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28 Cards in this Set

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Name the 2 spore-forming, gram positive rods
Bacilus and Clostridium
How can you differentiate Bacillus and Clostridium?
Bacillus - Aerobic, Clostridium = Anareobic (in an air tight CLOSet)
Name the 2 pathogenic aerobic spore forming rods
B. anthracis, B. cereus
What is an unusual component of the B. anthracis capsule?
Protein (poly-D-glutamic acid)
What disease is caused by B. anthracis spores?
Anthrax, from infected animal products (e.g., goat hair)
What plasmid contain the virulence factors in B. anthracis?
pXO1 and pXO2
What activates pXO1 and pXO2?
heat, CO2, serum proteins
Organs succeptible to B. anthracis infection
skin (most common), lungs, GI
Result of B. arnthrcis skin infection
localized necrosis,painless black lesion (malignant pustule) with ring of edema
Treatment for B. anthracis skin infection
What 3 toxins are encoded on the pXO1 plasmid of B. anthracis?
1) Edema Factor (EF): inc. cAMP, impairs neutros, massive edema
2) Protective Antigen (PA): puts EF into phagocytes
3) Lethal Factor (LF): zinc metalloprotease, inactives protein kinase, cause macro to release TNF-a and IL-1B
What is the purpose of the pXO2 plasmid?
Encodes 3 genes for the synthesis of the poly-glutamyl capsule (inhib. phago)
Treatment for systemic B. anthracis infection
ciprofloxacin or doxycycline
B. cereus secretes what 2 enterotoxins that cause food poisoning?
1) heat labile toxin: like cholera toxin
2) heat stable toxin: like Staph. aureus food poisoning

Both cause diarrhea, ab pain, nausea
Do you treat B. cereus food poisoning with antibiotics?
NO!!! Be Serious! The symptoms are a result of an pre-formed enterotoxin.
Name 4 diseases caused by Clostridium
1) botulism
2) tetanus
3) gas gangrene
4) pseudomembranous colitis
Action of Clostridium botulinim
- Bacteria release a lethal neurotoxin
- blocks release of ACh
- flaccid paralysis
- 3 types: Adult, Infant, Wound
Describe adult botulism
- From smoked fish or canned veges not cooked enough
- adults ingest NEUROTOXIN
- diplopia, dysphagia, respiratory paralysis
- Tx: antitoxin
Describe infant botulism
- From honey
- infants ingest SPORES
- "floppy baby"
- Tx: IVIG
Describe wound botulism
- Spores enter wound
- presents similar to adult form
- Tx: debridement, anti-toxin and antibiotics
Name the exotoxin released by Clostridium tetani
How does tetanospasmin causes tetanus?
- prevent release of inhibitory neurotransmitters (GABA and glycine) from Renshaw cells
Presentation of tetanus
- lockjaw
- grotesque grin (risus sardonicus)
How do you treat tetanus in the unvaccinated?
1) neutralize toxin (IVIG)
2) give booster
3) excise wound
4) penicillin
5) support + muscle relaxers
What bacteria causes gas gangrene?
Clostridium perfringens
What are the 3 classes of C. perfringens infection?
1) Cellulitis/wound infection: crepitus in skin
2) Clostridial myonecrosis: gas pockets in muscle from degrade
3) Diarrheal: food poisoning
What bacteria causes psuedo-membranous colitis?
Clostridium difficile
- following broad spec. antibiotics
- very "difficile" to give antibiotics
- stool sample to confirm
- kill with vanco or metronidazole
What is binary toxin CDT?
- made by C. diff.
- 15 to 20 times more powerful