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117 Cards in this Set

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Acne rosacea: tx (2)
o Low-dose oral tetracycline 500-1000 mg/d
o Topical metronidazole 0.75% gel: 1% gel
Acne vulgaris: tx (2)
o Adapalene (Differin) 0.1% Gel, apply topically at night.
o Topical benzoyl peroxide: apply in the morning.
Anxiety: tx (4)
o CBT – benefit in medical management and improves comorbid conditions like depression
o Medications:
Lexapro (escitolopram - SSRI) 10mg po daily or
Valium (diazepam - benzo) 10mg po daily or
Xanax (Alprazolam) 1mg po daily
Asthma: tx
o Albuterol
- Low dose ICS (Advair, Buesonide) - long term tx
Atrial fibrillation: tx (2)
o warfarin anticoagulation
o metoprolol 2.5-5mg IV bolus over 2 min, up to 3 doses,
- f/b oral metoprolol to control HR.
- discharge on warfarin and f/u weekly to monitor INR levels.
Balanitis: tx (2)
o Nystatin if cause is fungal – apply bid
o Bacitracin if bacteria is the cause – apply qid
Dog bite: (2)
o Augmentin 500mg TID x 7 days. Recheck pts wound within 24 – 48 hrs.
Blepharitis: tx (1)
o Start Bacitracin (500 units/g) topical ophthalmic ointment with cotton-tipped applicator.
Bronchiolitis: (2)
o 1 mL Nebulized Albuterol, then Nebulized dexamethasone 2 mg in 3 mL NS. Monitor and re-administer prn.
Bronchitis (acute): tx (4)
o Inhaled bronchodilator-beta 2 agonist taken prn such as albuterol
o acetaminophen or Ibuprofen prn
- an antitussive at night (Robitussin)
Burns: tx (2)
o Start IV morphine 10 mg q4hrs- be on alert for respiratory depression.
- Topical silver sulfadiazine (Silvadine) (risk leukopenia)
- PPI for stress ulcer prophylaxis

o Start fluid resuscitation: 2mL x 68kg x 5%= 6.8mL total (3.4mL first 8 hrs).
Cellulitis (general): tx (3)
o Admit, start on broad spectrum IV antibiotics to cover S. Aureus and Group A beta-hemolytic strep until cultures identify causative agent.
- cephalosporins - cefaclor
- linezolid - diabetic foot ulcers
Cellulitis (periorbital or orbital): tx (2)
o Admit for IV ampicillin/sulbactam
Cerumen impaction: tx, pt ed
o Using the curette and suction, remove the cerumen. If there is still impaction and the TM does not appear to be ruptured, do a flush of the ear canal using warm H20 and a syringe.
o Consider any ototoxic meds pt may be on
o Patient education: avoid Q-Tip use and instructions for at-home flushing.
Chlamydial pneumonia: tx (2)
o 0.9% NS IV fluids.
o Start Azithromycin 500 mg IV q24h x2 or more days, then 500 mg PO q24h to complete 7-10 day course
Chlamydial STD: drugs (2)
o Azithromycin 1g po single dose
o Cefixime 400 mg po single dose for Gonorrhea.
Common cold: tx, drugs (4)
o Tylenol 2 500 mg tabs PO PRN fever, do not exceed 4g/day.
o Start Afrin NS 0.05% solution, 2-3 sprays in each nostril BID PRN nasal congestion.
o Chlorpheniramine 4mg QID until rhinorrhea and sneezing resolves.
o Dextromethorphan 10mg tab PO PRN cough. .
Condylomata Acuminata (HPV): tx (2)
o Application of 4% acetic acid (vinegar) and colposcopy.
o Imiquimod (Aldera) 5% cream to be applied once daily on 3 alternative days per week.
Congestive heart failure: drug (2)
o Furosemide & Lisinopril 5 mg daily
Conjunctivitis (acute): (1)
o Bacitracin ophthalmic ½ inch BID for 5 days due to usage of daycare
Constipation -(1)
o Psyllium 1 rounded tsp in 8 oz water po daily.
Costochondritis: (2)
o Trial of NSAIDs or continued use of acetaminophen per patient's preference.
