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41 Cards in this Set

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the impaired ability to articulate
the impaired ability to name objects
the impaired abiliuty to write
A) Disturbance of consciousness (reduced ability to sustain, focus, or shift attention)
B) a change in cognition (memory, langauge, disoreintation) or developmeent of a perceptual disturbance
C) Disturbance develops over a short period of time (hours to days)
impairment in the understanding or transmission of ideas by language in any of its forms - reading, writing, or speaking - that is due to unjury or disease of the brain centers involved in language
impaired ability to carry out motor activities despite intact motor function
failure to recognize or identify object despite intact sensory function
agonist medication
a chemical entity extrinsic to endogenously produced substances that acts on a receptor and is capable of producing the maximal effect that can be produced by stimulating that receptor
partial agonist
capable only of producing less than the max effect even when given in a concentration sufficient to bind with all available receptors
impoverishment in thinking that is inferred from observing speech and lanague behavior. Poverty of speech, overconcrete, overabstract, repetitive, or sterotyped
poverty of speech
restriction in the amount of spontaneous speech
anterograde amnesia
loss of memory of events that occur after the onset of the etiological condition or agent
retrograde amnesia
loss of memory of events that occurred before the onset of the etological condition or agent
partial or complete loss of coordination of voluntary muscular movement
an inability to produce speech sounds that require the use of the larynx that is not due to a lesion in the CNS
an inability to initiate and persist in goal-directed activities.
waxy flexibility - rigid maintenance of a body position over an extended period of time
episodes of sudden bilateral loss of muscle tone resulting in the individual collapsing, often in association with intense emotions such as laughter, anger, fear, or surprise
bizarre delusion
a delusion that involves a phenomenon that the person's culture would regard as totally implausible
delusional jealousy
delusion that one's sexual partner is unfaithful
a delusion that another person, usually of higher status, is in love with the individual
a delusion of inlated worth, pwer, knowledge, identity, or speical relationship to a deity or famous person
delusion of reference
a delusion whose theme is that events, objects, or other persons in one's immediate enviornment have a particular and unusual significance
persecutory delusion
a delusion in which the central theme is that one (or someone to whom one is close) is being attacked, harassed, cheated, persecuted, or consipired against
a delusion whose main content pertains to the appearance or functioning of one's body
confusion about the time of day, date, or season (time), where one is (place), or who one is (person).
imperfect articulation of speech due to distuances of muscular control
distortion of voluntary movements with involuntary muscular activity
primary disorder of sleep or wakevulness characterized by insomnia or hypersomnia - disorders of amount, quality or timing of sleep
disordered tonicity of muscles
the pathological, parrotlike, and apparently senseless repetition (echoing) of a word or phrase just spoken by another person
repetition by imitation of the movements of another. The action is not a willed or voluntary one and ahs a semiautomatic and uncontrollable quality.
painful sensitivity to sounds
the visual perception that objects are larger than they actually are
the visual perception that objects are smaller than they actually are
dysphoric mood
unpleasant mood such as sadness, anxiety or irritability
elevated mood
an exaggerated feeling of well-being, or euphoria or elation. May describe feeling "high," "ecstatic," "up in the coulds," "on top of the world."
involuntary rhythmic movements of the eyes that consist of small amplitude rapid tremors in one direction and a larger, slower, recurrent sweep in the opposite direction. Nystagmus may be horizontal, vertical, or rotary
overvalued idea
an unreasonable and sustained belief that is mantained with less than delusional intensity (i.e. the person is able to acknowledge the possibility that the belief may not be true). The belief is not ordinarily accepted by one's culture or subculture
abnormal behavior or physiological events occurring during sleep or sleep-wake transitions
an early or premonitory sign or symptom of a disorder