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135 Cards in this Set

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Naked, icosahedral capsid
Smallest DNA viruses
Single stranded DNA virus (4.7 kb)
Genome is either + or - strand
Host cells must be in S phase for a productive infection
Disease caused?
B19 = fifth disease
(erythema infectiosum)

Typical “slapped-check” rash on face

lacy red rash spreads to arms and legs in children
B19 Epidemiology
Disease occurs in late winter and early spring
Transmitted by respiratory droplets
Most common in children ages 4-15

65% of adult population have been infected with B19
Human Papillomaviruses
dsDNA, circular genome (8 kb)
Classification is based on DNA sequence homology, over 100 serotypes
Grouped into types A-P
Cutaneous or mucosal HPV
Cause warts, cervical carcinomas
Encode proteins that promote cell growth
Human Papillomaviruses
Cutaneous warts
Types 1-4, on hands and feet
Resolves in 3-4 months
Mucosal warts
Benign head and neck tumors
Laryngeal, oral, conjunctival papilloma
Types 6, 11
Laryngeal can be life threatening to children -- obstructs the airways
Mucosal warts
Genital warts (types 6, 11)
Soft, flesh-colored warts that develop weeks-months after sexual contact
Cervical Dysplasia (types 16, 18)
Develop into cervical cancer
Papillomavirus infection in humans
Infect squamous epithelium of skin (warts) or mucous membranes (genital, oral)
Induce epithelial proliferation
Wart develops within 3-4 months
Viral infection remains local, can regress spontaneously
Papillomavirus life cycle
Virus binds to receptor
DNA is uncoated and delivered to nucleus
Early genes are expressed (E6 and E7)
DNA replication of viral genome
Late gene expression (capsid proteins)
Virus is assembled in NUCLEUS
Release by cell lysis
How do HPVs cause warts?
HPV genome (ds DNA)
E genes
E6 and E7 -- growth promoting properties
Disrupt cell growth cycle to drive cells into S phase
Quadrivalent vaccine

L1 coat proteins from HPV 6, 11, 16, 18

Administered to females, ages 12-29 and males, ages 9 to 26

Can only PREVENT, not treat, infections
ds DNA virus (36 kb)
Over 100 serotypes

Subgroups A-F based
on DNA homology
Adenovirus clinical syndromes
Pharyngitis/respiratory disease (Ad types 1-7)

Gastroenteritis and diarrhea (Ad 40, Ad 42)

Conjunctivitis (multiple types)
Adenovirus Genome
Early proteins promote cell growth and include a DNA polymerase, proteins that suppress host immune responses

Late proteins are capsid components
Adenovirus replication
EPISOMAL -- not integrated
Early genes
Cell cycle regulators and DNA polymerase
E1A and E1B -- oncogenes similar to papillomavirus E6 and E7 (bind to p105-Rb and p53)
Small viral RNAs to block interferon production/ PKR activation
E3 proteins block CTLs, TNF actions
Adenovirus epidemiology
Non-enveloped viruses
Resist drying, detergents, chlorine treatments, gastrointestinal tract enzymes
Spread by respiratory route
Close interactions of humans promotes spread (military barracks, day care, schools)
Can be shed for prolonged periods in the feces
DS DNA viruses (50-80 kb)
Three groups based on tropism ( alpha, beta, gamma)

Encode its own DNA polymerase (target for anti-virals)
Different members of this family can cause lytic, persistent, latent and immortalizing infections
Herpesvirus Diseases
HSV-2 --
VZV --
EBV --
CMV --
HHV-8 -
HSV-1-- cold sores, genital lesions
HSV-2 -- genital lesions
VZV -- chickenpox, shingles
EBV -- mono, Burkitt’s lymphoma
CMV -- infections for immunocomp.
HHV-8 -- Kaposi’s sarcoma-assoc. virus
Life cycle...
Infect and replicate in mucoepithelial cells
Cause disease at site of infection
Establish a latent infection of the innervating neurons
HSV latency life cycle
Virus travels by retrograde transport to the ganglion
“stress” reactivates virus and virus returns to initial site of infection
Treatment for HSV-induced warts
No vaccine
Acyclovir, valacyclovir, penciclovir, famciclovir
Deoxyguanosine analog
Acyclovir works best in cells with rapidly replicating virus
Not a cure
Inert by itself
ATP + HSV-2 thymidine kinase
= acyclovir phosphate
HSV DNA polymerase incorporates acyclovir into viral DNA
Viral DNA synthesis inhibited
Varicella zoster virus clinical syndromes
Chickenpox (lytic)
Fever, rash lasting 14 days

