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42 Cards in this Set

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Yalom's Group Therapy
-First Stage (Forming)
-limited exploration
-attempts to determine groups structure
-search for similarities among group members
-reliance on therapist for direction
-member oriented towards advice giving and problem solving
-members look primarily to the leader for approval and acceptance as well as answers
Yalom's Group Therapy
-Second Stage (Transition)(Storming)
-advice giving is replaced by criticism
-members may form cliques and exhibit hostility toward leader
-high resistance, defensiveness, and anxiety
-conflicts and struggles for control
Yalom's Group Therapy
-Third Stage (Working) (Norming)
-high trust and cohesion
-open communication, feedback, and disclosure
Yalom's Group Therapy
-Therapist role
-creation and maintenance
-technical expert and participant/model (culture building)
-(illumination of the here and now) focuses the group's attention on the here and now ("here is what ur behavior is like; here is how ur behavior makes others feel")
Yalom's Group Therapy

Concurrent Group and Individual Therapy
-neither necessary nor beneficial EXCEPT in certain circumstances (in crisis or to make sure client doesn't drop out prematurely)
-problem with individual therapy is it's used to "drain off the affect from the group" rather than work thru that stuff in group
Yalom's Group Therapy

Premature Termination
-10 to 35 % drop out during first 12-20 sessions
-lack of proper screening is single greatest impediment to a successful group
-often due to unrealistic expectations that can be reduced by prescreening and pre-therapy orientation
Feminist Therapy
-personal is political; women's circumstances always reflect the position of women in society
-primary goal is empowerment, helping women become more self-defining and self-determining
-strive for egalitarian relationship
-avoid pathologizing
-avoid blaming women for their current problems
-therapist believe they must be social and political activists
Feminist Therapy and object relations theory
-focus on sexual division of labor and mother-child relationship, trace it to gender differences (daughters taught to attach, while son's taught to separate)
nonsexist therapy
-recognizes the impact of sexism
-avoid gender-biased techniques
-BUT focus more on individual (rather than social) factors and modifying personal behavior (rather than calling for need for social change)
Structural Family Therapy
-when boundaries are overly rigid, family members are DISENGAGED (isolated) from one another

-when boundaries are too diffuse or permeable, family members are ENMESHED (overly dependent and close)
Structural Family Therapy (Minuchin)
-Rigid Triads
-3 chronic boundary problems

**detouring: focus on the child either overprotecting or blaming ('scapegoating') for family's problems

**stable coalition: parent and child 'gang up" on other parent

**triangulation: (unstable coalition) child is constantly pulled, parent demands that the child side with him/her against other parent
Structural Family Therapy (Minuchin)
-Maladaptive Behavior and Goals
-overly inflexible or diffuse boundaries that prohibit family from adapting to stressors in a healthy manner

-GOALLLL!!! restructuring the family; action PRECEDES understanding; more about changing behaviors than insight
Structural Family Therapy (Minuchin)
-Therapy Techniques
-Joining: mimesis (mimicry, meet the family culture in their terms)
-Family Map
-Unbalancing: deliberately stress out the family's homeostasis to facilitate transformation
-Enactment: family members role-play relationship patterns to watch it in the room
Transtheoretical Model (overview)
-process of change is essentially the same regardless of target behavior
-optimal interventions are those that match the individual's stage of change
Transtheoretical Model (stages)
-precontemplation (unaware or underaware of problem, not intention to change) (benefit most from information that increases motivation for change)

-contemplation (aware of the need for change, considering change in next 6 months but not committed)(need support for their decision to change)

-Preparation (clear intent to take action within the next month)(need help with identifying effective strategies)

-Action (actually takes steps to bring about change)

-Maintenance (change has lasted for at least 6 months and taking steps to prevent relapse)
Gestalt Therapy
-self (inherent tendency for self-actualization) and self-image ("darker side", inhibits growth by imposing external standards)

