial and lateral canthi
f. lacrimal puncta
Demonstrate appropriate techniques for auscultation of the abdomen, including description of bowel sounds
Demonstrate proper technique for palpation of the thyroid gland
Demonstrate appropriate techniques for assessing egophony. Describe what is "normal".
Identify on patient the thyroid and cricoid cartilages and trachea
Demonstrate appropriate techniques for auscultation of the lungs. Describe the nature of the breath sounds heard.
Identify on patient the location of the ten sets of lymph nodes and demonstrate appropriate examination techniques
Demonstrate on a patient the appropriate anatomic positions to auscultate for bruits of the aorta and renal, iliac and femoral arteries.
Demonstrate proper techniques for examination of the pharynx, including proper use of the tongue blade and including testing of CN 10
Demonstrate appropriate technique for percussion of the abdomen. Using this technique, measure the liver span.
Demonstrate proper technique for the Rinne test
Demonstrate appropriate techniques for both gentle and deep palpation of the abdomen. Comment on any areas of tenderness or increased resistance to palpation.
Demonstrate appropriate techniques for evaluation of symmetrical chest expansion by palpation
Demonstrate appropriate techniques for assessment of extraocular movements.
Demonstrate the ability to properly position the patient for optimal abdominal examination.
Demonstrate appropriate techniques for inspection and palpation of the elbow
Identify accessory muscles of respiration and locate these on a patient.
Demonstrate appropriate techniques for palpation of the DIPs, PIPs, MCPs, and wrist joint.
Identify on a patient the five lobes of the lung.
Demonstrate appropriate techniques for assessment of range of motion in the hand and wrist
Demonstrate an ability to identify S1 and S2, including knowledge of splitting of S2 and auscultating for it in the proper anatomic position.
Demonstrate appropriate techniques for assessment of range of motion of the cervical spine
Demonstrate appropriate techniques for auscultation of the heart for aortic murmurs.
Demonstrate appropriate techniques for palpation of the cervical spine.
Demonstrate appropriate techniques for auscultation of the heart for mitral valve murmurs.
Demonstrate appropriate techniques for examination of the temporomandibular joint.
Demonstrate appropriate techniques for auscultation of the heart.
Demonstrate and ability to find the right and left optic discs.
Demonstrate appropriate techniques for palpation of the apical pulse. Comment on the amplitude of the pulse as well as its character.
Demonstrate appropriate techniques for assessment of pupillary responses
Demonstrate appropriate techniques for assessment of systolic and diastolic blood pressure
Define anisocoria and demonstrate appropriate techniques for assessment of anisocoria.
Demonstrate knowledge of the working parts of the ophthalmoscope, including the rheostat, lens disc, aperture disc.
Demonstrate appropriate techniques for assessment of Cranial Nerve VIII
Demonstrate appropriate handling of ophthalmoscope to view patients’ left and right eye. Demonstrate an ability to elicit and view the red reflex in each eye.
Demonstrate appropriate techniques for assessment of Cranial Nerves IX and X
Demonstrate an understanding of the functional anatomy of the nearsighted and farsighted eye, and what alterations are required on the lens disc of the ophthalmoscope to view these eyes.
Demonstrate appropriate techniques for assessment of proprioception of the lower extremity.
Demonstrate an ability to describe the retina of a patient. Demonstrate an ability to describe and differentiate arterioles and veins, based on color, size, and light reflection.
Demonstrate appropriate technique for assessment of vibrational sense in the lower extremity.
Demonstrate appropriate techniques for assessment of range of motion of the elbow
Demonstrate appropriate technique for assessment of stereognosis.
Demonstrate appropriate techniques for inspection and palpation of the shoulder.
Identify on the patient the following:
a. sternoclavicular joint
b. acromioclavicular joint
c. subacromial area
d. bicipital groove
Demonstrate appropriate technique for assessment of graphesthesia.
Assessment of range of motion of the shoulder.
Demonstrate appropriate technique for assessment of light touch sensation.