Crohn's dz: drugs (3)
o Sulfasalizine 4g/d and folic acid 2mg/d to reduce risk of malignancy.
o Ciprofloxacin 500mg PO BID x 4 weeks to reduce inflammation and bacterial overgrowth.
o Loperamide (Immodium) 2mg PRN to avoid interference with daily life.
Delirium: tx (5)
o Normal Saline (0.9%) at 150 ml/hr for 12 hours repeated (d/c tylenol w/ codeine)
o Gentamicin 1.5 mg/kg intravenously; 3. every 8 hours for 7 days if infectious
o Lorazepam 2 mg/day IV divided bid
o Novolin R 0.5 units/kg/day
o acetaminophen 325 mg PO q 4-6 hrs
- capsaicin topical 0.05% apply affected area 3-4x daily prn??
Dementia (reversible): Normal pressure hydrocephalus - tx (not drugs)
o SPECIAL test: cogn. sx improve after 50 cc of CSF removal over 3 days
Counsel patient and caregiver on nutrition, personal hygiene and accident-proofing the home. Refer to surgeon for Ventriculoperitoneal shunt.
Depression: drug (1)
o Sertraline 50 mg po daily f/u in 2 wks
Dermatitis (atopic): tx (2) & pt ed
o Apply generous amounts of emollient creams on partially dried skin. Allow sun exposure for around 30 minutes if improvement shown.
- Follow up, if no improvement begin topical corticosteroids for skin and antihistamines for pruritus.
Dermatitis (contact): tx (5)
o OTC anti-itch medications to relieve your s&sx (Benadryl, calamine lotion).
prednisone taper at 60–80 mg/d PO, over 10–14 days
(widespread or large #of blisters)
Augmentin 500 mg bid x 10 days or topical bacitracin ointment. (bacterial infection @ rash site)
Dermatitis (diaper): drug (2)
o Give low-potency topical steroid (hydrocortisone 0.5- 1% t.i.d.)
- apply zinc oxide ointment or other barrier cream to the rash at the earliest sign and b.i.d. or t.i.d. (e.g., Desitin or Balmex)
Dermatitis (seborrheic): tx (2)
o Ketoconazole 2% shampoo (Nizoral Topical) 2x/wk.
o 1% hydrocortisone cream applied to affected area bid-qid.
Diabetes insipidus: tx (1)
o Central DI = Desmopressin (DDAVP) via parenteral or oral route is preferred.
DM type 1: tx (3 steps)
o 2 L/min of O2 via nasal cannula , start Normal Saline via established IV catheter and place patient on cardiac monitor,
- Give the patient insulin at 0.1 unit/kg/h IV unless the pts K+ is < 2.5 mg/dL
- then pt will receive 1 mEq/kg of potassium IV over one hour.
DM type 2: drug (1+2, 3)
o Metformin + sulfonylurea (Glipizide)
o prescribe an ACEi (captopril 25mg bid) to stabilize the patients’ blood pressure
Diabetic ketoacidosis: tx (2 drugs), monitor
o establish IV access, start isotonic crystalloid solution (0.9% saline)
- empirical naloxone for altered mental status.
- Administer insulin: IV infusion of regular insulin at 0.1 unit/kg/h.

Monitor: mental status, vital signs, urine output q30–60min until improved, then q2–4h every 24 h. Blood sugar q1h until <300 mg/dL, then q2–6h. Electrolytes (Na, K, HCO3) q2h. Ehosphate, calcium, magnesium q4–6h.
Diarrhea (acute): drug (2)
o Loperamide 4 mg followed by 2mg capsule after each unformed stool.
o Ciprofloxacin 750 mg 1 dose
Dysmenorrhea: tx
- Cefoxitin 2 g IV or cefotetan 2 g IV q 12h
- plus doxycycline 100 mg PO
Dysphagia: tx (2)
o antiacid to take prior to meals.
o Tagamet if symptoms weren’t getting better.
Enuresis: pt ed
o Educate and reassure patient and family members. Establish regular voiding habits, limit the amount of fluid intake and eliminate soda at lunch. Try alarm therapy, positive reinforcement, psychotherapy and family therapy
Epididymitis: (1)
o Ciprofloxacin 500 mg po bid for 10 days. - anti-inflammatory medications
Epiglottitis: tx (1)
o Empiric antibiotic tx: Cefotamime 100 mg/kg/d q8 hours for 7-10 or until the C&S results show conflicting sensitivity.