Shingles (Latent)
Severe pain in innervated areas
Rash in a belt or girdle shape
Epstein-Barr virus
Ultimate B cell parasite

Isolated from a B cell neoplasm (Burkitt’s lymphoma)

associated with infectious mononucleosis, Hodgkin’s disease and nasopharyngeal carcinoma
EBV Pathogenesis
Productive infection of B cells in the oropharynx
Virus replication, shedding in the saliva to establish a viremia
Virus spreads to other B cells in the body
Ds DNA virus (linear)


200 kb genome

Replicates in cytoplasm
Expresses its own polymerase and RNA synthesis enzymes

Human Monkeypox disease
Same presentation and time course as smallpox, HOWEVER
Rarely passed on from human to human
Only 10% mortality rate
Endemic in central and western African countries
Does not exist naturally in the USA
Molluscum contagiosum
Benign neoplasms (2-5 mm), pearly, central core
Persist for weeks to years
Direct skin-to-skin contact
Children and sexually active young adults
Opportunistic infection
Therapy includes freezing, burning
DNA virus that infects liver
Only one member -- Hepatitis B virus
Weird virus!!!!!

Partially ds, circular DNA genome
Virus carries a reverse transcriptase
Genome can integrate into host chromosome
Hepatitis virus family
Hepatitis A (RNA) -- fecal oral
Hepatitis B (DNA) -- sexual
Hepatitis C (RNA) -- sexual
Hepatitis D (RNA) -- sexual
Hepatitis E (RNA) -- fecal oral
Hepatitis B (DNA)
life cycle!
Entry into hepatocyte
Completion of dsDNA genome in cytoplasm
DNA delivered to nucleus
Transcription of genome
3 small mRNAs = translation into core proteins
1 large mRNA = surrounded by core proteins
(-)DNA is synthesized by reverse transcriptase activity in core
(-) RNA in core is degraded, (+) DNA is synthesized
Core is enveloped and virus is released by exocytosis
Hep B and Cancer Link
Worldwide, chronic HepB infections cause 80% of all primary liver cancers (cancer starts in the liver cells)

Primary liver cancer is the third cause of cancer death in many Asian and African countries

500,000 people die each year from primary liver cancer
Hepatitis B disease
Spread by blood, sexual contact, birth
Range from acute to chronic
Immune response of person determines it
Acute disease = fever, rash, malaise
90-95% of people clear virus
Chronic hepatitis
10% of those patients develop cirrhosis and liver failure
Very close association with hepatocellular carcinoma and HBV
Vaccine given to newborns
Transmitted by sexual intercourse, blood, direct injection into bloodstream (needle) and birth

Moves from point of entry to the liver; multiply in liver cells; genome integrates into hepatocytes

Patient may be symptom-free for up to 45 days

Symptoms : jaundice, malaise, anorexia
protein-phospholipid membrane from the host cell membrane (cytoplasmic or nuclear) that covers the capsid
Only some viruses are enveloped
HIV, herpesviruses

Enveloping occurs when the virus leaves the cell (budding) or during cell lysis

Wrapping of virus particle with cellular membrane material
Viral Envelope glycoproteins
Normal cellular membrane
Viral proteins are embedded in the phospholipid bilayer membrane
Project outward, like spikes
Mediate attachment of virus to host cell membrane
Non-enveloped viruses (NAKED)
Viruses that have no envelope
Capsid without a cover
Capsid proteins mediate attachment to host cell
Non- Enveloped Viruses
Resistant to acid (gut), resistant to detergents and bile, remains in tact in raw sewage, stable in water
Resistant to pH changes

Spread by aerosol, fecal-oral route
Three stages of virus infection
Attachment and Entry Into the Host Cell