Assessment of muscle strength in the cervical spine.
Demonstrate appropriate technique for assessment of double simultaneous stimulation (sensory integration).
Demonstrate appropriate technique for palpation of the ankle, MTPs, and IP joints.
Demonstrate appropriate techniques for inspection of the general cardiovascular system, noting the following:
a. general appearance
b. respiratory pattern
c. observable pulsations
Demonstrate appropriate technique for assessment of range of motion of the ankle, including each of the following:
a. tibiotalar joint
b. subtalar joint
c. transverse talar joint
d. MTPs, IPs
Demonstrate appropriate techniques for inspection of jugular venous distention
Demonstrate appropriate techniques for assessment of Cranial Nerve XII
Demonstrate appropriate technique for inspection of the feet.
Demonstrate appropriate techniques for the assessment of Cranial Nerve XI
Phalen and Tinel signs.
Demonstrate appropriate technique for assessing function of Cranial Nerve VII
Demonstrate appropriate technique for assessment of range of motion of the back
Demonstrate appropriate technique for assessing function of Cranial Nerve V
Demonstrate appropriate technique for each of the following: Inspection of the spine for curvature
Demonstrate appropriate technique for assessing Cranial Nerves III, IV, and VI
Demonstrate appropriate technique for each of the following: Assessment of range of motion of the hips
Demonstrate appropriate technique for assessing Cranial Nerve II
Assessment of muscle strength in the shoulder.
Demonstrate appropriate technique for assessing pronator drift.
Demonstrate appropriate technique for each of the following: Assessment of range of motion of the knee
Demonstrate appropriate technique for inspection of muscles and muscle tone.
Demonstrate appropriate technique for each of the following: Inspection and palpation of the knee. Identify the tibial tuberosity.
Demonstrate appropriate technique for assessing Rapid finger tapping
Assessment of muscle strength in the elbow
Demonstrate appropriate technique for assessing Heel-knee-shin test
Assessment of muscle strength in the hand and wrist
Demonstrate appropriate technique for straight leg raise. Describe what an abnormal response would be.
Demonstrate appropriate technique for assessing Finger-nose test
Demonstrate appropriate technique for assessment of muscle strength of the ankle
Demonstrate appropriate technique for assessing Rapid alternating movement
Demonstrate appropriate technique for assessment of muscle strength of the knee
Demonstrate appropriate technique for assessing the ability of patient to tandem walk
Demonstrate appropriate technique for assessment of muscle strength of the hip
Demonstrate appropriate technique for assessing the Postural reflexes
Demonstrate appropriate technique for eliciting the biceps reflex (in both the supine and seated positions), and know the nerve roots associated
Demonstrate appropriate technique for assessing the Romberg test
Demonstrate appropriate technique for eliciting the triceps reflex (in both the supine and seated positions), and know the nerve roots associated
Demonstrate appropriate technique for assessing the ability of patient to perform a deep knee bend or hop on one leg
Demonstrate appropriate technique for eliciting the brachioradialis reflex (in both the supine and seated positions), and know the nerve roots associated
Demonstrate appropriate technique for assessing the ability of patient to walk on heels and walk on toes
Demonstrate appropriate technique for eliciting the patellar reflex (in both the supine and seated positions), and know the nerve roots associated
Demonstrate appropriate technique for assessing the ability of patient to arise from a chair, the patient’s normal (usual) gait and ability to turn quickly
Demonstrate appropriate technique for eliciting the ankle reflex (in both the supine and seated positions), and know the nerve roots associated
Demonstrate the appropriate technique for assessing the Brudzinski sign, and describe to your preceptor what an abnormal response would be
Demonstrate appropriate technique for use of reinforcement to help elicit deep tendon reflexes.
Demonstrate the appropriate technique for eliciting a plantar reflex.
Demonstrate the appropriate technique for eliciting ankle clonus.
Demonstrate the appropriate technique for assessing the Kernig sign, and describe to your preceptor what an abnormal response would be