Epitaxis: pt ed
o Lidocaine or Oxymetazoline - stop blood loss & pain relief
- Direct pressure, lower part of nose for 15 min, seated, head tilted forward
- Nasal saline, petroleum jelly
EBV: pt ed
o incr. fluid intake, NSAIDs or acetaminophen for pain, and rest.
o Pt. education: If sxs worsen or has difficulty breathing pt. was instructed to RTC. Refrain from strenuous physical activity and contact sports for 3-4 wks and no kissing girlfriend
Erysipleas: drug (1)
o Penicillin V, 500mg PO q6h, 10-14- days
Fever of unknown origin: labs, imaging, tx
o Labs: CBC, peripheral blood smear, blood cultures, UA, urine culture, CMP, ESR, C-reactive protein
o Imaging: CXR, CT abdomen and pelvis
o Admit the patient if ill appearing
Folliculitis: drug (1)
o Mupirocin applied 2–5 times per day until the rash subsides.
Gastritis: tx (1)
o Discontinue NSAIDs use.
o Place pt on 14 day course of PPI therapy (if no evidence Z-E syndrome, and no evidence of hypochloremia).
GERD: (1)
o Omeprazole 20, once a day, 30 minutes before breakfast for 4-8 weeks.
Gonococcal infection: drug (2)
o Ceftriaxone, 125 mg IM in a single dose or Cefixime, 400 mg PO in a single dose plus treatment for chlamydia.
Gout: drug, (2) CI for these drugs
o Indomethicin 50mg PO tid until pain tolerable. May cause GI bleeding and nephrotoxicity. Contraindicated in those with known hypersensitivity.
o If hypersensitive, may use colchicine (within 24 hrs of attack) 1mg followed by 0.5mg Q2hr until asx or N/V/D develops. Do not take colchicine with grapefruit/juice (CYP3A4 inhibitor). Colchicine has anti-inflammatory properties. Contraindicated in severe renal, cardiac, and hepatic disease.
Headache (cluster): tx (3)
o Administer oxygen 100% at least 7-15 L/min for 15 minutes via nonrebreathing mask for acute attack.
o Zolmitriptan nasal spray 5mg PRN, do not exceed 10mg/day.
o Prednisone for prophylactic treatment: 60 mg PO x 7 days, then a 5 mg reduction q3 days until f/u in 2 weeks.
Headache (tension): drug (1)
o Ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil) 400–800 mg; may repeat q8h. prn.
Hemorrhoids: tx, pt ed
o Cortifoam ointment for pruritus and bleeding.
Herpes (genital/simplex): drug (3)
o Valacyclovir 1g tablets. Take 1 tab twice daily x 10 days.
o OTC: Acetaminophen 500 mg tabs prn for pain
o Valtrex, 1 g PO bid for 10 days
Herpes zoster: drug (3)
o Acyclovir 800 mg q4hr x 7 days
- Advil 400mg q4-6 hrs for pain
- calamine lotion to help with the itching
Hidradenitis suppurativa: tx (2)
o Topical chlorhexidine 4% bid to prevent infection, and an NSAID
Hypercholesterolemia: tx (1)
- Lovastatin 20 mg/ d PO every day for 30 days. Follow up every 6 weeks post treatment induction until goal cholesterol levels are met, then every 6 months.
Hypertension: drug (1)
o Start on HCTZ 6.25 mg po qd. Recheck in 6 weeks.
Hypertensive emergency: (1)
o Labatalol, Bolus 20–80 mg q10–15 minutes; infusion 0.5–2.0 mg/min. Titrate to lower the BP to no more than 20% in the 1st hour; then, if stable, lower to 160/100–110 in the next 2–6 hours.
Influenza: tx (1)
o Tamiflu - Within 48hrs of sx, rx of choice or in high risk pts.
Interstitial cystitis: (2)
o Oxybutynin 5 mg PO BID decrease frequency
- OTC Ibuprofen as needed for pain.
IBS: (3)
o increase in diet fiber (slowly increasing to 25mg/d)
- Citrucel/Metamucil (as directed on the package) to help attain the goal.
o Loperamide (Immodium) 2mg PO TID x 7d, then F/U in the office.