Replication of Virus Genome and Synthesis of Viral Proteins

Assembly and Release of nascent virions
DNA virus high points
Most DNA viruses replicate in the nucleus
Temporal expression of genes
DNA to mRNA to protein
DNA copied to more progeny genomes
Progeny genome is inserted into capsid
(+) single strand (SS) RNA viruses
(+) RNA = mRNA
Can be translated immediately upon entering the cytoplasm

Need an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase to replicate viral RNA
Enzyme is not present in host cells
Therefore, RNA virus will make its own RNA polymerase
(+) RNA viruses
(+) RNA = mRNA
Can be translated immediately upon entering the cytoplasm

Need an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase to replicate viral RNA
Not present in host cells
Therefore, (+) RNA viruses will code for their own RNA pol

Entire life cycle occurs in the cytoplasm
No division into early v. late gene expression
(-) RNA viruses
Anti-sense or (-) RNA cannot
be translated by host cell

Virus packs an RNA polymerase
Into its virion

(-) RNA is “transcribed” into
(+) RNA
Retrovirus Replication
RNA genome

Retro = reverse transcriptase (RT)

Enzyme that reverse transcribed RNA
Into copy DNA

These viruses have a DNA stage not
Present in other RNA viruses

They have a weird life cycle!
Assembly and Release of the Virion
Release by budding (enveloped viruses)

Release by lysis (naked virus)
RNA viruses
Most viral RNA replicates in cytoplasm (except for orthomyxoviruses / flu)

RNA viruses must encode an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase
(-) RNA viruses carry a pre-formed RNA pol in the virion
Most infections are lytic
+) RNA viruses
(+) RNA = mRNA
Can be translated immediately upon entering the cytoplasm

Need an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase to replicate viral RNA
Enzyme is not present in host cells
Therefore, (+) RNA virus will make its own RNA polymerase
Potential drug target

Genome resembles mRNA
Single strand of (+) RNA
Poly A at the 3’ end
High mutation rates of genomes

Spread by fecal-oral route
Picornavirus family:

Hepatitis A virus]
Poliovirus (polio)
Echovirus (diarrhea)
Rhinovirus (common cold)
Coxsackievirus (mild URI or flu; hand, foot and mouth disease)
Hepatitis A virus (hepatitis)

Sometimes these viruses are called ENTEROVIRUSES
Picornavirus pathogenesis
Target tissue determines the disease caused by the virus

Transmitted by fecal-oral route

Upper respir. tract, oropharynx are portals of entry

Virions are resistant to bile, stomach acids
Picornavirus replication
Standard method for (+) RNA virus replication
Cell surface receptor specificity differs between groups
Ig superfamily, ICAM-1, CD55
Enterovirus epidemiology
Fecal-oral route for spread
Asymptomatic shedding for up to 1 month
Sewage contamination results in outbreaks, also in schools and day care settings
Summer is major season
Causes hand-foot-and-mouth disease, painful blisters
Meningitis, myocarditis
No specific treatment
Virus spreads via droplets or fecal-oral route
Symptoms resolve in 2-7 days
Can cause complications when pregnant mother passes it on to newborn
Hepatitis A virus
Fecal-oral route, contaminated shellfish, daycare workers and children
Oral acquisition, enters bloodstream
Infects liver cells (shedding in stool)
Fever, fatigue, abdominal pain, jaundice or no symptoms
99% of people completely recover

Hep A vaccine (killed) is available
Causes the common cold
Sensitive to acids, cannot replicate in GI tract (unlike other picornaviruses)

Virus enters through nose, eyes or mouth
Grow best at 33C
Viral replication in the nose & severity of symptoms correlate with the time and quantity of virus being shed
Poliovirus- disease
paralytic polio in 0.1 to 2% of all infected people
Virus spreads from the blood to the anterior horn cells of the spinal cord
Severity of paralysis depends upon the extent of neuronal infection
Poliovirus vaccine
Salk vaccine (IPV)
Formalin inactivated, injected
Sabin vaccine (OPV)
Live attenuated, oral
Inexpensive, easy to administer, almost 100% efficient
Occasionally reverts to a virulent form
Last natural polio case in U.S = 1979
Polio is still prevalent in third world countries
Calicivirus/Norovirus/Norwalk-like virus pathogenesis

