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14 Cards in this Set

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Statistical Infrequency Approach to Abnormality
When persons behavior doesnt conform to social norms, its more likely to be categorized as abnormal
Advantages of statistical infrequency definition
1. cutoff points- scoring below certain number makes you abnormal
2. intuitive appeal - behaviors we consider to be abnormal would be also considered abnormal by others
Disadvantages of statistical infrequency definition
1. choice of cutoff points - no guidelines for chosing cutoff points
2.number of deviations - number of behaviors that one must have to be abnormal
3.cultural relativity - what is abnormal for one group can be normal for another
Subjective distress
criteria are not observable behaviors but subjective feelings and sense of well being
Advantages of subjective distress
patient reports themselves how he feels, takes burden off clinician
Disadvantages of subjective distress
not every abnormal patient will report feeling abnormal, also how much feelings of distress is enough to be labeled abnormal
Disability or dysfunction definition
social or occupational dysfunction
Advantages of disability/dysfunction definition
little inference is required, those dysfunctions prompt patients to seek help
Disadvantages of disability/dysfunction definition
who establishes guidelines
definition of mental illness
a) syndrome - cluster of abnormal behaviors - must be associated with distress, disability or increased risk of problems
b) dysfunction is within individual
c)not all deviant behaviors or conflicts with society are signs of mental disorder
Advantages of diagnosis
a)primary function of diagnosis - communication
b) use of diagnosis enables and promotes empirical research
c)research into etiology of abnormal behavior impossible w/out diagnosis
d)may suggest model of treatment
2000, multiaxial assessment.
Axes of DSM
Axis I -presense of any clinical disorders except personality disorders and mental retardation
Axis II -personality disorders + mental retardation
Axis III - current medical condition
Axis IV - relevant psychosocial and environmental issues
Axis V - quantitative assesment ( 1 to 100) 0f of overall functioning
consistency across raters