Laryngitis: tx (2), pt ed
o Place pt. on vocal rest and advise to continue using the “Ricola” lozenges prn. Recommend that the pt. increase fluid intake, drink hot lemon and honey tea and try OTC “Throat Coat”. Avoid whispering, smoke inhalation and alcohol use. Refer to ENT specialist for laryngoscopy to r/o vocal nodules.
Laryngotracheobronchitis: tx (1)
o L-epinephrine (less expensive than racemic and same effects) 0.5 ml/kg/per dose (max of 5 ml) of a 1:1000 dilution. Repeat as necessary, observe a minimum 3-4 hours. Use oxygen as needed.
Low back pain: tx, pt ed,
o Ibuprofen prn for the pain.
Lyme dz: drugs (2)
o Doxycycline (Vibramycin): 100 mg PO bid for 10 days (10–21)
or Amoxicillin: 500 mg PO tid for 14 d (14–21), (pediatric dose 50 mg/kg/d).
Mastoiditis: tx (1)
o Plain radiographs of mastoid area.
o Rocephin 75 mg/kg/day IV div q12-24h.
o Consult ENT.
Meningitis (bacterial and viral): tx for three pathogens
o IV antibiotic prophylaxis with ceftriaxone 4 g/day IV divided every 12 to 24 hr; maximum 4 g/day.

1. S. pneumoniae: vancomycin+ceftriaxone or cefotaxime
2. N. meningitidis: 3rd gen. cephalosporins (ceftriaxone or cefotaxime) x7days
3. L. monocytogenes: ampicillin or penicillian G
Menorrhagia: proposed txs (3)
o Removal of ParaGard IUD
- Discuss possibility of switching to Mirena IUD (Levonorgestrel) which can reduce blood loss >90%.
- Orth Tri-Cyclen Lo
- trial of a higher dose combination OCP
Migraine: tx, combo tx (4)
o Consider switching birth control pills or using a different method of birth control.
- acetaminophen (250mg), aspirin (250mg), and caffeine (65mg) in Excedrin Migraine (Take no more than 2 pills in 24 hours)
If the migraine persists = 5-HT-1 agonist
Molluscum contagiosum: tx (3)
o Cryotherapy: 5-10 seconds with 1-2 mm margins.
- (ineffective) Curettage under local or topical anesthesia
First line medication is Cantharidin solution 0.7–0.9%:
Mono: tx (2), avoid
o acetaminophen 500 mg PO q4-6h prn
o Gargling 2% lidocaine (Xylocaine) solution.

Avoid contact sports for 4-6 wks
Motion sickness: drug (1), pt ed
o Scopolamine transdermal patch (4 mg) behind ear at least 4 hrs before getting on boat. Replace patch every 3 days. Advise pt on semirecumbent sitting, avoid reading while on the boat, take small frequent meals and avoid ETOH
MI: tx (4)
o Start Oxygen 2-4L nasal cannula
- ASA 162-325 mg
- Morphine
- NTG sublingual every 5 minutes x 3 doses
Obesity: referral, pt ed
o Referral: Dietician
- Consult bariatric surgeon options.
- Refer to cardiologist to insure cardiovascular adequacy for exercise.
o Discuss diet & exercise, record meals/exercise/weight daily log. lifelong commitment to behavioral/lifestyle changes. Discuss complications of comorbidities. F/U within 4 wks, After 6 months of diet/exercise determine if medications are needed
o Return STAT if symptoms of comorbidities worsen.
Onchomycosis: check? tx (1)
o Check Baseline LFT and CBC before medication initiation
- Terbinafine 250 mg/d PO x 3 months. F/U in 4 weeks to re-check labs
Osgood shlatter dz: (1)
- NSAID prn
- Ice post exercise decr. swelling/pain
- refer to PT to prevent reoccurrence
- F/u 2 wk
- avoid high impact but some movement is important
Osteoporosis - 1. first tx of fx (2), 2. then OP (2)
o 1. Consult Orthopedic surgery for ORIF. Morphine Sulfate IV 2.5-15 mg/70 kg infused over 3-5 minutes q4hr for pain control + Cefazolin 1-2g IV prevent infection. Follow-up, DEXA scan.