Resistant to detergents, drying and acid
Transmitted by fecal-oral route, contaminated food & water
Common on cruise ships

Cause outbreaks of gastroenteritis
Virus compromises the function of the intestinal brush border
Diarrhea with nausea and vomiting for 2 days
No lasting immunity
(+) ss RNA genome (mRNA-like)
30 kbp is linear

Sensitive to drying, but some strains can survive the gi tract

Crown appearance of virion

SARS, common colds

(+) ss RNA genome (mRNA-like)
30 kbp is linear

Sensitive to drying, but some strains can survive the gi tract
Coronavirus pathogenesis
Transmitted by aerosol from respiratory secretions
Replicates mostly in the URI (optimum temperature here)
Mild, self-limited disease (classical “cold” or upset stomach)
Mainly in infants and children, outbreaks in winter and spring
SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome)
High fever (greater than 100 F)
Most patients develop pneumonia
Death due to progressive respiratory failure due to alveolar damage
enveloped (= toga/cloaked)
Three genera of this family
Alphavirus = eastern equine, Western equine encephalitis
Rubivirus = Rubella (German measles)
Arterivirus (no known disease in humans)
Alphavirus Togaviridiae
eastern equine, Western equine encephalitis
Rubella (German measles)
Rubella virus
Respiratory virus
Causes “Rubella” or “German measles”

One of the five classic childhood diseases
Maternal rubella infection results in severe congenital defects
Rubella virus pathogenesis
Viremia spreads virus throughout body -- mild rash

Antibody prevents spread of virus to fetus (important for pregnant woman)
Rubella congenital infection
If there’s no antibody, the virus can replicate in the placenta and spread to the fetal blood supply and throughout the fetus
Virus is not cytolytic, but prevents normal growth and development of cells
Improper development of fetus, low birth weight, cataracts, deafness, mental retardation
Fetus is at most risk until the 20th week of pregnancy
Rubella disease
Lab diagnosis
Detect genome by RT-PCR
Anti-rubella-specific IgM
Rubella disease
Treatment, control
No treatment
Live cold-adapted vaccine (MMR) given at 24 mos of age
Prevent seronegative mothers
Respiratory, enteric, orphan viruses
Rotavirus = diarrhea
Responsible for 50% of all hospitalized childhood diarrhea cases

Ds RNA, segmented genome
Responsible for 50% of all hospitalized childhood diarrhea cases

Ds RNA, segmented genome
Reovirus Replication
Virus enters gi tract
Virion is partially digested in gut
Loss of external capsid VP7 protein, cleavage of VP4 protein
Produces the ISVP form (infectious subviral particle)
VP4 binds to sialic acid
Release of core into cytoplasm (contains RNA polymerase)
Double stranded RNA genome is always associated with the core
Transcription is in two phases
Early: (-) RNA -- template for making (+) RNA; mRNA is translated
Late: (+) RNA in cores -- copied to make (-) RNA in the new cores, core polymerase makes another (+) RNA for the DS RNA
Assembly and release by cell lysis
Virus transmitted via fecal-oral route
Virus replicates in epithelial cells in small intestine
TONS of viral particles produced and released
Infection prevents absorption of water, resulting in diarrhea

Leads to severe dehydration
Extremely contagious
No antiviral therapy
Supportive therapy
(-) RNA
8 segments per virion

Respiratory viruses that causes classic flu symptoms

Influenza A,B,C
Virus binding to the host cell
HA binds to the cell via sialic acid moities
HA forms a spike shaped trimer

Elicits protective neutralizing antibodies

Mutations in HA is the cause of minor and major changes in antigenicity of a virus (epi- or pandemic)
Orthomyxovirus replication
Fuses with vesicle membrane
Proton channel formed by the M2 protein
RNA goes to nucleus
Viral transcriptase steals methylated cap from host mRNA and adds it to viral RNA
(+) RNA is also made in nucleus, and (-) RNA is synthesized in the nucleus
NA cleaves virus from host cell
New influenza strains causing disease (H1N1 influenza)
Caused by antigenic shift and drift of the HA and NA flu genes

Shift = re-assortment of HA and NA genes (between animals-> pandemic)

