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22 Cards in this Set

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Laboratory studies in disease -


S - subjective

O - objective

A - assessment

P - plan

Precision vs Accuracy

Precision - the values obtained on repetitive measurements

Accuracy - the extent to which measurements approach the "true" value

Gaussian Distribution

Mean - average

Median - middle value

Mode - value occurring with the greatest frequency

Range - difference between highest and lowest value

What are causes of biological variability?

Inter-individual: race, gender, age, body size

Intra-individual: circadian rhythms, menstrual cycle, aging, seasonal

What are testing phase causes of variability?

pre-analytic variability, analytic, post-analytic

What is the first view for why physicians order tests?

-to confirm a clinical impression

-to rule out a possible diagnosis or disease

-to use as a therapeutic or management guide

-to use as a prognostic guide

-to detect disease

What is the second view for why physicians order tests?

-to diagnose for a disease

-to determine the severity of disease

-to determine appropriate management of the patient

-to monitor therapy

-to monitor drug toxicity

-to predict response to treatment

What are the steps in ordering?

1.MD writes the order

2.Clerk writes requisition

3.Lab prepares tube

4.Phlebotomist draws the blood

5.Transport to lab

6.Log in specimen

7.Lab separates serum

8.Storage until analysis

9.Prepare worksheets

Factors affecting results:

Time of lab tests and patient prep

-8 am


Venipuncture techniques

-adequate mixing

-sufficent quantity

Anticoagulants and their uses in the laboratory

Red top
Green top

Lavender top

Red Top

-no additive

use: general biochemistry

Green Top

additive: heparin

use: general biochem

acts as antithrombin preventing formation of thrombin thus preventing fibrin formation (clotting)

Lavender Top

additive: EDTA

use: hematology (preserves cellular constituants of blood)

acts by removing calcium ions by chelation but also chelates other ions in the blood

Other factors affecting results

-clotting and exposure of serum to clot


-removal of supernatant

-storage and transport of specimen


-exposure to light

-exposure to air


Truth Table


Present Absent

Positive True pos False pos

Negative False neg True neg


Frequency of correct result in patient WITH disease (true positive)

Sensitivity = TP / (TP + FN) x 100


Frequency of the correct result in a healthy patient (true neg)

Specificity = TN / (TN + FP) x 100

Predictive value of a Positive result

Percent of positive results that are true positives

(+) PV = TP / (FP + TP) x 100

Predictive value of a Negative result

Percent of negative results that are true negatives

(-) PV = TN / (TN + FN) x 100


(TN + TP) / (TN + TP + FN + FP) x 100


(TP + FN) / (TP + TN + FP + FN) x 100