2. Alendronate 10mg PO daily.
o Calcium1500 mg/d & 800 IU of vitamin D3
Otitis externa: tx, drugs (2)
o Cortisporin 5 drops qid. x 7 days
- NSAID for pain management inflammation 1-2 200mg tab q4-6h prn
Otitis media: tx, drugs (3)
o OTC ibuprofen
o Begin amoxicillin
- Claritin prn for seasonal allergies
Paronychia (1)
Augmentin 500 mg TID x 7d
Peritonsillar Abscess (4)
- IV 0.9% NS
- PCN G 2 mil. units IV q 4h
- Acetominophen 500/15mL q4h for pain & fever
D/c with
- PCN V 500 mg PO TIDx10d
Pyelonephritis: drug (3)
o IV Ampicillin 1g q6hrs + Gentamicin 1mg/kg until no fever for 24hrs
- Then Cipro 750mg PO q12hrs x 10-14 days.
Perforated tympanic membrane (1)
Amoxicillin 80 mg/kg/day PO 2 doses x 5-7days
Pertussis (1)
Azithromycin 10 mg/kg single dose day 1, then 5 mg/kg/d on 2-5
- PCN 500 mg PO BID x10d
- Acetominophen - 15-20 mg/kg q4h
(Salt water gargles, anesthetic lozenges, cool mist humidifer prn)
Pinworms (1)
Pyrantel Pamoate 11 mg/kg tablet single dose
Pneumonia (bacterial & viral) (2)
Azithromycin 500 mg PO x 1 on day 1, 250 mg PO q24hr x4days
Tylenol - 1-2 tabs PO q4-6 hrs prn for fever
Portal HTN tx prevention of bleeding (2), tx of bleeding (3)
Propanolol 10-20 mg/d PO BID-TID (prevent variceal bleeding) or Nadolol

Tx for acute variceal hemorrhage:
Somatostatin 250 mcg/h cont. inf. 2-5d
Vasopressin or Octreotide
Prostatic Hyperplasia, benign (BPH): drug (2)
o Terazosin 1mg/d po x 1 mo. Dispense: 30.
- Tamsulosin 0.4 mg PO daily after meals
Proctitis: tx (mild-mod (3) vs. severe (1) vs. chronic (2)
o Mild–moderate (up to 8 bloody stools per day):
- Topical 5-aminosalicylic acid
- topical steroids
- or the combination of oral 5-ASA (Pentasa or Asacol) & topical 5-ASA
o More severe: - Systemic corticosteroids
o Chronic :
- 6-Mercaptopurine
- azathioprine
Postpartum depression: (3)
o Screening using Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale.
o If score is significantv= SSRI.
o Refer to psychology for psychotherapy treatments & schedule f/u in 2-3 weeks.
Psoriasis tx
Appropriate skin care, moisturizing, cleansing
Occlusion therapy
Remove plaques after soaking
Sun exposure (small amounts)
Avoidance of triggers
F/up if no improvement
Rhinitis, allergic: dx, tx (2)
o Diagnostic allergen prick test & rhinoscopy
- Zyrtec 10mg capsule once a day a bedtime.
o intranasal CS spray Nasonex 1 spray in each nostril Q 12hrs.
Restless leg syndrome: pt ed & possible med (1)
o Begin exercise program. Pool - ideal
- Weight loss & balanced diet will benefit the patient tremendously
- Perform a CBC r/o Fe deficient anemia. + provide Fe supplement.
- If initial plan is unsuccessful, follow up and begin a dopamine agonist.
RSV: tx (3)
o IVF & provide O2.
o inhaled epinephrine
- mechanical ventilation.
Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Acute (adults): management of.... (3)
o Ensure adequate oxygenation
- Ventilatory support: endotracheal intubation
- positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) = incr. vol. gas remaining in lungs @ end of expiration -> decr. shunting of blood through the lungs &improve gas exchange.
o cardiorespiratory monitoring.
- Appropriate fluid resuscitation & metabolic electrolyte management.
o Maintain adequate cardiac output with the use of positive inotropic agents (e.g. Dobutamine or norepinephrine) if appropriate fluid resuscitation fails to restore perfusion.
o Prophylactic treatment is necessary for the prevention of infection pt w/ increased risk for DVT or ulcers.