Drift = mutation of HA and NA genes

Only occurs with influenza A virus; zoonotic virus
A method to make large genetic changes in the viral genome (responsible for pandemics)
Only works with viruses that have segmented genomes (influenza)
How does influenza mutate?
Most Influenza A infects birds (non-pathogenic)
Influenza A circulates and infects pigs
Reassortment in pigs
Transmission of new influenza virus to humans
History of H1N1/09 virus
Enzoonotic in pigs in North America in the late 1990s
Spread to humans
Virus spreads easily from human-to-human
First outbreak was reported in Mexico
Spread globally via travel
Sequencing of virus revealed it is a triple reassortment virus
Resulted from mixing of influenza virus A in pigs
Zanamavir and oseltamivir
Zanamivir = Relenza
Oseltamivir = Tamiflu

H1N1/09 Flu vaccine
37 companies making the vaccine
majority are heat killed vaccines
Produce 876 M doses per year (largely due to H5N1 preparedness)
Types of Flu Vaccine
Inactivated flu virus
70-90% effective
“FluMist” -- intranasal influenza vaccine using live, attenuated virus
35% effective
Not for a majority of people, including hospital workers
Organisms found in the resident microbiota
Staphylococcus epidermidis and S. aureus (gram-positive,

α-Hemolytic streptococci (gram-positive, facultatives)

Streptococcus mutans (teeth), S. salivarius (teeth and
tongue) (gram-positive, facultatives)

Actinomyces (between teeth and gingival crevices)
(gram-positive, anaerobes)

Porphyromonas, Fusobacterium (gums) (gram-negative,

Spirochetes (gums) (anaerobes)

Anaerobic cocci (gums) (gram-positive, anaerobes)
. Organisms found in the resident microbiota

Staphylococcus epidermidis and S. aureus (just inside
nares) (gram-positive, aerobes)

Diphtheroids (gram-positive, aerobes)

Occasionally Moraxella (gram-negative cocci,
aerobes) and Streptococcus spp.
(gram-positive, facultatives)
Any number of viruses can cause rhinitis, but the two most important causes are rhinoviruses and coronaviruses.
Rhinoviruses belong to the picornavirus family. They are nonenveloped icosahedral viruses with a nonsegmented single-strand positive sense RNA genome. The capsid consists of 4 proteins (VP1-VP4). VP1 mediates adherence to host cells and is the protein against which a protective antibody response is directed.
Rhinoviruses attach to a host cell protein
involved in adhesion of host cells to each other
ICAM-1 mediates the adhesion of PMNs to endothelial cells
symptoms of the common cold are caused by
vasodilating effects of inflammatory mediators such as cytokines, which cause fluids from blood to accumulate in respiratory tissues.
secondary complications
rhinovirus infections
bacterial sinusitis or otitis media
lower respiratory tract disease and exacerbation of asthma
inflammation of the pharynx and/or tonsils caused by a variety of microorganisms
most often caused by viruses
S. pyogenes -Pharyngitis
acute glomerulonephritis (inflammation of the kidney) and
rheumatic heart disease (damage of the heart valves).
S. pyogenes
virulence factors
relevant to pharyngitis
Protein F
surface protein, protein F, which mediates attachment to fibronectin molecules on pharyngeal cells- aid in colonization of the throat
Protein F also plays a role in allowing S. pyogenes to enter host cells
S. pyogenes
virulence factors
relevant to pharyngitis
M protein
S. pyogenes is able to resist phagocytosis because it is covered with a layer of fibrillar protein structures, composed of M protein

M protein binds serum factor H better than factor Bb and thus discourages complement activation and prevents opsonization of the bacteria by C3b
80 different types of M protein
hyaluronic acid capsule
S. Pyrogenes virulence factors
hyaluronic acid capsule that is identical to the hyaluronic acid in human connective tissue so as a result it is not immunogenic. Strains with such a capsule usually cause severe infections.
streptolysin O
a pore-forming cytotoxin that kills many different cell types and contributes to the zone of β-hemolysis seen around colonies growing on a blood agar plate
Corynebacterium diphtheriae
best known for causing diphtheria
Another cause of pharyngitis

nonmotile, gram-positive rod that colonizes the throat
does not have a capsule and does not form spores
produce the main virulence factor, diphtheria toxin, which acts locally on mucosal cells to produce a mat of dead tissue (pseudomembrane)
toxin enters the circulation
Diphtheria toxin
B subunit recognizes a glycoprotein found on many different cell types, a cell bound form of heparin binding epidermal growth factor

can attack many but not all types of host cells

component of diphtheria toxin ADP-ribosylates elongation factor-2 (EF-2), a protein that is essential for host cell protein synthesis.

