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46 Cards in this Set

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What type of therapy is Jay Haley known for?
Strategic Family Therapy
What are paradoxical interventions and who are they associated with
Telling a patient to engage in symptomatic behaviors.

Jay Haley (strategic family therapy)
What is the function of ego defense mechanisms?
They prevent unacceptable impulses from reaching consciousness
What is psychic excitation?
The anxiety created when ego defense mechanisms break and unacceptable impulses reach consciousness.
What is hypnosis?
A "trance state"

Associated with heightened visual and auditory experiences
What is a hypnotic trance
Heightened state of concentration.

During which a person is at an increased receptivity to the suggestions of another person.
What factor is the highest predictor of suicide? And what theorist did research on this?

What is introjection? And what theory/theorist is it associated with?
It is a boundary disturbance when a person incorporates a value without really understanding/investing in it.

i.e. emphasis on work ethic b/c the culture values it w/o understanding it fully.

Fritz Perls/Gestalt theory
What is empirical criterion keying?

Give an example of a test that uses it
When the items on a test are designed to distinguish between groups. i.e. an item assessing depression is asked so that depressed individuals would answer one way and non-depressed would answer the opposite way.

What is a major assumption of feminist theory?
That the problems that women come to therapy with are based on oppressive social roles and sexism
What type of therapy is Minuchin known for?
Structural Family Therapy
What is congruence and who is it associated with?
Genuineness between what a therapist says and does.

Rogers (client centered)
What is the basis of reality therapy?
That psychological problems are due to one's inability to responsibly and adequately meet their basic needs (survival, belonging/affiliation, power, fun, freedom).
What is reaction formation and what theory is it associated with?
Dealing with unacceptable impulses by substituting their opposite

What is isolation and what theory is it associated with?
Separation of thoughts from the feelings associated with them.

What is Undoing and what theory is it associated with?
A behavior designed to symbolically negate an unacceptable thought/behavior

What is primary process thinking?
Thinking governed by the id.

Functions according to the pleasure principle
What is secondary process thinking?
Governed by the conscious part of the ego
What is free association? Who came up with this?

When clients are asked to share their thoughts without any censoring.
What are Carl Jung's theories on extroversion and introversion? When does one become introverted?
Extroversion = finding pleasure in external things.

Introversion = turning inward of the libido.

Extroversion of youth to introversion of adulthood occurs around age 40
What type of therapy is Minuchin known for?
Structural Family Therapy
What is congruence and who is it associated with?
Genuineness between what a therapist says and does.

Rogers (client centered)
What is the basis of reality therapy?
That psychological problems are due to one's inability to responsibly and adequately meet their basic needs (survival, belonging/affiliation, power, fun, freedom).
What is reaction formation and what theory is it associated with?
Dealing with unacceptable impulses by substituting their opposite

What is isolation and what theory is it associated with?
Separation of thoughts from the feelings associated with them.

What is Undoing and what theory is it associated with?
A behavior designed to symbolically negate an unacceptable thought/behavior

What is primary process thinking?
Thinking governed by the id.

Functions according to the pleasure principle
What is secondary process thinking?
Governed by the conscious part of the ego
What is free association? Who came up with this?

When clients are asked to share their thoughts without any censoring.
What are Carl Jung's theories on extroversion and introversion? When does one become introverted?
Extroversion = finding pleasure in external things.

Introversion = turning inward of the libido.

Extroversion of youth to introversion of adulthood occurs around age 40
Describe Adler's concept of "masculine protest"
Feelings that every child has of inferiority, which motivate the child to grow, dominate, and be supportive
What is parataxic distortion? Who is it associated with?
Stack Sullivan

When one sees an acquaintance on the level of an important person in their life. Leads to neuroticism.
What is syntaxic mode? Who is it associated with?
Stack Sullivan

Symbols that have a shared meaning
What is the prototaxic mode? Who is it associated with?
Stack Sullivan

Discrete, unconnected, momentary states.
What is the basis of existential therapy?
Personality comes from the struggle between the individual and existential concepts of dying, isolation, meaninglessness.

We are all ultimately responsible for our own lives.
Describe Fritz Perls theory of personality. What theory is he associated with?
Gestalt therapy/theory

Perls saw personality as the consistency between the self and the self-image.

A person's interaction with the environment determines which part of the personality exerts the most control
What are boundary disturbances? Who/what theory are they associated with?
Fixations that interfere with our healthy functioning.

Perls/Gestalt theory
What is the basis of object relations family therapy?
Insight must be involved

Current relationships between family members are interpreted in terms of the transference between the early mother-child relationships.
According to Yalom what is the disadvantage of being in concurrent individual and group therapy?
Given that you get more attention in individual therapy the person might be more willing to self disclose in that therapy, leaving less self disclosure during group therapy.
What variable accounts for the most change in therapy?
Therapeutic alliance/working relationship
What are Howard's three phases of therapy?
1) Remoralization - first few sessions.
2) Remediation - symptomatic relief (around 16 sessions)
3) Rehabilitation - gradual improvement in various aspects of functioning
What is the difference between ETIC and EMIC
ETIC - looking at the culture from the outside using universally accepted means of investigation

EMIC - looking at the culture from the inside and trying to see it as its members do.
Name 3 characteristics of a culturally competent therapist according to Sue
1) Aware of own cultural biases
2) Notices and works with cultural variations among clients
3) Able to work effectively with members of different cultural groups.
Which age group has seen the greatest suicide rates in recent years?
What is primary prevention?
Intervention administered before a problem arises as to prevent that problem.
What are Lenore Walker's 3 stages of domestic violence?

When do DV interventions usually occur?
1) Tension building
2) Violence
3) Calm/Honeymoon period

Interventions usually occur During calm/honeymoon stage right after abuse has occurred.