Renal failure, acute: tx (2)
o Start IV NS (rate depends on cause of ARF)
Renal calculi: tx (1) pt ed
- Acetaminophen PO
o Pt. Education: Increase fluid intake to 2-3 L/day
decr. salt, protein & oxalate rich foods ( spinach, chocolate) if stone does not pass within 2-4 weeks return for urologist referral
Reiter's syndrome: drugs (2)
o Doxycycline 100mg PO b.i.d x 7-14 d for the Chlamydia infection
o NSAIDS 400mg q4-6h prn pain.
o Consult Rheumatology
Syphilis: tx, drug, dose, pt ed
o Benzathine PCN G, 2.4 million units IM x 1 dose.
Sinusitis: tx, drugs (2)
- Acetaminophen 325mg q4-6 hrs—fever
- Phenylephrine (Afrin) nasal spray x 3days—nasal congestion
Sepsis: tx, drug example, administration (4)
o IV crystalloid or colloid fluid resuscitation
o Empiric Antibiotic therapy (Gram-negative coliform coverage = Ceftriaxone)
- Give IV for 3 to 4 days then switch to PO for 7 - 10 days) (pathogen specific)
- Tamsulosin 0.4 mg PO daily after meals if BPH in addition
Seizure disorders: drugs (3)
o Valproic Acid 10-15mg/kg/day
o Phenytoin (Dilantin) Loading dose: 10-15mg/kg IV slowly
o Carbamazepine
(Telemetry, Seizure precautions, CPP x 2 q 8 hr, EKG now and in AM, Neuro consult, 2D Echo, Carotid duplex, UA, Urine toxic screen, Home meds)
Trigeminal neuralgia: tx (1) order what test?
o Order a baseline CBC w/plt ct
- Carbamazepine 200 mg BID. Dispense: 60. If the pain does not subside, increase the dosage to 200mg QID.
Recheck CBC weekly for the 1st month.
Trichomoniasis: drug (1)
o Metronidazole 2g PO, 1 dose
Tinea cruris: drug (1)
o Terbinafine (1%) on affected area(s) twice daily for 1-3 wks.
Thrombophlebitis, superficial: tx (3)
o NSAIDS: Ibuprofen reduce pain & inflammation.
o - anticoagulant such as heparin ( reduce the risk of development of DVT)
o - 3rd gen. cephalosporin
Close follow up with a vascular surgeon
Tendinitis: tx (2)
o NSAIDs for acute relief
- corticosteroid injections (if NSAIDs fail)
Refer to Ortho, possible surgery
Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome: tx (3)
o NSAIDs x 2 weeks
- botulinum injection
- consider muscle relaxer
Urticaria: drug (2)
o 2nd generation H1 blocker (Childrens Claritin-Loratadine 1tab po qd prn) to avoid drowsiness.
- possible EPI pen for emergency
Urolithiasis: (4)
o Medications: Acetaminophen PO was
o Pt. Education:
- Increase fluid intake to 2-3 L/day
if stone does not pass within 2-4 weeks return fo urologist referral
UTI (males, females): drug (1)
o Treat outpatient: TMP-SMZ (Bactrim) 160/800 mg PO b.i.d. × 3 days. F/U in 3 days if still symptomatic.
Urethritis: treatment depending on pathogen (2)
o Gonorrhea: Ceftriaxone: 125 mg IM single dose
o Chlamydia: Azithro: 1 g PO single dose
Ulcerative colitis: tx (5)
o Sulfasalazine 6g/d
o Prednisone PO 40mg for inflammation
o Loperomide (Imodium) for diarrhea
- Daily calcium supplementation b/c of osteoporosis risk
- Colonscopy every 7 years for monitoring of Colon CA.
o Avoid OTC NSAIDs b/c it can trigger or worsen colitis, instead use tramadol 50 mg PO q 4 hrs for pain
Vomiting: tx, med (2), doses, pt ed
Medication: Phenergan 12.5 IM now.
Promethazine 12.5 mg PO BID.
Warts: tx (2)
o Combination Cantharidin, occlude lesion, wash off layer in 4 - 6 hours. Blister may form, F/u in 10 days, if

still present consider 2nd round: Combination Cantharidin or Cryotherapy.
Vaginitis - bacterial/candidal: drug (1)
Miconazole 2% cream intravaginally x7 days