ADP-ribosylation of EF-2 stops host cell protein synthesis and the cell dies.

gene for diphtheria toxin is carried on a bacteriophage
same viruses that cause pharyngitis (e.g., rhinoviruses, adenoviruses, influenza viruses, and parainfluenza viruses)

Occasionally (~ 1% of cases) a secondary bacterial infection occurs. Streptococcus pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae
Otitis Media
eustachian tube becomes blocked and drainage is prevented

initial cause is usually a viral upper respiratory infection

After a few days, bacterial members of the oral microbiota move into the area

S. pneumoniae and H. influenzae. Moraxella catarrhalis may also cause such infections.
Acute Bronchitis
Bronchitis is defined as inflammation of the tracheobronchial tree

typically follows an upper respiratory tract infection such as rhinitis

cause in about 95% of cases is one of the usual cast of viral characters such as influenza, parainfluenza, adenovirus, rhinovirus, coronavirus and respiratory syncytial virus. Rarely bacterial species cause bronchitis. The usual bacterial pathogens are Mycoplasma pneumoniae and Chlamydophila pneumoniae.
B. pertussis, a small gram-negative coccobacillus that has complex nutritional requirements.

It is normally grown on medium containing blood.

The bacteria are spread from human to human by aerosols or direct contact.

The organism attaches to ciliated respiratory cells and kills them. The infected person develops a cough that can become severe enough to cause convulsions and cyanosis. The clinical symptoms of whooping cough are seen primarily in children and infants. The infected person is most contagious in the early coughing stage.
virulence factors of Bordetella
Filamentous hemagglutinin, a pilus-like structure is important for specific attachment to ciliated cells.

exotoxin, pertussis toxin contains components that bind ciliated cells. contributes to the killing of ciliated cells
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), a member of the paramyxovirus family, is a helical enveloped virus with a nonsegmented, negative-sense, single-stranded RNA genome

responsible for the majority of severe bronchiolitis an acute lower respiratory tract infection in infants under the age of 2 years
acute laryngotracheobronchitis

infection of both the upper and lower respiratory tract

caused by a variety of microbes, the parainfluenza viruses are the most common causes.

Parainfluenza viruses (serotypes 1, 2, 3 and 4) are also members of the paramyxovirus family so they are enveloped viruses with a nonsegmented negative-sense, single-stranded RNA genome.

have neuraminidase and hemagglutinin

antigenic shift does not occur because their genomes are not segmented.

nonbacterial respiratory infections in infants and young children
caused by viruses or by bacteria
gram-positive diplococcus

human-specific pathogen that is acquired by inhalation of aerosols

most common cause of bacterial pneumonia

, 3,000 cases of meningitis, 50,000 cases of blood stream infection, 500,000 cases of bacterial pneumonia, and 7 million cases of ear infection

Resistance to ß-lactam antibiotics
S. pneumoniae
virulence factors
i) an antiphagocytic capsule, of which there are at least 90 serotypes, ii) cell wall components that elicit a strong inflammatory response, iii) an intracellular toxin, iv) autolysins, and v) an extracellular protease
M. pneumoniae causes a debilitating flu-like illness that has been called "walking pneumonia" because it is not as severe as pneumococcal pneumonia.

low-grade fever, headache, malaise, and a persistent cough.

short duration but in some cases can last up to 3 weeks.

generally limited to the lung and does not become systemic

M. pneumoniae does not have LPS, LTA, or the peptidoglycan fragments
relatively newly discovered cause of primary interstitial pneumonia

obligate intracellular parasites with a gram-negative cell wall and gram-negative type LPS, but no peptidoglycan.

include sore throat, low-grade fever and a persistent cough.
a gram-negative motile rod with complex nutritional requirements,

incidence of L. pneumophila pneumonia has increased dramatically in recent years because of the installation of air-conditioning systems i

most likely to develop in people with underlying conditions that impair airway defenses.
L. pneumophila virulence factor
ability to grow inside macrophages