-maladaptive behavior: lack of integration, abandoning self for self-image

-transference is counterproductive, just a fantasy
-use awareness of feelings thoughts, etc in here and now
How does a feminist therapist achieve egalitarianism in tx?
Judicious use of self-disclosure
Milan Systematic Family Therapy (MSFT)
family's patterns becomes so fixed, lose ability to creatively act or to make new choices about their lives
MSFT Goals
help family members understand their relationships and problems in alternative ways, which paves the way to seeing new solutions and making new choices
MSFT Therapy Techniques
**team-one or two members work with family while others observe sessions
**counterparadox (to help derive solutions to their own problems)
**circular questions (who was more upset, mom or dad?) asked to all members
Cultural Groups and Therapy
-all groups likely to show improvement following therapy
-Hispanic Americans had best outcomes
-in order, Anglo, Asian, African Americans
Premature Termination and Groups
-minority groups are more likely than Anglo clients to terminate therapy prematurely
-African Americans have higher dropout than Anglo & Hispanics
-Asians have a lower dropout rate
Cultural Encapsulation
tendency of counselors to interpret everyone's reality through their own cultural assumptions and stereotypes
understanding the culture from the perspective of members of that culture; understand culture by going in
culture general; assumes that universal principles can be applied to all cultures; understand culture from "outside"
Low context Communication
-mostly Anglos
-emphasizes verbal messages
-less unifying
-can change rapidly and easily
High context Communication
-characteristic of African-Americans and other culturally-diverse groups
-emphasizes group identification and nonverbal msg
-anglo therapis may misinterpret nonverbal communication as an unwillingness to communicate
the degree to which members accept and adhere to values, etc, of his group and dominant group
-Integration: maintains both
-Assimilation: accept majority, relinquishes own
-Separation: withdraw from dominant and accepts own
-Marginalization: no identification with either
Sue: Racial/Cultural ID Development Model
1) Conformity
**prefer dominant group
2) Dissonance
**conflicting attitude to own and dominant groups
3) Resistance and Immersion
**prefer own, reject dominant
4) Introspection
**inflexible attitudes toward own and dominant group
5) Synergetic Articulation/Integrative Awareness
**multicultural perspective
Black Racial Identity (Cross)
1) Pre-Encounter
**racial id is saliently low
2) Encounter
**event-->interest in developing id
3) Immersion-Emersion
**begin to develop black ID
**Black Nationalism, Biculture (white & black), Multicultural
White ID Development (Helms)
1) Contact
**little awareness of racial ID
2) Disintegration
**more contact with AA, person aware of being white, confusion
3) Reintegration
**Accept white superiority and AA inferiority
4) Pseudo-Independence
**recognize whites responsible for racism
5) Immersion-Emersion
**what it means to be white
6) Autonomy
**internalize nonracist white identity, appreciates racial differences
Psychotherapy guidelines for Specific Groups: African-Americans
-multisystems approach
-extended family system therapy
-gender roles are flexible
-relationships btwn men and women tend to be egalitarian
-extended kinship network (extended family and individuals outside)
-healthy cultural paranoia (nondisclosive to white therapist; disclosive to black therapist)
Psychotherapy guidelines for Specific Groups: Asian
-prefer directive, structured therapy
-somaticize psychological problems
-avoid open expression of emotion
-hierarchical family structure
-emphasis on family and community than individual
Psychotherapy guidelines for Specific Groups: American Indians/Alaskan Natives
-collateral social system (family, community, tribe)
-adopt a holistic view of illness (disharmony with nature)
-incorporate traditional healing practices
-build trust and credibility by demonstrating familiarity with and respect for client's culture
-listen more than talk
-seasonal rhythms
Psychotherapy guidelines for Specific Groups: Latinos
-family welfare prioritize over individual
-gender roles may be clearly defined
-highly value connectedness and sharing
-share problems within not outside of fmaily
-attribute control of life events to luck, supernatural forces, acts of God,
-therapist needs to be active, directs, solution-focused
Psychotherapy Outcomes: Eysenck
72% indiv improve not receiving therapy
66% in eclectic therapy
44% in psychoanalysis
Psychotherapy Outcomes: Smith, Glass, Miller
-mean effect size of .85 (the average therapy client is better off than about 80% of those who need therapy but are untreated)
-no quality control
-only using published studies
Efficacy vs. Effectiveness Studies
**conducted under well-controlled conditions
**establish whether a tx has any effect

**conducted in clinical and other applied settings with less experimental control
**best for assessing clinical utility
The effects of treatment length
-tx length and outcome levels off at about 26 sessions
-dose dependent effect: (Howard): 75% show marked improvement @ 26 sessions. 85% at 52
Phase model of Tx
-Remoralization (first few sessions...hopelessness and desperation start to decrease)
-Remediation (about 16 sessions...focus on sx relief)
-Rehabilitation (unlearning bad patterns, learning new ways of dealing)
world war (m)
Weltkreig (-e)
Psychotherapy with older adults:
common mental health problems
in order:
severe cognitive impairment

in order interventions
**behavioral and environmental
**memory and cognitive retraining
**CBT and brief psychodynamic for depression