L. pneumophila also produces a phospholipase and a metalloprotease with hemolytic activity. These enzymes could contribute to lung damage.
orthomyxovirus family. It has a helical capsid and an envelope. The genome is negative sense, single stranded RNA consisting of 8 segments. The envelope contains two glycoproteins, hemagglutinin (H) and neuraminidase (N). The H protein mediates attachment of the virus to sialic acid residues on the host cell surface. Antibodies to H protein block this interaction.
Amantidine and rimantidine
two antivirals used to prevent and treat seasonal influenza, act by binding to M protein and inhibiting the uncoating process

only effective if given within the first 48 hr and they are only effective against influenza A, not influenza B
How does influenza virus cause death?
In some people, however, the virus can move into the lungs and cause destruction of lung tissue. This appears to be the case for pandemic H1N1. In this situation death is due to reduced ability of the lungs to introduce oxygen into the blood and remove carbon dioxide. Moreover, extensive tissue destruction is usually accompanied by massive release of cytokines

most common cause of deaths associated with influenza is a secondary bacterial infection of the lung, i.e., bacterial pneumonia.
Mycobacterium tuberculosis

M. tuberculosis enters the lungs on aerosols, it is ingested by alveolar macrophages. However, M. tuberculosis can survive and grow in macrophages.
M. tuberculosis
rod that has a gram-positive cytoplasmic membrane and a peptidoglycan cell wall. In addition to peptidoglycan, there are lipoarabinomannans and lipomannans, which are embedded in the cytoplasmic membrane and extend outward from the bacterial surface, and arabinogalactan and mycolic acids, which are attached to the peptidoglycan.

Mycobacteria do not destain with the acid-alcohol and are therefore termed acid-fast.

Mycolic acids are found only in a few groups of bacteria, including Mycobacterium spp. and Corynebacterium spp. Mycolic acids and other mycobacterial cell wall components stimulate antibody production and are the active ingredients in Freund's adjuvant. During an infection, mycolic acids may contribute to the strong antibody response seen in some people. Antibodies have no protective effect because M. tuberculosis is able to grow in macrophages and is resistant to killing by complement.

High antibody titers to mycobacterial antigens are actually correlated with the more serious form of the disease
M. tuberculosis

virulence factor
ability to survive and grow in macrophages

binds directly to macrophage surface protein CR3, the normal receptor for iC3b

Binding is followed by internalization of the bacteria in a vesicle.

The internalized bacteria reduce the oxidative burst of the macrophage and reduce IL-12 production, which leads to suppression of the Th1 response. Although antibodies are useless in controlling TB, the Th1-stimulated cell-mediated response, especially the activated macrophage response, is critical.
M. tuberculosis
The Th1 response can also be inhibited
Lipoarabinomannans of the mycobacterial cell wall inhibit activation of T helper cells. Th1 cells produce gamma-interferon, which is necessary for activation of macrophages. High enough levels of lipoarabinomannans shed in an infected lung may thus delay activation of macrophages and protect the bacteria from this protective host response.
Isoniazid and ethionamide

by inhibiting mycolic acid synthesis

Ethambutol is thought to inhibit carbohydrate metabolism
these fungi are usually described as dimorphic, i.e., fungi that exist in the mycelial form in the environment and in the yeast form in the human body

Cryptococcus has traditionally been considered to be a yeast, but some species have now been shown to have a mycelial



most abundant in the southeastern and north¬eastern U.S.

Histoplasma is found mainly in the middle U.S., and is most abundant in areas like chicken coops that are contaminated with bird feces.

Cryptococcus is also found most commonly in soil contaminated with bird feces, but is not as geographically localized

Coccidioides is found mainly in the southwestern U.S. in sandy soils
fungal pathogen/yeast

In the lung, the trophozoite form of P. jiroveci associates tightly with lung cells (pneumocytes).

Proliferation of the trophozoites in the lung results in destruction of cells lining the alveoli, damage to pneumocytes, and elicitation of an eosinophilic host response

Perhaps enzymes released by the eosinophils digest lung cell surfaces and contribute to the foamy exudate and "honey-comb" appearance of lung tissue that is the hallmark of the disease
Aspergillus species are best known as producers of aflatoxins, but Aspergillus spp. can also cause oral and lung infections

a fungus that does not assume the yeast form can cause serious disease

In the lung, the fungi grow in the mycelial form and cause damage both because they evoke a tissue-damaging host cell-mediated response and also because growth of the mycelial mat causes tissue damage.
These mats (also called fungus balls) usually form in a lung cavity resulting from some previous infection (e.g., tuberculosis or histoplasmosis
Hepatitis A
transmitted person-to-person by ingestion of contaminated food or water or through direct contact with an infectious person

he disease can be prevented by vaccination

Symptoms typically appear 2 to 6 weeks, (the incubation period), after the initial infection
Hepatitis A- life cycle
HAV enters the bloodstream through the epithelium of the oropharynx or intestine

fecal-oral route

ingestion of shellfish cultivated in polluted water is associated with a high risk of infection

The blood carries the virus to its target, the liver, where it multiplies within hepatocytes and Kupffer cells (liver macrophages). Virions are secreted into the bile and released in stool. HAV is excreted in large quantities approximately 11 days prior to appearance of symptoms or anti-HAV IgM antibodies in the blood

Within the liver hepatocytes the RNA genome is released from the protein coat and is translated by the cell's own ribosomes. Unlike other members of the Picornaviruses this virus requires an intact eukaryote initiating factor 4G (eIF4G) for the initiation of translation
Hepatitis virus (HAV)
a Picornavirus; it is non-enveloped and contains a single-stranded RNA packaged in a protein shell.
There is only one serotype of the virus, but multiple genotypes exist
Hepatitis B
serum hepatitis

exposure to infectious blood or body fluids

liver inflammation, vomiting, jaundice and rarely, death. Chronic hepatitis B may eventually cause liver cirrhosis and liver cancer—a fatal disease with very poor response to current chemotherapy.

The infection is preventable by vaccination.
Hepatitis B virus
hepadnavirus—hepa from hepatotrophic and dna because it is a DNA virus[7]—and it has a circular genome composed of partially double-stranded DNA. The viruses replicate through an RNA intermediate form by reverse transcription, and in this respect they are similar to retroviruses.[8] Although replication takes place in the liver, the virus spreads to the blood where virus-specific proteins and their corresponding antibodies are found in infected people.
genome of HBV
The genome of HBV is made of circular DNA, but it is unusual because the DNA is not fully double-stranded. One end of the full length strand is linked to the viral DNA polymerase
Hepatitis C
chronic infection can progress to scarring of the liver (fibrosis), and advanced scarring (cirrhosis)

In some cases, those with cirrhosis will go on to develop liver failure or other complications of cirrhosis, including liver cancer

spread by blood-to-blood contact.

No vaccine against hepatitis C is currently available.
Acute hepatitis C
decreased appetite, fatigue, abdominal pain, jaundice, itching, and flu-like symptoms. Hep C genotypes 2A and 3A have the highest cure rates, at 81% and 74% respectively.
Chronic hepatitis C
roughly one-third progress to liver cirrhosis in less than 20 years
hepatitis C virus
small (50 nm in size), enveloped, single-stranded, positive sense RNA virus. It is the only known member of the hepacivirus genus in the family Flaviviridae. There are six major genotypes of the hepatitis C virus, which are indicated numerically (e.g., genotype 1, genotype 2, etc.).

heterosexual vaginal intercourse is thought to be a rare means of transmission of hepatitis C infection
Hepatitis D,
disease caused by a small circular enveloped RNA virus.

HDV is considered to be a subviral satellite because it can propagate only in the presence of the Hepatitis B virus (HBV)
HDV genome
enveloped negative sense, single-stranded, closed circular RNA

Because of a nucleotide sequence that is 70% self-complementary, the HDV genome forms a partially double stranded RNA structure that is described as rod-like
Hepatitis E
EV is a positive-sense single-stranded RNA icosahedral virus with a 7.5 kilobase genome

HEV has a fecal-oral transmission route

The virus itself is a small non-enveloped particle.

is a polyadenylated single-strand RNA molecule that contains three discontinuous and partially overlapping open reading frames